If You Have To Ask if a Shirt Is Ugly, It Probably Is.

I have a creamy yellow sweater… well, I had it until a week ago. But it had to go.

Here’s the thing. I look terrible in yellow.  And I KNOW this.  And yet, the sweater remained, for more years than it deserved.  I didn’t want to give it away – it was warm, well made and expensive.  I have fallen in and out of love with this sweater for years, saving it again this year to wear with a belt.

Recently, optimism won out again, and the yellow sweater made it out of the closet and on to my body on a particularly chilly evening for an event at school.  And photos were taken.  And posted on the school PR page.  And I STILL looked terrible in the sweater.  Yikes.

Friends, listen to your intuition.  If an item is beautiful, but not beautiful on you, it needs to go away.

The yellow sweater is gone, gone, gone.  It can bless someone else now.

Spring-like temperatures are here, and this week is National Clean out Your Closet Week AND National Clutter Awareness Week.  These factors motivated me to start switching my clothes out for the season and to purge some items.

Yesterday, as I got dressed for a presentation, I held a shirt in my hand, and heard myself say out loud “I just can’t decide if its ugly or not”.  Guess what?  If I can’t decide if its ugly or not, I will NEVER wear it.  So remaining undecided is not really an option.  If there is even a slight concern that a clothing item might be ugly, I am never going to choose it over another not-ugly item.

If you can’t decide if an item is ugly or not, it probably IS ugly.   If you have a doubt about an item, or if you pick it up and look at it with that crinkle in your forehead as you try to figure out when you would ever wear it… You Are Never Going to Wear It. Let it go.

Wrong color, wrong cut, bad pattern, baggy or unflattering?  Just let it go.

We all tend to have too much in our closet, as opposed to not enough.  So it is typically safe to err on the side of caution.  You deserve clothes that you don’t have to question.