Last Week’s Cold-Apalooza Tested My Mug Math (Duplicates) Theory

A recent gift from a beloved friend,

Apparently, we eat a lot of foods out of mugs.

During last week’s Cold-Apalooza (coined by my client J.!),  we dirtied ALMOST all the mugs on the mug shelf.

All 5 of us were home, stuck inside and quite snacky.  There was coffee, of course. Tea.  Soup.  Hot Chocolate.  Brownies-in-a-mug (yes, that’s a thing).  Ice cream.  You get the picture.

Yep, we used ALMOST all the mugs on the mug shelf (approx. 14), but we didn’t run out.   So we have ENOUGH, but NOT TOO MANY.  Perfect.

If you have attended one of my presentations, you have probably heard me mention “Mug Math”.   “Mug Math” is a funny (in presentations, funny=memorable) tool we use to help folks determine just how many of a certain something they really need.

We  discuss Duplicates in the context of clearing clutter.  In my presentation, it goes something like this:

“Let’s talk about Duplicates. As in, how many duplicate items do you really need? For example, ‘Mug Math’.”
(quizzical looks from some, nervous chuckling from others)

“How many people in my house drink coffee?”
(I hold up one finger and then point it at myself)

“How many cups a day does she drink?”
(I hold up two fingers, but then say as an aside, I use the same cup.)

“How often does she run the dishwasher?”
(Every other day.)

Then we conclude with “I NEED 4 mugs, but of course I have more than 4 mugs.”

“But do I have 40?  Um, no.”  Not even if I count the ones on the very top shelf with the good dishes.

“And do I have to see all of them all the time?  Certainly not.”   I do NOT need to dedicate an entire cabinet to a type of item that I only use 5 or 6 of regularly.

My recently purchased Carbon Leaf 25 mug.

So, I am happy to announce that our Mug Math works, even in extreme circumstances. We certainly could have washed some out, but I digress.  I probably could purge more, or store them elsewhere, but I like variety and I have the space on my shelf for the approximately 12″x 12″ (one shelf, one cabinet door wide) footprint the everyday mugs take up.

The question is, of course… in what other areas of our home or office can we apply “Mug Math”? Let’s reframe it as “Towel Math”, instead.  How many sets of towels do you need? How many dirty people will ever need clean towels in your house at the same time?  Assuming regular laundry habits, we don’t need dozens of towels.

How Many of the following items are enough?  How many are TOO MANY?!  Like mugs and bath towels and… (with some help from my FB friends)

  • t-shirts
  • old sneakers for “yard work”
  • charging cords
  • crayons and cups full of pencils, pens or markers (JF, LK, JB!)
  • reading glasses
  • drinking glasses (thanks AR!) of every type
  • dish towels
  • sofa blankets (thanks KM!)
  • storage containers (thanks SM and MW!)
  • jackets (thanks SRC and SM!)
  • kitchen items like pizza cutters, potato peelers, measuring spoons, meat thermometers (thanks, MC!)
  • craft supplies, school supplies (JF, VB!)
  • cleaning supplies
  • handbags, wallets, wristlets
  • fat cells (thanks, CK!)
  • clothes in off sizes (SW!)
  • Tweezers, nail clippers, eyelash curlers… WHY??????? (thanks, KB!)

So what to do about it?!

  • Ask the tough questions and do your own mug math!  How many is enough, and how many is too many?
  • If you never get to the bottom of the piles, you don’t need all of what is in the pile!
  • Consider what you will actually use!
  • Stick with your favorites!
  • Stop buying more, and make sure to rotate your inventory!

So, if the cold is keeping you inside this week, look around and see where you can apply some Mug  Math, too!

Managing Transitions: Change of Seasons – 85 Tuesday, 40 Thursday

It’s October in the Midwest, my favorite time of year.  One of the traits that makes it my favorite is its capricious nature.  Take, for example, the second week of October, when I started this blog article.

  • Tuesday, October 9 – sunny and 85 degrees…
  • Thursday, October 11 – the low temperature was around 40 degrees  overnight.
  • Less than 48 hours, 45 degree differential.   Wow.

The onset of cold weather can trigger a number of events.  For example:

  • That week, the cold weather triggered my van’s low tire pressure sensors, since cold air contracts.  A quick and free stop at the Toyota dealer on my way out of town on a road trip took care of that in no time!  Or…
  • Friday evening that week, when it was 58 degrees inside my house and only getting colder overnight, it was time to turn on the heat.

From an organizational point of view, there are a number of tasks that come with colder weather!  Tackle a couple of these this week, and get a handle on your Autumn!

Transition your closet for colder weather.

  • Review your summer items.  Donate or toss anything that is too tattered to wear again, or that no longer fits or appeals to you.
  • Take special items to the cleaners, making sure to pick them up again in a week!
  • Pack up, or move to the back of the closet, any clothes that you know you want to keep but that you won’t wear again until Spring.  And then finish bringing forward or unpacking your colder weather clothes!
  • Practice the same review and rotate process with your shoes, too!

Check out that basket or pile of things by the door.

  • In  my house, there’s a basket near the back door, and this week we swapped baseball caps and rain ponchos and to stocking caps, ear muffs and gloves. It’s time to put away the beach towels and summer sports gear, as well.
  • Review the pile of shoes.  As much as I love wearing sandals (And I do. love. wearing. sandals, like these in the picture – my new faves!), it’s time to put the summer shoes away for the season.  Toss or donate shoes that are too small, too beat up, or without a mate.  Wash what you can, take in any items for repairs, and put away the summer stuff.  I store my off- season clothes and shoes together, on the top shelf of my closet.  Not so far that I can’t get them out again if I really need them, but certainly not in the way.

Transition Your Home, and Get Cozy:

  • Get your furnace cleaned and checked out;
  • Switch your fans to spin clockwise for winter;
  • Empty your garden hoses and turn off the water to your outdoor spigots;
  • Put the “cold weather bag”, as one client calls it, back in the car filled with an extra blanket or 2, Clif or granola bars, window scrapers, jumper cables, etc.;
  • The first weekend in November, change your clocks, change your smoke detector batteries, and test your CO2 monitors, as well; and
  • Get cozy.  Last week, I bought new pillows for our family room couch and added comfy throws to a couple of arm chairs, plus I checked my inventory my tea and cold weather beverages!

Look around and see what you can do to manage your seasonal changes this week!

Shop Your Own Stuff First

It’s fair to say, most of us have plenty of stuff.  Sometimes, more stuff than we need!  And sometimes, we have excessive amounts of things, but we STILL CAN’T FIND THEM!  ( So frustrating, I know.)

I taught two classes in Woodbridge this summer. A participant who attended both was chatting with me before the second class began.  She said that my advice to “shop your stuff first” had really resonated with her. She used the example of deviled ham:  Her husband had a taste for deviled ham, and asked her to pick some up at the store when she was out. She asked him if he had checked the cabinet first, and proceeded to find 4 cans of ham in the cabinet already. This is not a criticism, by any means, because many of us operate exactly that way! It happens!

Cleaning out a client’s linen closet last week, she kept exclaiming “Oh great, I was just going to have to go buy this or that” when we came across new items like cleaning supplies, unwrapped pillowcases and sheet sets, first aid supplies, light bulbs, etc.

I’ve been in homes with overcrowded bathroom storage and linen closets, with a dozen rolls of toilet paper in every storage space… except the bathroom that needed some!

The moral of this story (or this blog article, at least), is to Always Shop Your Own Stuff First.

Shopping Your Own Stuff First helps you:

  • Save money by not re-buying items, and by using up your stuff before it has a chance to expire;
  • Save time by reducing your errands and shopping; and
  • Cut down on clutter by avoiding excess stock piles of stuff

But to make the “Shop Your Own Stuff First” advice work, we need to set our homes up to succeed.

Determine what you have.

Explore all those places in your home where you stash purchased inventory.  Perhaps your closets, cabinets, laundry or utility rooms, your car’s trunk, the garage, etc.?

Establish a home (or homes)  for storing your inventory. 

We have chrome shelves in the laundry room where we keep our extra pantry supply inventory like paper towels, toilet paper, light bulbs and cleaning supplies.  As we use items, we restock from this inventory.

For the client and her linen closet I mentioned earlier, we established one shelf in her large closet, at eye level, for all her different types of inventory. Now she can tell at a glance what she has and what she needs to restock.

Always shop those storage areas first!

Working with a client last week, we were preparing for a party.  She had pulled out her stock of tea lights, other candles and candle sticks, and filled in as much as she could with what she had before purchasing more.

We have a cabinet with school supplies like new notebooks, folders, loose leaf paper, pens, etc.  Today before we headed to Office Max / Depot, the high-schooler first checked our supplies to determine what we already had and what we still needed.

Shop differently:

  • ALWAYS Shop Your Stuff First!
  • Always use a list.
  • Know yourself and your family.  Don’t buy what you won’t use.  An 18 pack of toilet paper that no one likes is not a deal, no matter how cheap it was.

Creating this one good habit, of Shopping Your Own Stuff First, can save you time and money and eliminate hassle and clutter in your home!


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Big Summer Organizing Projects – You Need a Plan!

I presented my Large Organizing Projects presentation the last two evenings at local libraries.  This is a popular class this time of year because those big organizing projects we tackle in the summer, like garages or basements, can be intimidating!

It is understandable to feel overwhelmed, but don’t let that feeling stop you from positive action!

You need a plan.  

  • Set a date, create a deadline!
  • Don’t get overwhelmed!
  • Enlist aid.
  • Plan your attack.
  • Assemble your supplies.
  • Don’t be a butterfly.  (Get to it, and if you get distracted, get back to it!)

Give your self a deadline, and stick with it.
“Everyone needs deadlines… If we didn’t have deadlines, we’d stagnate” – Walt Disney

Without a deadline, we may never feel the urgency, the drive, to accomplish a project.  Real or imagined, deadlines get us moving!  Create your own if you don’t have one!  Finish the project by: July 1.  July 31.  The time the kids go back to school, the time your company comes in (insert month name here).  Make an appointment, if that would help!  Order the dumpster to be delivered, or the donation truck to pick up!  Schedule a friend or family member to come and help you on a certain Saturday morning for a designated couple of hours.  Having that scheduled time in mind will help you get things done!

If your big project is intimidating, imagine it as a series of little tiny projects!  For example… “cleaning the garage” may feel like a major undertaking, but imagine setting a timer and tackling one small pile of stuff or one small area every day, instead of jumping in all at once.  Conquering a shelf or drawer at a time, and then allowing a break or a change of task, can helps us make progress in small steps towards a big finish line!

Enlist Aid.  Some folks like to organize alone, but many of us benefit from having company!  Your assistant doesn’t have to be a professional organizer, they might be a friend who’s opinion you value, a family member or two that are willing to do some heavy lifting, or even a paid service like movers or junk haulers.

Plan your attack.  If you have helpers, plan the work around skill and activity levels.  And DO NOT START with opening up every cabinet or dumping every box.  Pick your starting spot, and move steadily from there.  No zig zagging, no making a bigger mess!

Once you have your plan of attack, consider your supply list.  Plan on having garbage bags to bag garbage or items to be donated, boxes for oddly shaped items that need to go, storage containers for the items you plan to keep.  I always have sharpie markers, post-it notes, packing tape and scissors with me, too.  Have cleaning supplies on hand – for example, if you’re working in the garage, plan to sweep up in the spaces you clear before putting stuff back!

Don’t be a butterfly! 
In my organizing classes, I remind people that butterflies are not very good organizers.  They fly lightly from here to there and may be lovely to watch, but we won’t get very far in our organizing projects if we fly from here to there without getting anything done.  So, when your work day arrives, Get To It!  And if, during the process, you get distracted, Get Back to It!

I’m Not a Gardener, But I Know How To Prune

Recently, I listened to a homily about the Vine and the Branches.

My priest talked about how, these days, we prune mostly for aesthetics – we mow the grass and trim the shrubs so they look even and tidy.  However, in biblical days, pruning was necessary for survival.  Growers would cut away the branches that weren’t producing fruit, so a plant could focus more food and resources on the branches that were productive.

I liked this analogy, and thought about how it pertains to the stuff of our lives.

Look around your home.  What belongings of yours are productive? What items do you use regularly, reliably and with pleasure?  Those are your productive branches.

Conversely, what items of yours are NOT producing fruit?  What items are more trouble than they are worth?  What do you have just too much of, so that your attention and resources are wasted.

Consider the cost of maintenance.

First, we purchase an item.  If it’s an expensive item, perhaps we also purchase a special case for it, a warranty or an insurance policy.

We choose a spot in our home to keep it, and now that chosen space cannot hold other items.

OR… We don’t choose a spot in our home to keep it, and it floats around, getting lost or broken.

Or… We have so many other things that we have also purchased, the new item gets stuffed in the chosen spot with 10 other items, and now we can’t find anything.  And that is just storage.

Perhaps our new special item requires temperature control or lighting, or special cleaning or regular maintenance.

The problem is not with the new item.  If we have just an item or two that requires this special treatment, we can manage.  The problem comes when we have many such items that require care and storage and maintenance and time, and our resources get spread so thin we can’t properly take care of anything!

“I feel thin, sort of stretched, like butter scraped over too much bread.”  Bilbo Baggins, Fellowship of the Ring by JR Tolkein

In the interest of pruning, of cutting away the unproductive parts to focus on the productive parts, clear the clutter that isn’t serving you and your life.

For example, purge clothes you no longer need or want to make more breathing room in your closet and life for the clothes that really represent you.

Cull your books so that you can focus on the ones that actually hold an interest for you, and keep a smaller pile so that you might find time to actually read them!

Clear away the clutter from hobbies that you no longer love or participate in.  I have clients with sporting equipment they haven’t used in 20 years, craft supplies they no longer have an interest in using, tools that are still in the box.

Cut away, metaphorically speaking, the unproductive parts so that you can focus your time and attention on the stuff of your life that serves you well!

It’s The “Grab Your Clipboard” Time of Year Again!

Last week, I presented to a lovely group of women and made them laugh by expressing my love for clipboards.

I do love clipboards.

They are so useful!  They keep our important papers corralled and are easy to find in a crowded briefcase.  They provide a sturdy surface for writing, are inexpensive and are available in lots of snazzy colors.

I love more than just their physical attributes, though.  People feel empowered when holding a clipboard, and that power shows on the outside.  Imagine –  a crowded room with people milling about and one is carrying a clipboard.  If you need direction or information, you will go and ask the clipboard carrier.

What’s not to love?

In my Clear the Clutter presentations, I suggest that folks grab a clipboard to start their organizing plan.  With Spring here and lots of projects to tackle, it’s the “Grab Your Clipboard” time of year again!

Here’s what you do:

(Updated, Spring 2022:  You can achieve the benefits of the “Clipboard” by using technology, as well, or even just an extra notepad! Most of my “clipboard” notes go into Evernote and then into my Master To-Do list, but the thought process and the results are the same!)

Grab your clipboard, paper and a pen.  Walk from room to room in your home and note the projects, organizing and otherwise, that you would like to accomplish in each space. For example:

  • Master Bathroom:  clean out under sink, find new wall art, buy new shower curtain
  • Dining Room: clean out coat closet, paint trim, wash windows
  • Hall closet: talk to electrician about updating the light fixture
  • Home Office: organize book cases, clean out bottom file cabinet drawer, recycle old printer

You may find that some of your rooms are just fine as is.  If so, congratulations!   Pat yourself on the back, and move on to the next room!  Keep this process up, taking notes but not action, until you’ve addressed all the areas of your home, inside and out.

Review the room-by-room list on your clipboard.  You may realize that the solution to a couple of projects may be the same step.  For example,  “update light fixture” in the closet and “add security light to garage” would require just one call to your electrician.  Or if you want to get rid of an old family room couch and bedroom dresser, you might arrange one charitable donation pick-up to take care of both.

Glancing at the list,  you may also notice recurring themes.  Let’s say “Move the pile of books” is on the list for every room.  It seems a house-wide book review and purge may be in order!

Right now, this clipboard activity generated a wish list instead of an Action Plan. So now you need an ACTION PLAN!

Pick one project to start.  Just one, not all of them at once!  Pick one.

  • Your #1 Priority may be clear.  For example, a client who is having surgery needs the main floor bedroom organized before her surgery date.  Obviously, she knows where to start! However, if you’re not sure…
  • Start with the hardest project, since that may take the longest overall;
  • Line up an assistant for the project requiring heavy lifting or two people;
  • Start with the project that will help you right away and every day, like the kitchen cabinets or your closet; or
  • Just pick the one that seems like the most fun, to boost your motivation!
  • The most important step is to JUST START!

Pick your project, set aside some time on the calendar to get it done (either a big block of time on a weekend or evening, or in a handful of shorter sessions), and get going!

Keep your clipboard and list handy, and once the first project is complete, refer back to the clipboard list and tackle the next most important project.  Happy Organizing and Happy Spring!


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Sharing the Idea of “20 Minutes or 20 Dollars”

I had the privilege of speaking to a wonderful group in Merillville, IN last night about downsizing.

We covered a lot in our 60 minutes together: clearing clutter, determining the value of our stuff, how long to keep certain types of papers.  One idea that I shared with the group was the idea of “20 Minutes or 20 Dollars”.  A couple of people made a point to tell me that they really liked the idea, so I thought I would share.

I wish I could say that this genius idea was my own, but I can’t!  The idea comes from The Minimalists, in their essay, Getting Rid of Just-In-Case Items: 20 Minutes, 20 Dollars.   The premise is that if you are debating whether to keep or get rid of an item, remind yourself that almost anything can be replaced within $20 minutes or for $20 dollars.  And because we can easily replace most things, we don’t have to keep a million items for JUST IN CASE!

For Example:

20 Minutes:  
At last night’s presentation, I referenced the set of siblings that I’ve organized, each with a full set of chafing dishes.  Awesome but big, awkward, and only occasionally useful chafing dishes.  Apparently, these siblings had a very nice Great Aunt Somebody who always bought newlyweds a set of chafing dishes.  Here’s the thing – surely these siblings could SHARE a set, and just move the set around from family event to family event, instead of each of them having to keep their full set.  As they were all trying to de-clutter, it seemed that a quick phone call to each other and a 20 minute errand to pick up the shared set was more reasonable than keeping all the sets.

20 Minutes:
Last summer a friend hosted a big group of teens at her home for a weekend.  Instead of buying 20 air mattresses, she asked Facebook friends if she could borrow air mattresses.  In 20 minutes, she had dozens of offers for what she needed.

20 Dollars:
You know that box of cords?  Yes, THAT box.  The one that drives you crazy?  Most of us have at least one.  The black spaghetti mess of unmatched, unlabeled and unclaimed charging cords from ancient phones or digital cameras gone by?  Look around.  If what you use regularly already has a cord attached, you could probably purge all of those unclaimed cords and spend $20 someday on a replacement in the very remote chance you actually needed one of those random cords.  Clear up a whole lot of space, and bank on the fact you don’t need what is in that THAT box!

20 Minutes and 20 Dollars:
Sombreros (or similar items, you get the idea!).  Sombreros are big.  Awkward to store.  Not a commonly used items, let’s face it.  If you EVER had a need for a sombrero – party, costume, school presentation – you could either spend the $20 to buy one at a party store or on-line, or better yet, ask 10 friends if anyone has a sombrero, and I bet someone does!

This week, look around your house and at your clutter.  Ask yourself if you are keeping things for JUST IN CASE that could easily be replaced for $20 and / or within 20 minutes!  If so, let it go!

Your Stuff Needs an AWAY.

We all have stuff.  Stuff we need, stuff we use, stuff we love*.  Stuff.


(*if anyone can tell me who crafted the ‘Need, Use, Love’ criteria, I would love to know!)


Sometimes we have stuff we don’t need or use or love, and then our Stuff turns into Clutter.



Perhaps you have Stuff that you do need and use, but it is scattered around the house.  In the way, on surfaces, in bags, on top of other things. In this case, your Stuff becomes visual clutter.  We know we need to keep it, but it still drives us crazy.


Your Stuff needs an AWAY.
Once we determine what Stuff is needed and useful, we need to establish an AWAY, a spot or maybe multiple spots in our house for our Stuff to live.
Then we need to create and maintain the habit of actually putting our Stuff AWAY.
We put our Stuff AWAY…
  • to take good care of our Stuff so we don’t have to buy our Stuff again;
  • so we can find our Stuff again when we need it; and
  • to give our eyes a break and our homes a breath of clean and fresh air.
Ideas to consider:
  • If you have look around your home and notice piles of Stuff, we first ask – is that Stuff or Clutter?  If it’s Stuff, it needs an AWAY.  If it’s Clutter it needs to be purged.
  • We need to establish an AWAY for our Stuff that is convenient to where we use our Stuff. Obviously, we keep cooking and food items in the kitchen.  But we can be more specific, as in, keeping the coffee cups in the cabinet above the coffee maker which is also right next to the sink.
  • We also need to establish an AWAY that is convenient for the other related Stuff that goes with our Stuff.  So, in the coffee analogy, I might also keep the cream and sugar near the coffee maker and mugs, and the travel mugs nearby, too.
  • An AWAY for our stuff helps us decide about quantity.  For example: to me, one large dresser drawer full of t-shirts is a reasonable amount.  So, when I put my clean laundry AWAY and the drawer is too full (perhaps a recent shopping trip?), the boundaries of the drawer remind me of a reasonable t-shirt collection size, and I purge a few.
  • When we have a reliable AWAY and habit around putting our Stuff AWAY, we can check the AWAY location to determine if we need to buy more of our Stuff.  Again, using the coffee analogy, when the KCup holder (the AWAY) is empty, I know it is time to buy more KCups.  Imagine if I randomly stashed KCups all over the kitchen.  I wouldn’t know what I have, nor would I use it very well when I needed it.
  • Consider this idea from the other direction – If your stuff doesn’t have a home – an AWAY – it’s likely clutter.
Make the habit to put your Stuff AWAY.  Once a day, a couple times a week?  Put your Stuff Away, and enjoy the clutter-free space.  A clear space signals to your brain that you’re done, that work is complete, that the room is clean, etc.  A clear space can be both calming and energizing!
To sum up:
  • Decide what is Stuff and what is Clutter;
  • establish an AWAY for your Stuff;
  • establish good habits around putting your Stuff AWAY, so
  • you can take good care of your Stuff and enjoy a less cluttered home.
Have a great week!

Life’s Stormy Weather: Cleaning Up and Getting Ready

I presented to a church group last week, and as part of the meeting, they were reflecting on Proverbs 31:21, “She doesn’t fear for her household when it snows, because they are all dressed in warm clothes”.   As I pondered the verse, I realized that we all have Snow, we all have difficult seasons in our life.

This idea has been rolling around in my head these last few days, as friends and family struggle with life’s stormy weather, and the clean-up afterwards. Even we Klimczaks are cleaning up from especially busy days, and preparing for more busy times in the next few weeks.

We all have to endure “Snow” from the scripture, the stormy weather of life.  We have cold, dark, uncertain or tumultuous times:  big life events or small, personal hardships and tragedies, major work deadlines, illness or the death of a loved one.  If you are enduring ‘stormy weather’ right now, know that I am praying for you.

Here’s the toughest part, I think.  Regardless of our storms, no matter how vulnerable or maxed out we feel, the rest of the world just marches on.  And as hard as it seems, we have to catch up. Today, let’s talk about the after-storm clean up, and preparing for every day life plus the possibility of the next storm.

If you’re coming through your storm, you may feel tired, sad, drained, unmotivated.  Focus on Survival first: Food, clothing, shelter and safety.

  • Take a shower, get dressed, accomplish your usual morning routine.
  • Get something to eat and something to drink.  Take care of You.
  • Make the bed.  It’s amazing how accomplished we feel after such a simple task.
  • Open up the blinds and curtains.  Close your eyes and bask in the daylight for a moment or two. Maybe even crack a window open for some fresh air.  Breathe deeply.   If the day is dark and gloomy, turn on some soft lighting as you get moving.

Now, Maintenance tasks:

  • Grab a notebook.  I guarantee, as you move around your space today with your thoughts set on clearing “storm damage” and restoring order, ideas will occur to you that need to be noted!
  • Start a load of laundry.  Or fold a load.   Ah, laundry.  That never ending pursuit of clean clothes. Ours are clean but heaped in the big cart to be folded.  So this morning, I started a load and folded a couple.   This task took all of 5 minutes once I set out to complete it.
  • Clean the kitchen counter so you can make coffee, of course!, but also so you have some place to put the groceries you’re about to buy!
  • Craft a quick grocery list and head to the store.  This is not a 2-week buying extravaganza, this is the “let’s get through the next few days” trip.    And did you know there are flowers at the grocery?  Bought some tulips today.  Made me smile.  (There is also chocolate, specifically Reese’s Peanut Butter Eggs, on sale right now.  Just sayin’…)
  • Take a coupe more deep breaths.
  • Put the groceries away, grabbing something for your self for lunch and leaving something out for dinner.
  • Feeling better yet?
  • Check the mail that has piled up, toss or recycle as much as possible, add the action items (add them to your list, of course, like “pay bills”, and “make appointment for car service”), and schedule time to complete those action.
  • Check the email, purging all but the essentials.  Add the action items to your to-do list.   Put out fires and flag emails for later, add those to your action list then move on.
  • Accept help.  A friend offers to drive the car pool, drop off a meal or run an errand?  YES! And remember, sometimes the storm is ours, and sometimes it is someone else’s, so be ready to help out when you can, too.

The challenge with life’s stormy weather is that we don’t usually know when the storms will hit.  So it behooves us to quickly recover from life’s ups and downs and get back to normal, so we’re better prepared when the next storm rolls around.


Receive more ideas and suggestions like these;
Book time with me in person or virtually;
Arrange a presentation for your upcoming event; or
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Please contact me.

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Clutter and Procrastination: Making Room for Harry Potter

Sometimes there are actual hurdles – physical barriers! – between procrastination and organization.  Let’s seek them out, identify and remove them so we can get things done!

I love the Harry Potter books.  I’ve collected the hardback novels as they were released.  My set has seen the attentions of me and all three 3 sons as they read the series, too.  These books have seen the inside of many school backpacks,   traveled the country, been read and re-read, and are loved to the moon and back.  And they are showing their age (who isn’t?).

So, when a friend mentioned he was downsizing and had the full set in pristine condition, we jumped at the offer, in case one of my sons wanted to have a set to call their own.  Another generous friend recently shared a collection of organizing books with me (which I will share on this blog some day), too.

So, herein lies the problem.  Our bookshelves were full.   And I needed to make room on the shelves for these new additions / editions.

I’ve wanted to tackle the basement book shelves for a month, but just haven’t gotten around to it. But now, a pile of Harry Potter books lived in my office for a few days, then moved downstairs NEAR the bookshelves but still not ON the bookshelves.  Same went for the organizing books – oh, the irony.

I procrastinated about putting them away because there were actual barriers to putting them away.  Sound familiar?  Have you ever said or heard:

  • I can’t put away last year’s taxes because the file drawer is too full, or
  • I can’t put away last year’s taxes because of that pile of old printers stacked in front of the file cabinet.
  • I can’t schedule that appointment because I misplaced my calendar (a week ago), or I haven’t bought one for this year yet.
  • I can’t get rid of that old empty file cabinet before I find the keys (yes you can).
  • I can’t put the groceries away because the cabinets are disorganized, or are too full (I kid you not).
  • I can’t take those checks to the bank until I find a deposit slip (of course you can, the bank has piles of blank deposit slips!).
  • I can’t put stuff away on the book shelves because there are bags on the floor in front of the the bookshelves.
  • I want to organize that closet, but the light bulb burned out.

We’ve all had moments like this, I’m sure.   The good news for me and Harry Potter is that an hour on Saturday morning spent clearing off the bookshelves resulted in plenty of space for the new books, clean and dust-free shelves, the discovery of a few gems, and 3 bags of books in excellent condition donated to my local library yesterday morning.

So, this week, I want you to walk around your space with an eye on your Task List and also on the physical barriers that may be making you procrastinate instead of completing your tasks. Piles here and there, minor home repairs, maybe something as simple as taking out the trash, dropping off donations, or loading up those printers to drop off at your local EWaste recycling site.  Remove those physical obstructions, and get things done!


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