Homework for Your Christmas Vacation

     My middle son gave me an article the other day, debating the pros and cons of homework over weekends and holiday vacations.  He, of course, sided with the “no homework” side of the argument.   And I am with him.  So, dear readers, no homework this week. 

      But I can’t fight the compulsion to teach and share ideas about how to lead a better, more organized life.  So here are a few things we are going to do this week, between Christmas and the New Year.   Use the information as you choose.  Today, 

  1. I cleaned out the refrigerator.  We have party leftovers (of course), and will be eating through those this week.  But I spent an hour checking expiration dates and wiping down fridge shelves and drawers.
  2. I opened up my Christmas planning spreadsheets and made a couple of notes for next year.   New things we tried and want to continue, like Christmas Eve breakfast out at a beloved local restaurant (EP readers, at Karson’s of course!), and a few things we won’t bother with next year.
  3. I also added some names to my gift list for next year.  Every year, I almost forget about wonderful folks like crossing guards, delivery people and extracurricular teachers.  So I added them to the regular list, to help 2011’s Me be more prepared.    
  4. I also noted the menu from this year’s Christmas dinner, which was appreciated by all, so I could make the dishes again if someone asks.
  5. I got my house Back To Ready, for Monday morning / post-Christmas Celebrations and House Guests, though it was bittersweet to vacuum, do laundry and take out the trash.  It felt like I was closing the door on our parties for the year.  We loved having family with us this weekend.
  6. I broke down a dozen or 2 cardboard boxes to put out with the recycling.  I am reminded of the statistic, that most of the trash in landfills is packaging.  That is very evident at Christmas time, so we recycled as much as possible!

This week,

  1. Now that my fridge has some space again, tomorrow I’ll head to the grocery and re-stock with healthier, basic supplies to get us back in the habit of eating healthy!  I’ll also pick up the ingredients for a lovely ham and bean soup, to use up our Christmas ham bone.
  2. We will watch lots of movies over Christmas break.   Our holiday faves are “”Scrooged”, “While You Were Sleeping” and “Elf”.  And last night, 7 of us snuggled in the family room watching my personal favorite, The Princess Bride.  Complete with popcorn, of course.  We did receive a number of new DVDs for Christmas, too, that we will enjoy together, one every evening.
  3. My sons and I will send Thank you notes.   I love this ritual, to remind us how blessed we are.  We receive gifts from loved ones, but even more, we are so blessed by their presence at events and in our hearts. 
  4. We will take care of returns and exchanges, but not right away.  We only have one or 2 such items, and we’ll take care of them later this week.  We will take advantage of the sales, though, and shop for new sneakers and shirts for school.  We need little else, and I am in no hurry!
  5. I will order my New Year Cards for my company clients and partners.   A few years ago I realized that sending out New Year’s Cards and Calendars were more meaningful than another Christmas card.
  6. I will give myself a late Christmas gift and take a long soaking bath and polish my toenails!
  7. And we will take advantage of the warmer weather later in the week, and take a hike at one of our favorite parks. 

 Have a great week!