Plan Ahead: Find Your Personal Vital Records NOW, Before You Need Them.

It has been a crazy 6 months.

Pandemic? Sure.

But there’s more. A friend in West Hollywood shares early morning FB posts every time there is an earthquake. Many of us know folks affected by the wild fires – even our sky here in Illinois is gray with their smoke this week! And those are just the things we know about right now!

Talking to a friend today here in Chicago, she was thinking about what that would actually look like – having only a few moments, if any, to prepare to evacuate. What would we take?

That packing list would vary from person to person or situation to situation. But there are a few items that should be on that list, no matter what. Let’s talk about your Personal Vital Records.

This is one of those tough topics and some of you may feel a little uncomfortable – I’ll apologize in advance! But since I’ve been talking about National Preparedness Month, I need to spend a little time talking about our Personal Vital Records (PVR). If we are working on Being Prepared, we need to think about them and more importantly, be able to put our hands on them when we need them.

So, what are our Personal Vital Records? Wikipedia says:

Vital records are records of life events kept under governmental authority, including birth certificates, marriage licenses (or marriage certificates), and death certificates. In some jurisdictions, vital records may also include records of civil unions or domestic partnerships.

I would include additional items like social security cards, Baptismal certificates, copies of your Will and Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care, Finance, etc., your mortgage papers, titles to your cars, etc. Your pile of PVR is probably not big, but it is precious and important.

Very often, in terms of preparedness, we don’t know exactly what we are preparing for, but we know that some papers are really important to be able to produce in case of accident or illness or insurance, etc. And while replacing PVRs is not impossible, it can be a long and complicated process, so let’s just collect and protect them now while there isn’t an emergency, shall we?

Be Prepared by collecting and protecting your Personal Vital Records. Here’s how:

  • Establish a home for your PVR, even temporarily. If you have them tucked in various places (dresser drawers, jewelry boxes, desk drawers, file cabinets – any of these sound familiar?), collect them into one central location.
  • Label that location, and tell at least one other person know where the records are!
  • Invest in a portable fire-proof safe. Portable so you can take it with you if you need to leave in a hurry. Fire-proof because, well, yes, Fire. And a safe because it can be that one central location and can also protect your items. We received a safe and a fire extinguisher from a friend as a wedding gift. Brilliant! Safes are not very expensive and are an excellent investment.
  • And, again, as you establish a place or a safe to hold your PVR, make sure at least one other person (maybe even one outside of your home) knows where the safe and keys (separate) are.
  • As you go through your day to day life, if you run across one of these PVRs, be sure to put it in its’ established home. For example, maybe you pulled a birth certificate out recently to copy and hand in to school for your student’s enrollment – pull it out of the random school papers on the counter and tuck it into your newly established Personal Vital Records folder or safe.

Take this simple step this week, and add to Personal Vital Records as you find them. When the time comes that you DO need to put your hands on one of them, you’ll be grateful you took the step!

What Do Instant Coffee and Travel Sized Toothpaste Have in Common?

I drank instant coffee yesterday morning. It wasn’t too bad, actually, Starbuck’s Via Dark Roast. I keep some packets on hand for when I travel, just in case there is not morning coffee at my destination.

Goodness knows I’m not traveling this week, so what gives?

(And Why?! do my posts seem to involve coffee, pictures of coffee or drinking coffee?!)

Here’s the thing. I inventoried my kitchen cabinets before a grocery trip over the weekend, and I noticed the coffee packets were nearing their expiration date. Obvious next action, use them up before they expire.

In keeping with the coffee topic, I started out this social isolation by using up ground coffee in my french press. Why? To use up open inventory and clear clutter before returning to my usual K-Cups in the morning. My Intelligentsia coffee beans are still in the freezer, they will last a long time in there.

(For more information about using up your food inventory, check out last my article from a few weeks ago, “Menu Planning: This Just Got Real”.)

HOWEVER, this is not about coffee. Today’s topic is inventory management.

I know why I talk about coffee, but Why am I talking about Inventory Management? Because utilizing the items we already have in our home is the best way to save money, save time, clear clutter, waste less, make better choices, flatten the curve, etc.

I’m also using travel sized toothpaste right now. Who knows why we have 6 of them, but I’m using up those before I start on any new full sized tubes.

I mentioned inventory management to a coaching client yesterday. She was adding “finish organizing the bathroom” to her plan for the week, and when I brought up inventory management, she said “Yes! I always seem to tuck things away in clever places but then can’t find them again when I need them!”


So, to save money and time, clear clutter, waste less, etc., here’s what to do this week!

Find Your Inventory!

Corral all your stuff by category. For example, the toiletry category, like soaps, shampoos and toothpaste. Other home inventory categories could be cleaning supplies, light bulbs, paper goods and the like.

Check the medicine cabinet, the linen closets, under bathroom sinks or in bathroom drawers, the travel bags and where else? Where does that stuff land in YOUR home?

Bring it all together, open or still sealed, on the bathroom counter or the kitchen table if you need more space. Sort the broad toiletry category into sub-category piles, like soaps, shampoo, dental, personal care, etc.

Purge the Stuff That HAS TO GO.

If you have a 5 year -old partial bottle of conditioner that has turned lumpy and smells funny – would you actually put that on your head? (No. The Answer is No.) Purge the old and the empty, recycling containers if you can. Pet shampoo when you don’t own a pet? Old shower poofs or loofahs? Go, go, go.

Establish a Designated Location For Your Home Inventory.

Some folks like to keep a stash of toiletries in every bathroom, and I understand that … sort of. I find that having multiple locations in your home for stashing inventory is what makes inventory management so difficult. So, choose a spot or maybe 2 – one on each floor of your home, perhaps? And store your unopened inventory in that spot, to stock the spaces where you use it when you need it.

Plan to Use The Open Stuff First.

Stock your storage space like a store. Freshest (items with expiration dates farthest in the future) inventory goes to the back of the shelf, with inventory that needs to be used before it goes to waste moves to the front. If we are talking about those other categories of inventories, like cleaning supplies or paper goods, place partial containers at the front and use them first.

Check Your Stock Before You Restock.

Get in the habit of checking your Inventory before you shop.

Use the empty spot to alert you to when something needs to be replaced or reordered. If the “bleach” spot on my chrome shelves in the laundry room is empty, I know it’s time to buy bleach. If the cup of new tooth brushes in my toiletries bin is empty, it’s time to buy toothbrushes.


Just like retailers or manufacturers, Know your re-order point, and recognize that stuff takes longer to arrive these days, whether you go out and shop for it or order on-line. For example, over the weekend I ordered more dishwasher detergent pods. We’re not out of them yet but we will be in a week and shipping takes longer than it used to, so I placed my order.

Do your home and your $$ a favor, and spend some time setting up your inventory management this week. Get the most out of what you already have and clear some clutter while you’re at it!

Preparing to Get Organized! (a.k.a., What To Do Before Your First Organizing Appointment)

I often hear from new or potential organizing clients, “What should I do to get ready for our first appointment?”

I am happy to answer and I’m even happier to say that these steps are for EVERYONE to take, these first steps to getting organized, and not just my new and potential clients!

So, whether you are organizing with a professional or tackling the projects solo, here are some simple steps to get you started!

Stop Shopping.  Working with a client recently, we discovered a healthy stash of toothpaste and deodorant. In this case, “healthy” means a dozen of each or so, unopened. Another client has dozens – yes, DOZENS – of paper towel rolls, taking up a LOT of space. If you want to get organized and clear clutter, start with NOT acquiring more stuff! For example, if we have an appointment set to organize your kitchen and pantry, Do NOT go out and stock up on groceries. Use up what you have on hand! Same goes for clothes or towels or office supplies.

Along that same line, assemble your supplies from your home inventory (please read that as DO NOT GO SHOPPING!). And do not purchase containers, unless we’ve talked about them!  Supplies might include garbage bags, sharpie markers and empty cardboard boxes.

Imagine the end result.   Why are you tackling this (these) project(s)? What do you imagine your spaces looking like when the projects are complete? How do you expect to feel? What do you expect to gain from the organizing process?

Purge the Easy.
Take out the trash and recycling;
move the dirty laundry to the laundry room;
break down cardboard boxes flat;
toss the expired food in your pantry and clean the fridge..

Check out my resources page, if you need destinations for your stuff. Send stuff on it’s way! That ugly couch in the basement, the extra dining room table in the garage to a recent grad with their first appt?  Yep, arrange that pick-up!

Run the errands:
drop off other donations to their destination;
return completed books to the library;
take your dry cleaning in;
return unwanted items to their retailers;
return borrowed items that you are done using to their original owners.

Wow, your space is looking better already! Way to go!

Pecan Balls Should Not Be a Breakfast Food

It is that time of year again.

No, not THAT time of year! To be specific, this is the time of year, after all the other fun and festive and fabulous times of the year, when I really need to clean my fridge. And I am going to put that in quotes, “Clean My Fridge”, as there is a lot more to this process than just a little cleaning.

You see, for the past week or two, there has been containers of freshly baked and delicious cookies on my counter and in my fridge. Next to the holiday staple of the hot chocolate tray, complete with candy canes for stirring. And the bags of chips, Mikesell’s brand from Ohio, to be specific, that my wise and awesome cousin shipped to us all as gifts. (They really are THE BEST!).

These are all wonderful things. But there is still a problem, and that problem is that any other time of the year, I would not dream of having candy in jars on the counter, easy access to dozens of cookies, multiple bags of chips on hand, three different types of desserts in my fridge… well, you get the picture, I am sure.

Any other time of the year, I would head to my breakfast counter and make my healthy breakfast shake and take my supplements, but lately I’ve found myself making a detour at those baked goods, despite the fact that I know that Pecan Balls are not an appropriate breakfast food for adults.

So, join me in “Cleaning the Fridge” or whatever you want to call it. How to? Read on.

Take a deep breath. Empty the trash, and reline the can with a new bag. Clean off a counter. Take another deep breath.

First, take stock of what you have in the fridge, freezer, on the counters, etc.

DO NOT OPEN anything else. Got boxes of crackers, bags of chips, cookie ingredients? HOLD ON TO THEM. New Years Eve get-together, Super Bowl Party? Yes, those snacks will keep. Don’t open anything else.

Plan your menu for the next few days to wrap up what you have. For example, we had left-over side dishes from Christmas dinner, so I made a pork roast on Friday, and we ate it with some of those side dishes. De-lish.

Consider your health and wellness goals that may have been ignored for the last few weeks, and recommit to making those good habits your regular habits again.

Dig a little deeper in the fridge and freezer, and purge the left overs from before your Christmas Dinner. Review the produce bin, toss out anything that has gotten slimy during your week of vegetable neglect.

Plan, too, your menu for the next few weeks with those healthier habits in mind, and re-stock your fridge with healthier options.

My “Clean the Fridge” today walks hand-in-hand with a trip to the grocery for that healthier option restock.

As my final step, I also put away some of our holiday themed serving dishes to reclaim some cleared counter space. (Insert a big sigh of relief here!)

Make some time today or tomorrow to “Clean the Fridge” or reclaim your counter for good habits, and you will thank yourself later!

Maintain Your Home Today to Avoid Emergencies Tomorrow

Earlier this year, I crafted this list of monthly, seasonal and annual household tasks for a client new to home ownership.   She wanted to keep up on regular maintenance tasks because she is smart, and realizes that regular maintenance is the best way to avoid emergencies down the road.

For example, every Fall:

  • Have your furnace and air conditioner looked at now, to avoid an emergency and costly repair or replacement in the dead of winter.
  • Turn off outdoor water faucets completely, to keep pipes from freezing (and bursting).
  • Take care of your lawnmower and snowblower at the change of seasons to keep them running well for many years to come.
  • And the list goes on and on…

Of course we can’t avoid emergencies or accidents completely, but we can invest some time and resources in keeping them away as much as possible!

This list is a start, a jumping-off point.  Feel free to copy and paste it to your own document and edit it to make it more personal and specific to your situation, such as if you have pets or a swimming pool,  or more than one home or just a condo or apartment, obviously tasks can be added or subtracted to fit your needs.

Annual Tasks:

  • HVAC system check
  • Clean rugs
  • License and license plate sticker renewal

Fall / Winter:

  • Winterize your lawnmower
  • Get your snowblower ready, turn it on and let it run a few minutes  (Get some gas, too)
  • Flush hot water heater and remove sediment
  • Turn off and flush outdoor water faucets
  • Test sump pump /  sump pump valve replacement
  • Outdoor greastrap
  • Rout the shower drain
  • Winterize air conditioning system
  • Clean duct work
  • Get heating system ready for winter
  • Clean / check fire place, get chimney cleaned
  • Check driveway/pavement for cracks
  • Buy winter gear and sidewalk salt
  • Bring deck furniture in
  • Check window screens
  • Wash mini blinds
  • Wash out and de-clutter cabinets and closets
  • De-grease top of cabinets if no soffit

Spring / Summer:

  • Check and repair screens
  • check and repair deck
  • move deck furniture to deck
  • clean and summer-ize snow blower

Twice a Year:

  • Windows inside and out
  • Clean curtains / draperies
  • Wash or dry clean comforters
  • Vacuum your fridge coils, pull fridge out and vacuum behind
  • Swap out reverse osmosis unit water filter
  • Check and clear dryer vents
  • Reverse ceiling Fans
  • Test smoke alarms, carbon monoxide detectors, fire extinguishers, and all ground-fault circuit interrupters.
  • Clean gutters and downspouts


  • Inspect and possibly change furnace filter
  • Vacuum heat registers and heat vents
  • Clean range hood filters and garbage disposal (grind ice cubes, then flush with hot water and baking soda)
  • Pour a tea pot full of boiling water down bathroom sink drains
  • Clean coffee maker

Weekly / Daily:

  • Clean dishwasher trap (weekly)
  • Errands and grocery shopping
  • Pet waste clean-up
  • Restock pet supplies
  • Rugs, towels and bedding
  • Daily laundry
  • Go through mail / shred stuff / pay bills

So, use a little time this week to take care of your home maintenance tasks, and get your home prepped for the next season!

A Place To Put My Hiking Gear

These last few weeks, I’ve written or shared articles about Being Prepared for National Preparedness Month.

Being Prepared isn’t just about preparing for crises and emergencies, though.
Being Prepared can be about being ready for anything that life throws your way, the Good in addition to the emergencies!

I’m going to re-cap this article before you read the rest, with these tips for Preparing For The Good Stuff:

  1. Recognize what is important to you.
  2. Proactively clear obstacles that stand in the way of being able to do what is important to you.
  3. Dedicate resources to what is important to you.
  4. Maintain your Prepared for the Good Stuff status with regular attention.

For example:  I recently purchased a hiking back pack.

Did you know?  I love to hike.  Nature nurtures and delights me. From big vacations to stolen moments as I travel through my day-to-day, I find reasons to stop and be out in nature.

I like to be prepared, so I have a small pile of hiking stuff I take with me when I hike, and I keep it at the ready in a small pouch.  What is my “hiking stuff”?  Bug spray, signal whistle and compass, small portable first aid kit, hat, bandanas (for keeping mosquitoes out of my ears, I hate that!), etc.  And I would toss that small pouch, a water bottle and a protein bar in my big backpack when I was going for a hike.

Or, I would do that if I wasn’t already using the big pack pack for something else, like when we were already traveling and the big back pack was my luggage. Or, sometimes the big back pack was just, well, too big for a day hike, and if you hike, you know you want to travel light. And where do I keep my pouch of hiking stuff between hikes?

I recently decided that to truly honor my love of hiking, I needed to dedicate some resources to making my hiking hobby work better for me.   Life is never about the stuff, but I can still be really happy with a new purchase that will make my life better.  (Shown here is the Kavu Paxton Pack I purchased, after a little bit of research.)

The new hiking pack solved the challenges I had with my hiking stuff before now.  Most importantly, I find the already packed hiking backpack motivating and it makes me happy, so Win-Win.  When there is absolutely no obstacle to an early morning hike other than filling my reusable water bottle and heading out the door, I am much more likely to actually head out that door!

I haven’t always considered myself an athlete, but knowing I’m prepared to hit the trails makes me feel like an athlete in this game called life, and I find that motivating, as well.

So, to Be Prepared for the Good in life:

  1. Recognize what is important to you.
  2. Proactively clear obstacles that stand in the way of being able to do what is important to you.
  3. Dedicate resources to what is important to you.
  4. Maintain your Prepared for the Good Stuff status with regular attention.

Happy Hiking! (Or whatever you choose!)

Help Yourself Help Yourself! (Did you follow that?)

These last few weeks, a couple of readers have commented “Wow, you’re so organized!” Thanks for that, but I write these articles for inspiration, motivation and education (and never to show off!)  To shake things up and remind me why I write, lets start out with this week’s conclusions and suggestions:

“This week, look around and notice what tasks at home or work waste your time or make you tense, anxious or frustrated. Then ask yourself, ‘Is there something I can do about this task? Reschedule, outsource, do it less often, delegate it to someone else, automate it?’  If it is a challenge you are willing to talk about, ask others in your tribe (your people) how they have handled a similar challenge.  Then commit to change!”

We have a new schedule this Fall.  The sophomore has a 6:45 am zero hour class.  He likes it, I like it, it works.  Of course, we’ve only been at this for 2 weeks and I may change my mind when it’s -10 degrees and black as night at 6:45 am.

This earlier start makes me re-think some of my usual habits.

I have found the earlier start a challenge as I am not creative at 7 am even when that is the only  time I have to write my blog article for the week… ummmm… well… I got a lot of other things done, but not that…

I can’t text or call to check in with my clients at 6:45 as that’s just plain rude.  I could run errands with that extra early time, however:  I despise running errands any time and few things are open at 6:45 am.

I realized, however, as I’ve pondered how to run my errands at 7 am, that I have eliminated a number of weekly recurring tasks for home and business in the last few months.  For example:

  • Target Restock is magical.  OK, not magical, but really useful.  In the past, I would take a couple of days to create my Target list and then I still had to go and shop and put away.  Now, I add items to my list (my “Box”), hit send every couple of weeks, and our paper goods, toiletries and pantry items just show up on the door step.
  • Target Restock or is also helpful for stocking my work supplies – garbage bags, packing tape, etc. – so every other week, I check my supplies, place my order and poof! – stuff shows up a day later.
  • I eliminated the need to stop at Office Max / Office Depot once a week for myself and for clients –  I set up my customer and account information on-line and now enjoy their rewards program and free next day arrival.
  • I long ago automated our cleaning supplies with a once a month shipment from Melaleuca, and the same for my nutritional supplements from Isagenix.  (If you want more info about either, let me know.)
  • Around the house, laundry is more efficient by enlisting Alexa’s aid to tell me when to switch loads.  The Roomba runs every weekday morning, and while he doesn’t do a perfect job (yes my Roomba is a “He” and his name is Sonny, per the IRobot movie), he have been helpful in stretching time between cleanings.
  • I sampled a grocery delivery service this summer with mixed results.  I need to work on that!

“This week, look around and notice what tasks at home or work waste your time or make you tense, anxious or frustrated. Then ask yourself, ‘Is there something I can do about this task? Reschedule, outsource, do it less often, delegate it to someone else, automate it?’  If it is a challenge you are willing to talk about, ask others in your tribe how they have handled a similar challenge.  Then commit to change!”

My November and December Planning Hour

I have a marketing calendar, and that calendar told me I’m supposed to be writing about cleaning out your garage to get your car under cover before it snows (per the forecast, that could be as soon as this Thursday).  However…

I just can’t seem to wrap my head around that this morning.  Instead, my mind is working through the questions I asked in last week’s newsletter, finding clarity and focus around:

  • November / Thanksgiving
  • Christmas
  • Finishing the current year with a flourish, and
  • Starting the New Year strong.

So, what does this look like?  This morning,

  • I … Thought and planned.  This morning is about thinking and planning, and once the plan is in place, I will start taking care of tasks.  TIP:  But planning comes first!

  • I … Added events to the calendar, like fundraisers and concerts for the high school, exams and travel plans for the college students.  TIP:  Add events now to avoid double booking dates moving forward, but also to notice any snags that need resolved now instead of in a month.  Much better to resolve issues now!

  • I …  “Sent out ships.” That is what my friend Jan calls it when we send out requests or notifications via email or text, and then wait for a reply.  There are a number of events coming up, with lots of people involved who need to be part of the decision making, so I sent out emails to family members, clients, network partners and fellow ministers this morning.  TIP: Communicate with family and friends this week about upcoming events! Even if we don’t receive immediate answers, at least the conversation is started!

  • I … Looked around my house and updated my Project list:  this past weekend, we (ok, mostly my awesome hubby and youngest son) cleaned up the yard, the deck and garage to get ready for Fall / Winter.  Next weekend, we need to look INSIDE the house and make a plan around any minor house projects we need to complete before holiday hosting happens in December. TIP: Update that project list NOW while there is still time to accomplish your tasks!

  • I …   Took care of business, confirming clients and speaking engagements for this week and this month, and did a little bookkeeping.

  • TIP:  Kept the rest of life in mind, as well.  The HOLIDAYS can become all consuming if we let them.  We have to keep the rest of our day to day life moving along, too, though: Work, wellness, sleep, grocery shopping and house cleaning and bill paying, school, ministries, etc. Sooo….
    • TIP: Now is a great time to make wellness appointments:  check ups, dentist and eye doctor for college students over holiday break, etc.
    • TIP: Make your house services appointments now, too.  Call the carpet cleaner, plumber or painter now, so you aren’t left in a bind if you call in December and they can’t fit you in.
    • TIP: Find some short cuts or outsource regular tasks like grocery shopping when you can!

I challenge you to invest an hour today or this week that will save you many hours of stress and anxiety in the next few weeks!  Grab your planner and your laptop and take a good look around to see where you can set yourself up to succeed!

Managing Transitions: Coming Home. Do Future You a Favor!

At first draft, this post was going to be called “Don’t Drop Your Stuff In a Heap!”, but that seemed a little too rude.

Imagine with me… It’s the end of your work day.  You get home tired, hungry, perhaps a little frazzled.  Your defenses are low, your decision making muscles are all wrung out.

Admit with me – we could very easily give in, drop everything at the door, leave a trail of dirty clothes on the path to our PJs, grab a bowl of cereal or a bag of chips for dinner and flop on the couch for the rest of the evening.

Tempting… so tempting…

But, let’s look into our crystal ball…

How will Future You feel about your poor choices in the morning?  You may not have slept too well, with such a sad dinner.  You will be frustrated by the mess, scrambling around to get ready and make up for lost time.   Let’s face it, Today’s You and this evening’s choices are setting up Tomorrow’s You to fail.

What can Today’s You do right now, to ease your transition to home?  To help you spend a pleasant and relaxing evening, and to spend just a few moments tonight making tomorrow go more smoothly?

First things first, DO NOT LEAVE YOUR STUFF IN  A HEAP BY THE DOOR.  Take the extra 30 seconds and hang up your coat and bag, kick off your shoes and leave them by the door and NOT in the middle of the floor, and put down your keys in their Home, so you can find them again when you need them.

Next, address immediate needs and take a few minutes to decompress.  Change your clothes, grab a big glass of water and maybe an apple, then get dinner started (perhaps your menu plan is in place already?).

Whew.  Now that your physical needs are met, you can take a few moments to think ahead – what do you want tomorrow morning to look like?  Crazy and stressful?  Calm but energized?

If you still have some energy left, do more to take care of Future You:

  • tidy up the kitchen, run the dishwasher, set up tomorrow morning’s coffee, pack tomorrow’s lunch;
  • take care of today’s clothes, and plan ahead for tomorrow’s;
  • check the weather forecast plan ahead appropriately. Jacket? Umbrella?  (It’s October in Chicago, this is VERY important these days, with 85 and sunny one day and 60s with rain the next!);
  • line your gear for the next day near the door.

Future-You will thank Today’s You!

Managing Transitions: Your Daily Commute

Where do you go every day?  And how do you get there?

Do you drive for your commute?  Maybe it’s 3 minutes, maybe an hour.   Perhaps you take the train, or perhaps you work from home.   No matter what your situation, you probably spend at least some time every day or week in transit.  So, let’s spend some time this week managing the transitions of your travels!

First, some environmental organizing.  Meaning – Clean out your car,  for goodness sake!  You wouldn’t sit on the couch or sleep next to a pile of garbage, why drive around with it?  And if you carry a bag (or many) with you, take a few minutes and clean that out this week, too.  Don’t carry around with you what you don’t need!

Create routines and hacks that make your commute flow more smoothly.  If you drive,

  • Take guess work out of your gas tank.  Some people aren’t bothered by the low fuel light, but I am!  I’ve found that filling up once a week, typically on Friday morning (my errand morning), means I don’t have to think about it any other time of the week.
  • Invest in an IPass if you haven’t gotten one already.
  • If you drive more than 15 minutes, check your route before you go, or use Google or Apple Maps or the Waze App every time you drive.  I have a client 40 minutes away, and Google Maps has routed me 5 different ways (that I never would have known) to her home based on traffic and construction congestion.

What You Can Do On Your Commute:

  • Get informed. Listen to your news of choice IF and ONLY IF it enhances your day.  If your chosen news source is negative or creates more stress in your life, consider other options.  I like NPR.  If you take the train, load your news sources, podcasts or newspaper subscriptions onto your kindle, IPad or smart phone and read or listen on your way to work.
  • Read up.  Check out Play-Away books at your local library, or purchase audio books on ITunes or Amazon.
  • Pray.  I carry a rosary with me.
  • Practice your deep breathing.  Get energized and arrive at your destination relaxed, for a change!
  • Dictate emails or articles.  I start a new voice memo on my smart phone while I’m still parked and talk through article ideas as I drive.  When I’m back at my laptop, I can transcribe the ideas and content.
  • Eat breakfast.  I make my smoothie (yogurt and fruit) before I leave and drink it on my way.
  • Listen to music.  I sing professionally, so I’ve been learning new wedding music as I drive.
  • Charge your devices.  I have charging cords in my bag for my devices and accessories (my fitbit, blue tooth earpiece, etc.).
  • Think deep thoughts.  If I have a problem I’m trying to work through, some days I will dedicate my commute to considering different solutions.
  • I have to insist on hands free, people.  If your phone and car can pair up, take the time and set it up.  Holding a phone 6 inches in front of your mouth instead of up to your ear is NOT hands free and IS ILLEGAL in Illinois (and elsewhere).  And getting stopped and a ticket, or worse, getting in an accident with distracted driving, can be the WORST way to spend your time!

So, this week, think about how to make your travel times more organized and maybe even enjoyable!