I have a marketing calendar, and that calendar told me I’m supposed to be writing about cleaning out your garage to get your car under cover before it snows (per the forecast, that could be as soon as this Thursday). However…
I just can’t seem to wrap my head around that this morning. Instead, my mind is working through the questions I asked in last week’s newsletter, finding clarity and focus around:
- November / Thanksgiving
- Christmas
- Finishing the current year with a flourish, and
- Starting the New Year strong.
So, what does this look like? This morning,
- I … Thought and planned. This morning is about thinking and planning, and once the plan is in place, I will start taking care of tasks. TIP: But planning comes first!
- I … Added events to the calendar, like fundraisers and concerts for the high school, exams and
travel plans for the college students. TIP: Add events now to avoid double booking dates moving forward, but also to notice any snags that need resolved now instead of in a month. Much better to resolve issues now!
- I … “Sent out ships.” That is what my friend Jan calls it when we send out requests or notifications via email or text, and then wait for a reply. There are a number of events coming up, with lots of people involved who need to be part of the decision making, so I sent out emails to family members, clients, network partners and fellow ministers this morning. TIP: Communicate with family and friends this week about upcoming events! Even if we don’t receive immediate answers, at least the conversation is started!
- I … Looked around my house and updated my Project list: this past weekend, we (ok, mostly my awesome hubby and youngest son) cleaned up the yard, the deck and garage to get ready for Fall / Winter. Next weekend, we need to look INSIDE the house and make a plan around any minor house projects we need to complete before holiday hosting happens in December. TIP: Update that project list NOW while there is still time to accomplish your tasks!
- I … Took care of business, confirming clients and speaking engagements for this week and this month, and did a little bookkeeping.
- TIP: Kept the rest of life in mind, as well. The HOLIDAYS can become all consuming if we let them.
We have to keep the rest of our day to day life moving along, too, though: Work, wellness, sleep, grocery shopping and house cleaning and bill paying, school, ministries, etc. Sooo….
- TIP: Now is a great time to make wellness appointments: check ups, dentist and eye doctor for college students over holiday break, etc.
- TIP: Make your house services appointments now, too. Call the carpet cleaner, plumber or painter now, so you aren’t left in a bind if you call in December and they can’t fit you in.
- TIP: Find some short cuts or outsource regular tasks like grocery shopping when you can!
I challenge you to invest an hour today or this week that will save you many hours of stress and anxiety in the next few weeks! Grab your planner and your laptop and take a good look around to see where you can set yourself up to succeed!