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April 23, 2024: PACT: A Different Way to Set Goals

I am writing this on Sunday afternoon while listening to a band called House of Hamill on YouTube. We saw them live just last night at a gig in Lombard. They are amazing, check them out!  Something that is important to us is to support independent musical artists. I attribute this to my love of music, and to friends who had bands in college and recognizing that A – that is so cool! and B – that a band doesn’t survive without support and fans. We follow bands and ensembles you have likely not heard of but who are AMAZING! (I will try to share more, too!) In addition to the House of Hamill show yesterday, we also drove to Kalamazoo (my hometown) this past week to hang out with family and see a different band, Carbon Leaf (also amazing).

“Support Independent Musical Artists” is an example of a goal. And it is also difficult to be more specific or time sensitive with this goal, since it is really a life-long goal. It’s more of a process goal than a single deadline type of goal. Enter – PACT Goals. “PACT” stands for Purpose – Action – Continuous – Trackable, and it is a goal setting tool that helps us with process goals versus the single-event-type SMART goals. I’m excited to share this idea with you, read this week’s new article to learn more, PACT: A Different Way to Set Goals….more… 


April 16, 2024: Take Your Accountant’s Advice (or Mine)

Do you listen to my podcast episodes every week? If you like to read the newsletter, you may also like to listen to the podcast! You can listen on all the podcast apps, of course. The 4 most popular platforms for my listeners seem to be Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Google Chrome and Spotify, at least this week. AND, if you don’t typically listen to podcasts, you can listen on my website, or on my YouTube Channel. Check it out!

I wrote this weeks article on Tax Day, April 15. Did you know? My husband and my oldest sons are accountants, so Tax Day means something a little different to them. At dinner last night, I asked my husband what advice he would give all of you this week to wrap up Tax Season. Read on for his good advice in “Take Your Accountant’s Advice (Or Mine)!” (Thanks, Greg!)

April 9, 2024: After The Deadline, Now What? 

I wrestled with writer’s block over the weekend. I had good intentions. And then, well, life got in the way. That happens.  I am working on a big education project for my National Association (, and while the work is not done, we met a major milestone over the weekend. Woot woot! And then, I tried to jump into the next project but writing didn’t work.

I took a moment to rest, and then inventoried what I was feeling and how I was doing. Or, what I was doing and how I was feeling. Either way works. And then awareness came, and I realized it was time to take my own advice for After The Deadline.

April 2, 2024:  Time Management is Stress Management

Happy April! It is a new month, a new quarter, a new season! Wow, wow, wow!

Last week, I spent 2 days with a career training program at a local community college. We worked on Time Management one day, and Stress Management the next. And looking ahead, I have two “Get Organized and Stress Less” presentations in the next week. I think we are on to something, friends! The positive connection between Time Management and Stress Management! Read on for this week’s article “Time Management Is Stress Management”.

Tuesday, March 26:  How Does Your Brain Work?  Learning Styles
I have been working on educational content A LOT lately! I am presenting this week at a career training program, and I have been updating all of my class content over the last month. In addition, I am working on a course creation project for my professional organization, NAPO, for organizers interested in becoming a certified professional organizer like me. And one piece that works for career training, CPO Exam Prep and for you and and me – knowing about Learning Styles! Read on to learn more about yourself and others in How Does Your Brain Work? Learning Styles!

Tuesday, March 19:  How To Get Back On Track! 

Today is the first day of Spring! Hooray! A participant at last week’s Clear the Clutter Presentation in North Riverside mentioned that she always feels the pull this time of year to clear out the old and bring in the new!

Last week was busy for us, with some planned events and some unplanned ones, as well! Most importantly, everyone is fine.  But just last Monday, I was a guest on the EP Podcast when my podcast producer asked me the question of “How do you get back on track, after an emergency or some other event knocks us off track?!” And I had an opportunity to test that question and my answers the very next day!  So, let’s talk about “how to get back on track?”! Read on for more!

Tuesday, March 12: Body Doubling and “How Does Finish Line Friday Work”?

Happy almost-St. Patrick’s Day! I live in Chicago’s south suburbs, and we take St. Patrick’s Day seriously. For me, though, it always feels like the unofficial start of Spring!  We’ve had 70 degrees on St. Patrick’s Day and we’ve had snow. We’ve had everything in between but it always makes me feel hopeful!

A new community member reached out to me and ask for more information on Finish Line Friday. I have not been clear about FLF, other than to invite you all to join me on Friday mornings, and I am really glad she asked the question!  So, as the host of FLF and also FLF’s biggest fan, I want to share specifics on how and why a typical Finish Line Friday session works! Check out this week’s new article “Body Doubling and ‘How Does Finish Line Friday Work?'”… more…

Tuesday, March 5:  Meal Planning: Start With What You Know!

Happy March! Can you believe it? And remember, Daylight Savings begins this coming Sunday at 2 am (in the areas that observe). Be ready to set your clocks ahead 1 hour!

This week, we continue the conversation regarding Meal Planning. Last week, I suggested you try meal planning and start the process by asking two questions – What is Healthy to you? And, What are your goals?  With the answers to those questions in mind, I want to walk you through the process of meal planning by starting with what you know.

You know You! You know your goals, your life, your favorites, your inventory of food, your schedule! Starting something new can feel a little uncertain, so let’s start with what IS certain. Start with what you know! Learn more in this week’s new article, “Meal Planning: Start With What You Know!”…more… 

Tuesday, February 27: Meal Planning: What is Healthy? And What Are Your Goals?
I’ve missed you! I took last week off from recording my podcast and publishing new content. It’s been two weeks since I recorded, and that feels like a long time.  I think of all of you as I write my content, thinking about what you would find helpful to live an organized life, a better or more productive life, with more joy and peace and ease. So, it is nice to picture you all again as I write and record today!

Today and for the next few weeks, let’s talk Meal Planning. Why?

  • Because we all have to eat.
  • Because nutrition is a foundational support to productivity and wellness.
  • Because we can support positive change in many areas by being intentional about how and what we eat.

Last summer, I re-wrote my “An Organized Kitchen” and “Meal Planning” presentations. It was time for a re-fresh, and there is so many resources out there now! But as with any change, we need to start our meal planning with a plan! So, in my presentations, I start out asking these two questions that I talk about in today’s new article “Meal Planning: What Does Healthy Mean To You? And What Are Your Meal Planning Goals?…more…”

Tuesday, February 20:  Life’s Too Short for Crummy Pens

I mixed things up last week, sorry about that.  Every week, I publish a podcast episode and send out a newsletter with this week’s topic. Every week, I also record my podcast episode for the next week. And… last week I mixed them up.

So, this week, my newsletter and article topic are “The Question of Duplicates” and my Podcast topic is “What About Emergencies?” And last week… well, just swap those two with each other. Sheesh. I had more than a little anxiety about last week’s procedure, so I am going to forgive my brain for that blip!

And back to the task at hand: let’s discuss The Question of Duplicates”. In my presentations, I talk regularly about The Question of Duplicates.

How many is enough? How many is too many? We want to have the right things in the right quantity. Though “right” is a very personal and specific choice. We don’t have to have hundreds of things. We will be happier, most likely, with fewer if clutter is a struggle for us. We just need the right things.   And here is a twist – the less clutter we have overall, the fewer duplicates of necessary items we will need because we can find things easier. 

Mind blown, right? The less stuff we have, the less stuff we need. Wow.

And as always, we aren’t talking about just physical things here, we are also talking about the quantity of responsibilities, relationships, routines, etc. Learn more in “Life’s Too Short For Crummy Pens (The Question of Duplicates)”

Tuesday, February 13: Routines Now to Avoid Emergencies Later

This week is busy!

  • Fat Tuesday / Mardi Gras / Paczki Day (IYK,YK)
  • Ash Wednesday
  • Valentine’s Day
  • The 33rd anniversary of my husband’s and my first date (love you, honey!)
  • Family members are flying out, and family members are flying back into town.
  • Wow!

A few weeks ago, I was in a group and we were discussing my recent topic regarding planning your year in quarters. As we discussed planning ahead, one of the members asked – but what about emergencies? What happens to our plan when emergencies happen around us? A very fair question. What about emergencies, right?  Three things to think about, then, when it comes to emergencies.

  1. First, how do we avoid emergencies?
  2. If an emergency happens, how do we minimize the negative impact?
  3. And finally, how do we get back on track? And the “get back on track” part is answered with annual and quarterly planning, as recently discussed.

So, this week, let’s look at how planning ahead can keep emergencies from happening and can lessen the negative impact if they do happen. Read on for Routines Now To Avoid Emergencies Later.

Tuesday, February 6:  Eliminate Brain Clutter With A Cranial Cleanse
Thanks so much for all of your support after last week’s newsletter!

I met so many new people at January’s presentations. If you’re new here – welcome! Here’s what you can expect!

  • I send out this newsletter every Tuesday, which is the same day my Podcast episode drops (links below!). You can read or listen or both to this week’s productivity content!
  • You’re all invited to my weekly Finish Line Friday productivity session, as well. We work side by side for 25 minutes then take a 5 minute break for 4 cycles (link below, can’t wait to see you!).
  • And, every week, we have a Focus, a topic for the content. So here goes…

I have lots of thoughts in my head most days. Do you, too? Similar to last July’s podcast and newsletter topic, “If I don’t write it down, it doesn’t exist”, this week’s topic is about getting ALL THE THOUGHTS out of my head so I can actually do something with them! Read on for more information in this week’s new blog article, “Eliminate Brain Clutter With A Cranial Cleanse.”

We have big changes coming and I am very excited to start sharing them… more… 

Tuesday, January 30: Who Is On The Team? (Wellness Edition)

Well, I’m always real and honest, but I am going to talk about things that are a little uncomfortable to talk about because… well… sometimes we need to do the uncomfortable things. Because they’re the right things to do, even if they’re uncomfortable. And before we go too far today, I want to start with the end in mind:

  • We need to de-mystify medical issues, wellness and prevention, and we need to talk about stuff.
  • I’m fine. 
  • I am very appreciative of my team, of knowing that I am not alone and that I have very smart people I can call.
  • We need to pursue prevention and wellness in positive terms.
  • I am encouraging all of us this week to map out our plan and make our appointments for 2024.

Want to know more? Keep reading for more information!

Tuesday, January 23, 2024:  Start with the Easy and Obvious. Just Start!

Did you know? January is Get Organized (GO) Month!

“It was established by The National Association of Productivity & Organizing Professionals (NAPO, Each year, it takes the form of a month-long campaign that promotes the advantages of consulting with an organizing or productivity professional.” (from

In this week’s new blog article, I am recommending that if we are having trouble gaining organizational momentum, we need to Start With the Easy and Obvious. Most importantly, really, we just need to START! Read on for more!

Tuesday, January 16, 2024: “If Nothing Changes, Nothing Changes!”

In preparation for today’s newsletter, I googled the quote above (“If Nothing Changes, Nothing Changes”) but there is not a clear cited author. This one is powerful, too, and also unclaimed “If You Always Do What You’ve Always Done, You Always Get What You’ve Always Gotten.”

I have been thinking a lot these last few days about creating lasting change for myself. I said to my accountability partner in my weekly report, “I need to work in meditation and tapping, and movement. I have slowly returned to what I want as my morning routine, so adding even 10 minutes of movement, starting with stretching, seems like the next step.” If I want my results to change, I need to change my behavior.

Thoughts? What small daily changes can you make to create bigger better and lasting change in 2024? Read on for more in “If Nothing Changes, Nothing Changes”.


Tuesday, January 9, 2024: Everything? Sure, But Not All At Once.

How is your 2024 flowing so far? In multiple conversations today, we seem to be seeking a balance of jumping in and getting things done and also gently easing into the new year.

I don’t profess to have the answers, I am figuring it out for myself, as well! But I am open to working through it, and finding that balance.

I published my article for this week’s newsletter this morning. And in a mastermind meeting this afternoon, one of the facilitators had read the article and asked me to recap for my fellow attendees. We talked about planning our work and events for 2024 in the context of the whole 12 months and not stuffing everything into just the first few weeks or even month of the year! Read on for “Everything? Sure, But Not All At Once” to learn more about using the quarters of the year to pace your work…more… !

Tuesday, January 2, 2024: Let’s Get To Know “Time Blocking”

Happy New Year!  I wish you every good thing in 2024!  And, as mentioned in my last newsletter, I hope you found time to rest and reset last week! I successfully goofed off a bit and ignored my alarm clock for a few days!

This year, I seek more ease and rest AND more productivity. Yes, I want it all, I guess. I also seek more joy, community, music, reading and adventures. (And less stress, less frustration, less hassle.)  What do you seek? Over the next few weeks, we will explore productivity tools to help us focus on what is important and get more done this year, while finding more ease in our days.

First things first, I want to talk about Time Blocking. It’s a simple idea, really, to match up available time in our calendar with our important work that needs done. Seems obvious, right? But things don’t always work out that way, and we wonder why we never get to the important stuff!

Let’s learn more, check out “Let’s Get To Know ‘Time Blocking'”, this week’s new article!

Tuesday, December 26, 2023:  Rest and Refresh This Week To Start 2024 Strong!

Merry Christmas! I hope you had a joyful, beautiful Christmas weekend and Day! And I hope today you are enjoying a slower paced day today!

I am writing this very early on Christmas Eve morning. I closed up my laptop on Friday afternoon then attended my mother-in-law’s lovely annual Christmas party. And yesterday, we hosted my family in Michigan which was AMAZING! And then we drove home, cleaned up and then collapsed into bed and fell asleep EARLY, so here I am, up long before the sun, drinking coffee and nibbling Christmas cookies while my whole house of people peacefully snoozes.

In my new article for this week, we explore the “Why”. The WHY we need to rest and refresh this week. Let’s take care of ourselves a bit this week, after taking care of everyone else the past few weeks! Read on for more in “Rest and Refresh This Week to Start 2024 Strong”… more…

Tuesday, December 19: Do What You Can and Forgive Yourself For What You Can’t.
I want to ask a few questions this week, for a bit of self-reflection. If you find yourself strapped for time or looking to prioritize, ask yourself: “What is important to me?”  Especially this busy and wonderful holiday week, I’m asking you to think – what is important to you? And, if you know what is important to you, do more of it.

Next, “What am I good at?” Or “What do I have feasibly have time for?” Because, let’s face it, we might not have time to do it all. So, we might need to cut down or cut back on our expectations!

I invite you to prioritize this week – take care of you, do what you can, and cut yourself some slack for what you cannot. Read on for just such advice in “Do What You Can and Forgive Yourself For What You Can’t…more…

Tuesday, December 12: Truth? Some Things Don’t Get Done, And That’s OK.

How is your week going so far? Take a few deep cleansing breaths with me as you read this, because, well, there is just A LOT this time of year.  I am preparing this newsletter while drinking a long awaited cup of coffee. I had my annual physical the week of Thanksgiving and just got to the lab this morning for my routine lab work because I had to fast / the lab doesn’t open until 8:45 and I’m usually at a clients by now, etc. And I felt guilty because it took me three weeks!

But… I am willing to let the guilt go. I got to the lab and now that task is done. And I made routine health maintenance happen even in this very busy season. And that is enough for my morning so far.  I think this is my message for all of us this week.

  • Focus on what must get done,
  • be flexible when we can,
  • let go of guilt if things aren’t perfect, and
  • push off things that can wait until later.
  • And celebrate with little splashes of joy and magic when we can, like my delish coffee in a festive cup that I picked up on the way home from the lab.

Let’s explore a little more, read on for my new article, Truth? Some Things Don’t Get Done, And That’s OK… more… 

Tuesday, December 5:  “Positive Self Talk Changes Your Life In A Good Way!

How’s your December? I hope it is flowing smoothly. And if it’s not, maybe a shift in your mindset is in order! Let’s think about self-talk! Did you know? Statistically speaking, the person you speak to most in your day is… Yourself. And, more importantly, what do you say? Today I want to talk about the importance of positive self talk. What we say to ourselves and how we say it really matters. Let’s learn more in “Positive Self Talk Changes Your Life In A Good Way!”

November 28, 2023:  Stay Productive When All The World Is A Distraction
At first glance, I thought this week was going to be a lightly scheduled bonus week with Thanksgiving successfully completed and December not here quite yet.
I… was wrong. It’s still a bonus week, but it is a business-as-usual work week with post Thanksgiving lethargy and the revving up for the next holidays! In full disclosure, I knew what today’s topic was going to be last week. I intended to write my podcast content for next week over this past weekend, and record two episodes today to catch up.
Again… I was wrong. Because there are a lot of distractions these days!
Enter – Today’s topic. Let’s talk about “How to Stay Productive When All The World Is A Distraction”! Please know – this topic resonates with me just as much as anyone else. I’m an organizational coach and a certified professional organizer, AND – I’m Distracted These Days TOO!
There are things we can do, steps we can take, that will help us be productive AND celebrate the season. Read on for more in “Stay Productive When All The World Is A Distraction”

November 21, 2023: We Never Really Have to Start From Scratch!

Happy Thanksgiving! I am thankful for all of you this week and every week! Thanks for being on this journey with me!

Finish Line Friday is taking a pause this week for the holiday, but will return on Friday, December 1.

This week, we are talking about ‘notes for next time’, or helping out future you, or leaving yourself recipes or a path ahead.  “How often we do something and in what time interval are two factors that impact how much we remember from time to time. If we don’t necessarily remember all the details every time, that’s okay, because sometimes we don’t, and that’s all right. But we can learn from our experiences and get better at doing things!” Read more in “We Never Really Have to Start From Scratch”

November 14, 2023:  Improve Your Sleep Hygiene for a Better Night’s Sleep!

Do you TikTok? If so, please share your favorite channels! I am just getting started on TikTok, and need to populate my feed. Do you Instagram? Same question – please share your favorites with me, preferably in a DM on Insta!

The days are getting shorter, the nights are getting longer. Our natural tendency to turn inward, snuggle in and hibernate is here! I like to talk about Sleep and Sleep Hygiene this time of year. A good night’s sleep is our best tool for a healthy and productive life!

Read on for more in:

November 7, 2023: The Importance of “Filling Your Cup”

Do you TikTok? If so, please share your favorite channels! I am just getting started on TikTok, and need to populate my feed.  Do you Instagram? Same question – please share your favorites with me, preferably in a DM on Insta!

I often forget to share daily habits of mine that I have ceased to think about! They become ingrained in my day-to-day and I need to remember that a tool that helps me might help you as well! Enter… My “Homing” List!  This short lists resides on a simple post-it note above my computer screen at my desk. I see it multiple times a day, and the habits listed on it help me to support me being me.  Read on for more, The Importance of Filling Your Cup!…more…

October 31, 2024:  Arriving On Time, In 5 Minute Increments!

Happy Halloween!  I attended a really great event a few weeks ago. It was great because of all the amazing connections I made and conversations I had! I love connecting with people, including You! I think big thoughts and get great ideas from All of You, so keep ’em coming!  Inspired by these conversations, this week’s article and podcast Focus offers suggestions on next-level Time Management and Productivity! Read on for: Arriving On Time, In 5 Minute Increments!

Remember – time for those clocks to Fall Back! Daylight Savings ends this Sunday morning at 2 am!… more…

October 24, 2023: October is ADHD Awareness Month:  More Than Just Awareness
Did you know? October is ADHD Awareness Month. ADHD is Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder. And Awareness comes in many forms:

  • Awareness that ADHD exists.
  • Awareness of how ADHD shows up in different people.
  • Awareness that perhaps you – and definitely people you know! – have ADHD.
  • There are strategies to support people with ADHD, and those same strategies can help everyone.

So many of the productivity strategies I’ve talked about – routines, priorities, habits, body doubling, accountability, supportive people and environments – can help all of us and can help folks with ADHD. Want to learn more? Read on for a new article published just this week, and an ADHD Basics article from October, 2021:

October 17, 2023: What Can You Do This Week to Create Organizing Momentum?

Last week, I helped two clients make GREAT PROGRESS in their decluttering journey.  One client started a major house reorganization. The end product, in a few months, will be her current home with different purposes for many of the rooms. For example, a bedroom will become a home office and the current office will turn into a family room. But all we needed to do with our time together was TO START.

The other client removed, with a team, dozens of bags from a storage space to be donated, sold or recycled. This client is always willing to purge their items, but they required help to physically move the items. This client just needed TO FINISH.

What can you do this week, to get started or make progress on your Fall projects? IF you need inspiration or suggestions, read on!

October 10, 2023:  Planning Day!!

Any day is a good day to plan.  Every Day is a good day to plan!  With a new month, a new quarter, another trip around the sun, I declare today Planning Day! Want to find out more? Read on for this week’s new blog articleand listen up for the podcast episode“Planning Day!”…more… 

October 3, 2023: Put Things AWAY!  Before procrastination makes us stumble! 

I have met some great new people in the last few weeks from virtual AND in-person presentations! If you’re new here – Welcome! I’m happy you’re here!

We’ve just had a very busy family weekend! My oldest son and his beautiful bride got married. I’m not ready to share details about it because it is not my story to tell, but it was wonderful!  For the purpose of today’s newsletter, though, I will tell you – even with out of town guests, multiple events and so many details to manage – the bags are all unpacked, everything is AWAY and the house is back to normal. SO I can get on with enjoying the memories and still be productive with my week. Learn more in this week’s new article, Put Things AWAY! Before procrastination makes us stumble…more…