- Regular meditation / exercise;
- regular blogging;
- schedule changes in the daily routine;
- use the calendar on my phone since it always with me;
- take pictures of children’s sports schedules then toss the paper;
- grade daily (teacher);
- perform an outside task (sweeping, raking, weeding, etc.) for 15 minutes daily;
- drink more water;
- make time for yourself;
- know exactly what’s for dinner by breakfast; and
- make bed every morning.
- (These are all great ideas, thanks everyone for sharing!)
Here is how to make these happen, Cap’n!
- For meditation, we need some quiet space in our home, or to find a meditation class.
- Drink more water? We can put in a water cooler, buy re-usable water bottles, or get those little flavored drops to add.
- Use the calendar on our phone? Make sure to have the phone with us all the time.
- Make the bed daily? Clear the piles on the ground that keep you from straightening up.
- We bought a used car a few weeks ago. I added the keys to my key ring, and rearranged the garage and the cars to make the new car easiest to access.
- Let’s use the “use the calendar on my phone” habit as an example.
- Do you like auditory reminders? Set your alarm for 5 pm every day (or whenever), and mentally review your day to add any scheduling events that need to go into your phone’s calendar.
- Do you like to talk things out? Set up a regular meeting with family or co-workers to review and upcoming events, and make sure they are in your electronic calendar.
- Do you respond to visual reminders? Leave a post-it note reminder on your paper calendar, to remind you to reach for the phone instead.
- If your goal is “drink more water”, use even more specific reminders like rubber bands on your water bottle. I carry a 32 oz. bottle all the time, so I might put two rubber bands on the bottle, and move a band from the top to the bottom every time I refill.