Find Your Focus Areas!

(Want to watch me share this article? Click here for a FB live:

It always delights me when someone quotes me back to me! At a recent meeting, a friend mentioned that her brother had attended one of my Stress Management presentations. Of course, she also mentioned that she asked him to do something and he said “No, that isn’t in my Focus Areas”! (No names are mentioned, for anonymity!)

In my Stress Management Presentations, I recommend identifying and then sticking with your Focus Areas.

The idea is to identify what is important to you, and subsequently, what is NOT important to you. And once you know what is important to you – what is a high priority for you – intentionally spend your time and energy and resources on the high priority areas of your life.

Being intentional on how we spend our resources is important when it comes to getting things done, decreasing stress and increasing feelings of accomplishment and satisfaction.

Reviewing my notes, I realize that Focus Areas come up a lot for me. For example:

  • When writing an agenda for a board meeting – “What is important? What do we have to make sure to talk about?”
  • EVERY WEEK when I check in with my 2 accountability partners, I report using my Focus Areas as writing prompts.
  • In a recent conversation about the lingering effects of lock down and the pandemic, as in, “even when in lockdown for months in my home, I still didn’t want to work on jigsaw puzzles or knit a blanket.”
  • Even in casual conversations with my son. As in “Mom, you should watch this entire YouTube series on conspiracy theories.”
    • “Um, no. No, I should not.” Binge watching anything, especially something on conspiracy theories, is NOT in my Focus Areas.

What is important to you? What are your Focus Areas? If you’re unclear on what your Focus Areas are, start by checking three places: Your bank account, your calendar and your texting history. “What is important to you” is what you spend your resources on. Resources like time, money and energy.

Here’s the other side of that statement, though. Are you spending your resources on the areas of your life that you WANT to be important to you? Meaning, do you feel like building your business is important to you, but upon review of your resources, you aren’t spending a lot of energy on that endeavor? Or family or relationships or faith, etc.? As I plan my work today, I use my focus areas to determine what I DO and DO NOT want to spend my time on.

OK, so my Focus Areas are:

  • Service and Faith: School Board Work, Community Work, Ministries at church including Choir, Cantoring and Baptismal Prep
  • Home / Family: First thing first, my husband and sons. Then family and friends. And “Home” is the care and nurturing of home, cleaning, cooking, projects, holidays, etc.
  • Personal / Wellness
  • Educate Me: educational pursuits, learning new skills, reading non-fiction, learning new music.
  • My Company. I have subcategories, or business specific focus areas, too. They are Coaching, Clients, Presentations, Marketing and Business Specific.

What might your Focus Areas be? Career, Family, Health, Hobbies or a specific interest, Adventures, Friends, Money, Spiritual Needs, Personal Growth, Physical Fitness, etc..

A caveat: Our Focus Areas are an internal choice. A quick way to identify what might NOT be one of your Focus Areas is any time the idea comes from outside of you and is accompanied by a Should. As in almost ALL ADVERTISING! or “Wow, you should totally get a tattoo and run off to South America if you want to live a fulfilled life like me.” Huh? Um, no, thanks.

Additionally, our Focus Areas can change and evolve over time, just like we do as humans.

Knowing what our Focus Areas are helps us to make good decisions on how to spend our resources. They also give us a rubric for deciding on how to NOT spend our resources. Even if it means we respond to a request with “No, I am not willing to do that, it is not important to me, or part of my Focus Areas”!

take a breath and prepare

Take a breath.

Take a breath to recover AND also to prepare.

September is National Preparedness Month,

Daily, it seems, I encourage others (and remind myself) to take a breath. To recover from an upset, to make space for peace, or perhaps to ground or center ourselves. Maybe to simply take a moment to relax.

Just last evening, I walked a class of students through square breathing during a Stress Management class at the local community college. Deep breaths won’t eliminate our stressors, of course, but they can certainly help us manage better whatever the day may send our way.

Fun fact, in addition to professional organizing and coaching, I am also a professional liturgical musician as a cantor and a flutist.

A recent Sunday, I was reminded that, in addition to taking a breath to recover from an exhale, we also take a breath to prepare for what is coming.

In music, phrasing is important. A misplaced breath can cut short a note, make a sentence awkward or leave a whole phrase weak and unsupported. In liturgical music, the songs are often sloooooowwwww and the phrasing is looooonnnnnggggg. So the trick becomes finding opportunities to take extra breaths unnoticed to prepare for those long notes.

WE tend to be more impressed when someone can hold those big crescendos at the end of a song for a splashy and impressive finish. But I tend to listen for and appreciate the long and sustained and supported phrasing throughout the song.

Another fun fact, I sing at 8 am Mass. I need to warm up first thing in the morning to hit the high notes that early, sure, but the more important thing at 7 am is actually warming up my deep breathing and lung expansion to support and sustain my phrasing. That is less natural for me than hitting the high notes.

So, let’s bring this into organizing. We organize to clean up or recover from day-to-day life. But I would challenge us all to also look at what simple steps we can take this week and month to prepare for day-to-day life.

Using my own analogy, for example, I knew days ago that today was going to be a day with LONG PHRASING, so I did what I could to “take a breath to prepare” with planning my clothes and meals ahead of time and taking care of some work a day early. I am also making sure to provide a steady and firm breath (use of energy and focus) but NOT too strong so as to spend all the breath or energy or focus all at once.

So, take a breath with me and think about what we can do to better prepare for our days.

Work Some Summer Into Your Work Routine!

Did you know? May is National Revise Your Work Schedule Month.

I work with clients on their work schedules, but that doesn’t translate well for an article! I won’t presume to tell you how to do your work, as you certainly know your industry better than I do! And I won’t presume to give you specific advice around your day to day schedule.

However, we can look at this idea from an organizational coaching perspective:

When it comes to re-considering our schedule, we first need to acknowledge the shift in seasons. Spring is here and Summer is close. This new season just feels different. And for many of us, years of school as a student or parent or perhaps a teacher or profession have us trained to feel the change at the end of the school year. May always feels like a transition time. 

And the shift to Summer often calls us to make some changes in our work schedule around our families, events or vacation time. Let’s consider how to work some summer into your work routine!

  • Plan some away-from-work time:
  • Bring summer to work with you.
    • Switch from hot coffee to an iced tea, try a hand lotion at your desk that smells like the beach or a handful of picked garden flowers, pack bright fruits and salads.
  • Look for ways to walk in the sun!
    • Speaking with a coaching client today, we were brainstorming about working more movement and sunlight into her work day. She mentioned a nearby park nearby where she ate lunch the other day while enjoying the beautiful view. Take the long way back to the office, walk outside at lunch time.
  • Change up your daily routine:
    • Think about what feels like summer to you! And then make some room for that in your day-to-day!
    • Let in the sun! In the summer, I start my day REALLY early with a walk and some time outside watering and puttering in my garden. It’s an energizing yet peaceful way to start my day before things get busy or the sun gets too hot!
    • Check out the days and times of local farmers markets in your area. I love to stop and browse for a few minutes between client appointments and pick up something fresh for dinner.
    • Sometimes in summer, I will drive home from appointments purposely through the area forest preserves and roll down my windows to enjoy the sights and smells of nature.
    • We change up our menu plans in the summer, for packed lunches and for dinner. We don’t turn on the oven much at all, and rely heavily on grilling and salads.

But, What If It Is Amazing?

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.” – Marianne Williamson

It is so easy to believe the bad stuff. And there is a lot of bad stuff sometimes, I know. Most of our brains, especially brains with ADHD, or anxiety or depression, trend negative.

I pride myself on having a positive inner narrative, of making sure I keep an eye on the good things inside and around me. I know I am a much happier person that way, much more productive, certainly more pleasant to be around, and with positivity and good energy to share. And I do.

Recently, I identified a place in my mind where Fear had snuck in. In one small area, I had let fear guide me, keeping me from moving ahead on a project. And when I identified fear in one place, I also realized that I had let the fear in one area leak quietly into other areas of my life as well.

Sneaky thing, fear.

Fear was keeping me stuck. I had fear of failing and of succeeding, at the same time. Go figure! Illogical, of course, but sometimes our thoughts are illogical!

I worked through some things over the last week, using tools I have from my coaching practice on my own challenges. The first step is awareness that there is a problem. I completed perspective work, I listened to my intuition, I checked in on my own needs and values. Yes, I coached me with my coaching tools!

And what came to me was, “Fear can be scary, but what if the other side of the fear is AMAZING??

What if this scary thing, when I get through it, results in something totally awesome? Fear wants us to believe that negative things can happen, and they can, but so can amazing things, in equal measure. The AMAZING results are actually more likely than the failure, in this instance.

So let’s ask…. (and we will stick with organizing, though you can swap that word out for anything else you want, too):

What are you afraid of?

  • Afraid of failing at organizing?
    • Every thing we try is a learning experience, there really isn’t failure there.
  • Afraid that organizing might be difficult?
    • Ok, but how much more difficult is it to struggle every day?
  • Afraid that organizing might be easy, and I’ll realize I should have done it years ago?
    • Ok, but why bother beating yourself up about the past? Show past-you some grace and enjoy today’s success.
  • Afraid that the path might not be easy or straightforward?
    • It won’t be, and that is ok, too.

Now that I am aware that Fear had me stuck, I am looking more to the AMAZING part.

Yes, I have work to do. I already had work to do, now I can do without being afraid, too.

Yes, things may get hard. But things were hard anyway, and now maybe they can also get easier!

Fear is scary, but join me on the other side of Fear for AMAZING!

Advice For the Graduates and the Rest of Us, As Well!

Did you know? In addition to being a Certified Professional Organizer, I’m also an elected school board member in my community. I was honored to deliver an address at the 8th grade graduation in June.

We are all in perpetual transition – back to school, but also life milestones. Here is what I had to say to that gymnasium full of students as they went on their way, and to all of us as well!

“Good evening.  I would like to welcome you all, and Thank You for being here, and not just tonight.  

Thank you to our dedicated and passionate teachers and staff who have instructed and guided these students along the way. These educators arrive early, stay late, they’re in the classrooms and hallways and at these events. And they truly have our student’s best interests in mind.  We are so fortunate, and I am so grateful. 

Thank you, parents and guardians and all those folks who also show up.  Every day.  I’m not even going to finish the equation, # of morning wake-ups from Pre-K to 8th grade multiplied by lunches packed, homework, gym uniforms, band instruments, car pools, field trips. Then there are the games and concerts and events in person and on-line that we are SO happy to attend.

Students – yes, tonight is about you, but tonight or this weekend, please stop and look your parents, grandparents and significant adults in the eyes and thank them for helping you get to this occasion.   

And now, Students!   

You’ve heard it before, “you can be anything you want to be”.  And you can.  You are able to be, allowed to be, anything you want to be.   

But hear me, and not just with your ears but with your heart.  All of you, sitting here this evening – you are CAPABLE of being anything you want to be.

You have proven over the last few years that you are flexible, you are resilient, you are clever and creative. You have suffered loss and you have survived.  You have endured a pandemic, and you are still here!

You adapted to learning new things in new ways that just a few years ago still felt impossible or unattainable.  You have adapted and learned and adapted some more. 

The first thing I ask, then, is that you Believe that you are CAPABLE of anything you want to achieve.  

Second, Do the right thing, even when no one is watching.  Don’t bother with easy, or just skating by, because you think no one will notice.  YOU will notice.  And once you know you can count on yourself to do the right thing, your confidence and capacity for doing the right thing will grow.   You may find yourself in a situation and you’re not sure what the right thing to do is. Go with kindness.  Justice.  Fairness.  Thinking and thoughtfulness.  Those are always going to be the right thing.  And the right thing might not be what everyone else is doing, but that’s ok, they are just waiting for you to set an example. 

Third, Find your people.  Look around for the people that are doing what you want to do, what you aspire to do. Surround yourself with good people who will lift you up, build you up, and who are also doing the right thing. Find and appreciate those people, and more importantly, strive to be that best person for others.

Finally, Start and end with gratitude.  Be grateful for your natural born talents and your diligently honed skills.  Be grateful for your family who loves you, the education you are working for, your friends and our community.   

So, your homework:

Believe you are CAPABLE of being anything you want to be.
Do the Right Thing.  
Find Your People.
And Start and End with Gratitude.

I’m going to take my own advice here, and say thank you, Central Middle School class of 2021, for showing us all how to survive and thrive in adversity.  I can’t wait to see what each of you will continue to achieve in big and small ways, in the years to come.  Congratulations and Well Done!” 

Filing is For Retrieval, Not For Storage

I gave two presentations yesterday – well the same presentation to two different audiences – and I think I said this phrase a dozen times each. Filing is for retrieval, not for storage.

It is one of the first statements I make in my Clear the Clutter presentation, and I actually broke it down word by word for one of the groups. What can I say, I was inspired!

It can be a guiding phrase for us as we clear clutter from our home. Consider it a mantra! And here is a summary of all those 7 words can mean for you and me!


Filing = putting things way.

Filing can be putting ANYTHING away, and not just papers. AWAY is the goal for organizing and clearing clutter. Putting clean laundry away is filing. Emptying the dishwasher and putting the dishes away is filing. Hanging up your coat when you come in the house is filing.

Filing is putting things away so you can expect to easily find them again.

Filing is for Retrieval, not for storage.

Retrieval = using again.

We put things away where they belong so we can find them again the next time we need them.

We expect to use things again, and we expect to use certain things together. We store related items together. We can ask ourselves “In what context will I need this item again?”

Sure, we could file our credit cards in a desk drawer, but that is not where we are going to use them, to retrieve them, again.

In our house, we store shoes in our closets, but we also keep a few pairs by the door because we use shoes when we leave the house. We use them all the time, and place them by the door for easy retrieval.

Not For Storage.

Not for Storage = Use your stuff, don’t just store your stuff

Most of us do not have unlimited storage.

I mean, hey – if you do, Good on you, we’re all just jealous. But most of us do not. And because storage is not limitless, we need to put limits on the stuff that we might store in our homes or businesses.

We should only be putting away the things that we actually expect to use again.

Now, sometimes we put something away, like a paid bill for reference, that we feasibly do expect to retrieve again. However, as the bill lingers, it becomes obsolete and grows less likely to be retrieved. We need to add in maintenance steps to our systems to purge those obsolete resources – papers, clothes, books, etc., once we no longer need them.

Next time you’re pondering a pile of clutter, and considering just tucking it in a drawer or in a bin, first remind yourself that “Filing is for retrieval, not for storage”. Maybe that pile of clutter just needs to GO instead of stay!

How to Break the “Just One More Thing” Habit

This is not what I had planned to write about this week, but readers asked for More! when I admitted in last week’s newsletter that I had and also conquered my tendency for “Just One More Thing!”.

You know, “Just One More Thing!”? As in … we need to leave in 5 minutes, of course I have time to write 3 emails, or start a load of laundry, or make one more phone call.

Perhaps you have this tendency, too? It is well intentioned. For me, I just wanted to get as much done as I could so I would wring productivity out of every last SECOND of my day. Except, this practice is not very productive and it occasionally tripped me up. It might only impact me or you, but the more complicated our schedules become, the more likely this habit is to impact others negatively as well.

20 years ago, I often fell into this flawed thinking, and this judgement error was exacerbated by the fact that I was the mother of small children. Even if I thought I had an extra 5 minutes, we all know how quickly those can pass as we assemble socks or shoes or backpacks for school. And I was also setting a bad example, pushing-pushing-pushing the deadline for leaving on-time to arrive on-time. (*You could swap out child references with co-workers in the above sentence and draw the same conclusions.)

What about leaving for work or for home or anywhere else you need to get to on time? “Just One More Thing” only works when everything else works exactly as planned. And we also all know that day-to-day life rarely works exactly as planned. There is a last minute search for keys or phone, slow elevators, traffic or bad weather, and as one thing leads to another, we find ourselves rushing around, arriving late and out of sorts.

I recognized and began to remedy my issue of “Just One More Thing” when I worked downtown and commuted on the train. If I drove, it didn’t matter if I left my office a few minutes late. I could just make it up on the drive or get home a few minutes late. No biggee. BUT… if I didn’t leave my office at 4:55 pm, I would not be on the Blue Line Platform in time to catch the EL train to the Metra station to get on the train that got me home by 6:05. Trains don’t care about “Just One More Thing”. Instead, I would have to take the next train that arrived half an hour later and made more stops. And that made a BIG difference.

WHY should you break the “Just One More Thing” Habit?

Why? Because you’re not a jerk. “Wait, Coll, how could ‘Just One More Thing’ make me a jerk?” Late for meetings, drop-offs or pick-ups? And what if you’re the one who called the meeting?! Unreliable? Missed deadlines?

Why? Because you respect yourself. Last week, a friend (you know who you are!) mentioned the words “self-sabotage” when she commented on my “Just One More Thing” admission. Ouch. Hard truth, but truth nonetheless. We have to respect our own boundaries. And we can’t expect others to respect our boundaries if we do not.

Why? Because there is value in “calm”. Or “On-time”, or reliable or consistent, or having time to say Hi to a friend or sitting in your favorite seat at the meeting because you didn’t succumb to “Just One More Thing”. (Find your why and remind yourself!)

Here’s How to Break the “Just One More Thing Habit”:

Realistic Time Estimates: Know how long tasks take. If you have 10 minutes, what can you really accomplish in that time? Two 5 minute tasks or one 10 minute task and nothing more. Nothing more than 10 minutes in 10 minutes! OR… one short task and take a few minutes for a deep breath and an early start. (I know we just talked about realistic time estimates in a recent article, but it bears repeating!)

To Do Lists: Keep a to-do list, so your tasks and ideas are reliably collected and you don’t have to worry so much about JUST ONE MORE THING before you leave the house, go to your meeting, etc. With a reliable list, you can pick up where you left off.

If you really only have 5 minutes right now, “send out the ships” to others first. My accountability partner uses the term “sending out ships” to describe those communications that require a reply or action from others.

I know my pace for work. I do not know, or presume to know, other people’s pace for work. Therefore, I try to send out requests or messages to others ASAP to give time to answer. Then I make a note of when I sent the message or request, when I need to follow up, tack on a great bit WAIT and then move that task to that future time or date. As I write about sending out ships, it feels like a matter of prioritizing, and perhaps it is. But this strategy helps me communicate more effectively and focus in on what really needs to be said or done. Which leads me to….

Prioritize. When we have limited time to complete a long list of tasks, we have to identify what has to get done right now and what can wait. Don’t get distracted by shiny things or loud requests. (Loud and shiny don’t make a task important.)

Know Your Absolute Deadline, and add time in from there. Check your traffic app for commute time, check the weather for possible storms, know your route and a few alternatives. No matter how well intentioned we are, we cannot travel back in time. (Trust me, I’ve tried.)

Give Yourself Grace, as you figure this out. For goodness sake, be as kind to you as you are to others and cut yourself some slack. Forgiving yourself ahead of time for NOT doing “Just One More Thing” is a good place to start!

To-Do List: What Is It? What’s On It? and How To Choose For Yourself?

(Click here to hear / see this article in a Facebook Live post!)

Productivity and Progress flourish with a clear vision of what DOES and DOES NOT need to be done right now. And this clear vision starts with a good To-Do List!

As we get started, I need to share a few truths:

Yes, you need a to-do list, and not just one in your head. No, you will not remember.

If you won’t keep one for yourself, do it for others as other people rely on you to get things done, too.

I know how I use my To-Do lists but I was curious about how other people use theirs. I asked my Facebook community last week to share their insight around tasks and to-do lists. I know AMAZING people and they were forthcoming with their answers to these questions:

  • Do you keep a to-do list?
  • How do you track your tasks-to-do?
  • Are you a paper person or electronic person, or a mix?
  • Anything else you’d like to add, of note?

It turns out, people have strong thoughts about To-Do lists! My questions were mostly answered by folks who embrace to-do lists.  I did not receive any “No” responses, so either my FB tribe generally keeps to-do lists, or anyone who does not didn’t respond.

I quickly realized that this topic would take multiple articles to cover adequately! This week, let’s talk about what is ON a to-do list, and what is the right way to keep your to-do list (spoiler alert, there is no one “right way”!)

What IS a To-Do List? And WHAT is on it?

  • A To-Do List is a physical or digital list of tasks and errands you need to complete, often sorted by date, time or priority.
  • A To-Do List is a component of a productive day and of an effective planner. 
    • A planner is the composite pieces of a calendar, to-do list, contact information, goals, routines, etc.
    • Appointments are scheduled events.
    • Routines can be part of your To-Do Lists, or not. You can add your daily routine to your to-do list if you like, or if you are working on establishing new habits.  But you will have to decide for yourself if “Get Up” or “eat breakfast” need to be on your to-do list.  
  • An important feature of a good to-do list is the option to keep track of future tasks.
    • Keeping a long-term to-do list helps to turn ideas into actions (I should buy new deck furniture in the Spring”, or “next Christmas I would really like host a party”) and
    • Gives our brains a break from the pressure of remembering ALL THE DETAILS ALL THE TIME. (exhausting!)
  • I spoke recently about to-do lists with a client. He defined them as “the tasks that need to be jotted down for the in-between times.” Meaning, he won’t forget to get up, eat breakfast or walk the dog.  He also won’t forget to go to work or complete his work.  But he might need to remember to make a hair cut appointment, pick up a birthday gift for his mom or take in his truck for an oil change.  

How Do I Choose The Right Way To Keep My To-Do List?

The question is often “Tech or Paper?” when it comes to To-Do lists. However, reviewing the responses this past week, I am happy to report most people use a blend of platforms and tools for different situations and outcomes.

The choice between Paper or Tech does not determine success. MAKING the choice and USING the tools determines success. Don’t be afraid to be wrong! The Best To-Do List is the one you will actually use.

I’ve been asked recently to recommend a planner for a reader starting their own business. Regrettably, that isn’t something I can do. A planner, or for today’s article, a platform for a To-Do list, is a very personal choice. I can coach around determining necessary features or talk through the pros and cons of different types, but I can’t tell someone what kind of planner to use.

Consider a Blend!

  • If you are choosing your paper planner, consider:
    • Some popular paper planner brands are Happy Planner, Purple Planner, Franklin Planner and Bullet Journal.
  • If you choose tech:
  • (For both, I will share more paper or tech tools as I find them! )
  • Or Consider the Blend!
    • Some people prefer to see their entire month at once so they prefer paper. You may run out of room, though, if your schedule is complicated or your daily to-do list is too itemized for a small block.
    • There is pleasure and feeling of accomplishment that some say only come from a pen-and-paper to do list!
    • Work versus home: One person mentioned that her personal to-do list was digital (and more portable that way) but that her daily work to-do list is comprised of sticky notes and those are client specific and stay at work!
    • I like the portability that comes from a digital list – I use Evernote and can call up and update a list on my phone, tablet or laptop and it stays current. Plus, I can share the list with others as needed.
    • On the other hand, I use a Bullet Journal for jotting down notes on the fly or for the pleasure of writing by hand lists, ideas or journal entries (then I copy them over to my digital to-do list).
    • What I really appreciate is how my FB community blended methods, like jotting down notes on paper (anything from old envelopes to a beautiful notebook with heavy paper) and then supporting those tasks with audible reminders or alarms on their tech. Clever!

As you plot your productivity and progress, consider what tools will help you set-up your To-Do list! Have a great week!

Is It Time To Tweak Your Routine?

I feel like I talk all the time about Routines. I think about them often and how to make mine work better for me. And I spend a lot of time during presentations and coaching calls discussing the importance and creation of Routines for others.

Maybe I do talk about them all the time, though – after a brief review – I don’t seem to bring it up here on my blog space very often.

I am tweaking my own Routines this week and this month, and I thought I would bring you all along for the ride.

What are our Routines? Our routines are the set of tasks we set about doing on a regular basis – daily, weekly, monthly, etc. – that help us handle the essentials of survival and maintenance in our life and / or our work.


  • provide structure to our days, should we need it;
  • ensure that essential tasks are completed as often as necessary;
  • help us stay balanced and make sense of life and work;
  • save us time, help us be productive, eliminate stress;
  • are a great foundation for anything else that needs to happen daily or weekly.

We create routines through repetition. Our routines are attached to certain times of day – “I get out of bed at 6 and take a walk”; or certain events – “I take a shower and change my clothes when I get home from a client appointment”. And our routines are tools – tools to make our life run more smoothly. Or building blocks, providing a strong foundation.

Routines are habits, but they can also be changed or improved as changes in life requires them to change. And let’s face it, life has required many changes recently.

I tweaked my routines back in March as my state’s shelter-in-place orders began, and I usually tweak my routines for summer, as school and kid schedules change, so I know it is time! I can sense a change, a need to review and re-establish my routines when things start to feel a little out of sync, just a little wrong. As though I’m wearing the right shoes but on the wrong feet.

So, how to make changes? Or create a routine from the beginning?

Start with Needs.

I need to take a walk every day for optimal health, I need to take my supplements. I NEED to do these things, but the WHEN is more flexible.

During the school year or when my husband actually has to drive downtown, we walk at 5 am. Lately, it’s more like 6:15. Needs remain the same, WHEN can change.

List out your needs. You can list all your needs for the day, but I will start with morning. My morning (anything between waking up and starting my work day) Needs may include, in no particular order:

  • take a walk;
  • take my supplements;
  • make my bed;
  • make sure I have something planned for dinner (maybe even start something in the crock pot);
  • pray;
  • shower and get ready for my day;
  • start a load of laundry;
  • water my garden;
  • You get the picture.

Your list may be longer or shorter, and may contain tasks my list does not. And that’s just how it should be.

Next, assign any specific times to your needs and then put them in a logical order. Looking at the example above, I might order them like this…

  • 6:15 am Take a walk;
  • water my garden (when I get home from my walk, since I’m outside);
  • shower and get ready for my day (because it’s hot and I’m sweaty after my walk);
  • make my bed;
  • start a load of laundry;
  • take my supplements (coupled with the dinner planning, since I’m in the kitchen);
  • make sure I have something planned for dinner (maybe even start something in the crock pot);
  • pray (I do this at my desk, usually when I sit down to start working);
  • 8 am Start my work day.

Perhaps you have different routines for different times of day. I have personal or house specific routines around dinner time and bed time, and they are created the same way – start with needs, move on to times and convenient bundling.

And perhaps a routine for your work day would help you be more productive? Same process!

I suggest both a daily and weekly routine for work place productivity. My day-to-day schedule can change – today was not a typical Tuesday (I started with a 1.5 hour coaching call and then sang for a funeral), but the first few tasks I complete every day when I sit down at my computer – check email, check business social media accounts, confirm tomorrow’s clients – are the same whether I start at 8 am or noon.

When it comes to a weekly routine, I find it helpful to assign tasks to each day, for example:

  • Monday – strategic planning, client care
  • Tuesday – write article and publish newsletter
  • Wednesday – update website and social media
  • Thursday – check in around presentations
  • Friday – billing and invoices

If this idea works for you, great! Fill in your own essential tasks instead of mine. Just like a daily routine, having a weekly routine around NEEDS, in this case the NEEDS of my business, ensures the continued health and productivity of my business.

So, how can you tweak your routines this week? Determine your needs for your self and your home and your work. Make sure the Needs that need to be met daily are added to your routines, and the same for weekly.

Choose the best time for your routine tasks to be completed. Are you a morning person? A night owl? Maybe you hit your stride late in the day?

Look around – is there anyone in your house or office better equipped to do a certain task? Maybe there are tasks you can delegate!

Put your tasks in an order that saves time or makes sense. Try it out for a week or two and make sure it’s working for you! And expect you will need to review your routines every few months to make adjustments accordingly!

I will be working on my own daily and weekly routines this week, too! I know we will all be better off after spending a little time figuring out the best way to spend our time! Cheers!

Let’s Decide Now How the Next Few Months Will Go

Setting goals is a great way to make progress in life. Personal, professional, spiritual, wellness, you name it. The process lends clarity to our efforts, and provides deadlines and motivational boosts.

Today we are half way through 2020. Wow – July begins tomorrow! This should be a great day and time to set goals in your focus areas, move forward, do big things, etc…. But that feels heavy right now, doesn’t it?

Is it safe to say – the last few months weren’t what you expected? Personally, I know that to be the truth. If you set goals for 2020 back in January, perhaps you have made progress, or perhaps you barely recognize your reality today.

In business, we often look at the year by quarters. So, 2nd Quarter (Q2) of 2020 was April / May / June. And I can say with certainty that Q2 2020 was incomparable to any other quarter before. Ever. In business and in life. We saw it coming, back in Q1 2020. But let’s face it, we didn’t know really know what was coming.

2 Quarters completed, 2 Quarters to go

I’ve had two coaching conversations in the last 2 days about 3rd Quarter Goal Setting, 2020. And what both conversations had in common was that all parties involved – me and my two coaching partners – agreed that setting Q3 goals feels WAY TOO BIG for right now.

There are still unknowns. A LOT of unknowns. We’re still feeling our way through Phase 4 reopening here in Illinois. We’re carefully placing our feet for the next step on the path.


Despite the unknowns, I still want to set goals for Q3 and Q4 2020 and I suggest you do the same. However, here are some things to think about as you set them!

What are your focus areas? I can’t answer this one for you, but as an example, mine are:
Wellness, Family, Home, Personal, Business, Educate Me and Service.
I set goals regularly in each of these focus areas. The “Focus” in focus areas works both ways – I only set goals that fit into one of these focus areas, AND I set goals in each of these areas. In theory, that means nothing gets neglected AND I make progress in the areas of my life I’ve decided are important.

For July, instead a few large goals, I am setting more incremental goals for smaller time frames. I am more likely to succeed on those smaller but more plentiful goals, and I will feel the motivation boost that comes from DONE! more often. (Today, a client and I deemed that boost ‘a happy dance’!)

Because I cannot control the world or others, I am setting goals that I actually can influence. For example, I’ll look at my own wellness, habits and internal growth. A goal for July may be schedule 10 Presentations for the second half of 2020, but perhaps those will be presentations I host myself. I won’t set a goal to “make new coaching clients call me”, but I can set a July goal to update my website and social media to include language about coaching.

Smaller goals allow for more flexibility, too, for mid-journey course corrections or adding new goals into the mix as life or circumstances dictate. Unfortunately, there is still uncertainty looking ahead at Quarter 3. But we can choose to make progress on our own goals in our own way at our own pace.

So, my friends, what will your next month look like? Your next quarter or half a year? Setting goals will help you determine your own future despite the “unknowns” we still face! So let’s get to it!