Change the Toilet Paper Roll

I had a much more interesting (I think) article topic planned for today. It was going to be visually stunning, thought-provoking, grammatically correct, entertaining and less than 500 words (because a friend told me long ago he would stop reading my articles at the 500 word mark).

However, a much better topic popped into my head as I swapped out the empty toilet paper roll at a client’s house this morning, and now I am going to talk about toilet paper. As a metaphor for life, of course.

Luckily, I have a habit of checking things such as toilet paper levels, hand towels, etc., before I use a washroom. I immediately determined the roll would be done after I was done. And another quick check told me there was no back-up roll in the usual spot.

I could have just left it – I didn’t use 99.5% of the roll, and hey, it’s not my house, after all. But:

1. I am not a jerk
2. I firmly believe in leaving things better than I found them whenever I can;
3. I know the solution to this problem and it’s an easy fix; and
4. I may be the next person to use that washroom, and then I would be in trouble.

So, I spent the extra 2 minutes and ran downstairs to the pantry, grabbed a 6 pack and restocked the back-up rolls and the fresh roll. I had a few extras left over and left them out for the client to probably stock other places in her home. And here, reader, is the point.

Take the few extra minute to complete the tasks, especially THE EASY ONES because there is not reason not to. And to NOT complete these easy, everyday tasks can REALLY MESS UP YOUR DAY if they are neglected.

What other tasks fall into this category? The super easily fixed problem that could have wreaked havoc on your day later?

  • Put the scissors back where you found them instead of leaving them out.
  • Recycle the empty milk jug and make a note on the grocery list.
  • Empty the trash when it is full.
  • Charge your phone, and if you see your loved one’s phone near the charger but not on the charger, plug it in.
  • Change the batteries in the remote instead of leaving the task for the next poor sap who just wants to watch TV.
  • Change the toilet paper roll, or restock the empty tissue box, etc., and re-stock the back-up once a week.
  • Refill the hand soap dispenser once a week while you’re at it, because running out of soap is a pain.
  • Get gas on your way home when you realize you need it because you absolutely will not remember to leave time for it in the morning. (Don’t argue, you know I am right.)

Do these things. Because they take no time at all and can really keep your week humming along, and NOT doing them can really trip you up.

Do them because you’re not a jerk. Because it takes very little time to leave something better than you found it. Because most problems we encounter are actually pretty easy fixes if we don’t delay. And if you can’t be all these positive things, do the easy task because you may be the one who is majorly inconvenienced later!

Let’s get back to “Because… of External Motivators.”

I helped a client move out an old book shelf today to the curb. Because… tomorrow is trash day.

I spent time last evening with my bookkeeping and readied some invoices to send. Because… it’s the last few days of the month and I send out my billing on the last day of the month.

I reached out to a loved one today first thing. Because… it’s her birthday.

My husband left the house this morning at 6 am to catch the 6:25 am train. Because… well, that’s when it was scheduled to arrive.

I worked today instead of laying on my couch, eating snacks and doing nothing. Because… well, because I would be bored silly doing nothing, but also because… I get paid to work, I like to work and I like to get paid. Money is useful.

These are all examples of External Motivators. Motivation that comes from outside ourselves, from outside forces or sources.

This can backfire, of course, if we ONLY choose to take out the trash because it’s trash day, as opposed to taking it out because the bin is full or something is getting smelly.

It occurs to me that life may have been light in the area of external motivators during the last year. Perhaps we ignored reminders to make doctor appointments because of strict guidelines or social distancing. I just read a New Yorker article about how we haven’t had to Get Dressed in 16 months or so. Perhaps we haven’t tidied up the house too much because previously the expectation of hospitality was our motivator, but after we were unable to host for many months, our practices have grown lax.

As we return to slightly more normal routines, let’s start paying attention to – AGAIN – and get back in the habit of heeding external motivators!

Filing is For Retrieval, Not For Storage

I gave two presentations yesterday – well the same presentation to two different audiences – and I think I said this phrase a dozen times each. Filing is for retrieval, not for storage.

It is one of the first statements I make in my Clear the Clutter presentation, and I actually broke it down word by word for one of the groups. What can I say, I was inspired!

It can be a guiding phrase for us as we clear clutter from our home. Consider it a mantra! And here is a summary of all those 7 words can mean for you and me!


Filing = putting things way.

Filing can be putting ANYTHING away, and not just papers. AWAY is the goal for organizing and clearing clutter. Putting clean laundry away is filing. Emptying the dishwasher and putting the dishes away is filing. Hanging up your coat when you come in the house is filing.

Filing is putting things away so you can expect to easily find them again.

Filing is for Retrieval, not for storage.

Retrieval = using again.

We put things away where they belong so we can find them again the next time we need them.

We expect to use things again, and we expect to use certain things together. We store related items together. We can ask ourselves “In what context will I need this item again?”

Sure, we could file our credit cards in a desk drawer, but that is not where we are going to use them, to retrieve them, again.

In our house, we store shoes in our closets, but we also keep a few pairs by the door because we use shoes when we leave the house. We use them all the time, and place them by the door for easy retrieval.

Not For Storage.

Not for Storage = Use your stuff, don’t just store your stuff

Most of us do not have unlimited storage.

I mean, hey – if you do, Good on you, we’re all just jealous. But most of us do not. And because storage is not limitless, we need to put limits on the stuff that we might store in our homes or businesses.

We should only be putting away the things that we actually expect to use again.

Now, sometimes we put something away, like a paid bill for reference, that we feasibly do expect to retrieve again. However, as the bill lingers, it becomes obsolete and grows less likely to be retrieved. We need to add in maintenance steps to our systems to purge those obsolete resources – papers, clothes, books, etc., once we no longer need them.

Next time you’re pondering a pile of clutter, and considering just tucking it in a drawer or in a bin, first remind yourself that “Filing is for retrieval, not for storage”. Maybe that pile of clutter just needs to GO instead of stay!

Enough But Not Too Much

We traveled last week.

It was lovely.  We went to Michigan and relaxed at a house on a lake. 

The lake life is quieter and simple, especially this time of year.  We did manage to visit a nearby beach town for lunch one day (outdoors), and dipped our toes in Lake Michigan (it was 80 degrees that day!).  I also got to see my parents and one of my brothers, with masks and social distance of course, for the first time in a very long time. Hooray! But mostly we relaxed.

What I want to talk about is the variety of choices we make every day. ALL OF THE DECISIONS!

I was reminded how much of a relief it is, at times, to just have fewer choices, fewer decisions.

For example, we did a grocery run and bought we needed for 4 1/2 days, and not much more. 

At the lake house, there are things to do but … fewer than at home or during the summer.

I was reminded, as I packed for travel: we decide on what we will need, based on our plans and habits and routines and the weather, for a finite amount of time and  pack only those things (and maybe a few extra!). Getting ready is easier.  Decisions were made when I packed, so day to day I choose between jeans or a skort, sandals or sneakers.  Easy.

Simple.  Straightforward. Easier decisions, less mental clutter.

Enough but not too much. This is what being organized represents for me. What clearing clutter means to me.

I have been struggling today with a whole lot of mental clutter and the feeling of overwhelm.  Some of this can be attributed to what my friend and I call “Re-Entry”, those few days after you get home from a trip. And let’s face it – after the last year, we are out of practice with travel and the tasks around coming-home!  But I also recognized that life has been much simpler this last week. That I enjoyed the simpler schedule and fewer decisions (and sleeping in and enjoying time off, of course). 

I needed the reminder that I need Enough but not too much. Of EVERYTHING!

I’d like to learn from this awareness, for myself. I know these lessons. We probably all do. But we still need reminders and that’s how I will use this awareness. So…

I will gladly embrace my daily routines that keep my wellness and home and business humming along, taking time-wasting decision making out of my brain!

I will stop trying to complicate my days with many new ideas all at once!

I will look at fewer choices on how to spend my time and be more purposeful and intentional with my choice.

I will step back and pay attention to those instances in my days when I need to make choices. I will refer to the short list of focus areas where I want to and need to spend my time, and stick with just those when time or attention seem short.

Let’s stick with enough, but not too much.

Where can you go with that mantra this week? Cutting out time commitments, errands, clutter, wardrobe choices, visual stimuli? What can go, to simplify your day or week?

How to Break the “Just One More Thing” Habit

This is not what I had planned to write about this week, but readers asked for More! when I admitted in last week’s newsletter that I had and also conquered my tendency for “Just One More Thing!”.

You know, “Just One More Thing!”? As in … we need to leave in 5 minutes, of course I have time to write 3 emails, or start a load of laundry, or make one more phone call.

Perhaps you have this tendency, too? It is well intentioned. For me, I just wanted to get as much done as I could so I would wring productivity out of every last SECOND of my day. Except, this practice is not very productive and it occasionally tripped me up. It might only impact me or you, but the more complicated our schedules become, the more likely this habit is to impact others negatively as well.

20 years ago, I often fell into this flawed thinking, and this judgement error was exacerbated by the fact that I was the mother of small children. Even if I thought I had an extra 5 minutes, we all know how quickly those can pass as we assemble socks or shoes or backpacks for school. And I was also setting a bad example, pushing-pushing-pushing the deadline for leaving on-time to arrive on-time. (*You could swap out child references with co-workers in the above sentence and draw the same conclusions.)

What about leaving for work or for home or anywhere else you need to get to on time? “Just One More Thing” only works when everything else works exactly as planned. And we also all know that day-to-day life rarely works exactly as planned. There is a last minute search for keys or phone, slow elevators, traffic or bad weather, and as one thing leads to another, we find ourselves rushing around, arriving late and out of sorts.

I recognized and began to remedy my issue of “Just One More Thing” when I worked downtown and commuted on the train. If I drove, it didn’t matter if I left my office a few minutes late. I could just make it up on the drive or get home a few minutes late. No biggee. BUT… if I didn’t leave my office at 4:55 pm, I would not be on the Blue Line Platform in time to catch the EL train to the Metra station to get on the train that got me home by 6:05. Trains don’t care about “Just One More Thing”. Instead, I would have to take the next train that arrived half an hour later and made more stops. And that made a BIG difference.

WHY should you break the “Just One More Thing” Habit?

Why? Because you’re not a jerk. “Wait, Coll, how could ‘Just One More Thing’ make me a jerk?” Late for meetings, drop-offs or pick-ups? And what if you’re the one who called the meeting?! Unreliable? Missed deadlines?

Why? Because you respect yourself. Last week, a friend (you know who you are!) mentioned the words “self-sabotage” when she commented on my “Just One More Thing” admission. Ouch. Hard truth, but truth nonetheless. We have to respect our own boundaries. And we can’t expect others to respect our boundaries if we do not.

Why? Because there is value in “calm”. Or “On-time”, or reliable or consistent, or having time to say Hi to a friend or sitting in your favorite seat at the meeting because you didn’t succumb to “Just One More Thing”. (Find your why and remind yourself!)

Here’s How to Break the “Just One More Thing Habit”:

Realistic Time Estimates: Know how long tasks take. If you have 10 minutes, what can you really accomplish in that time? Two 5 minute tasks or one 10 minute task and nothing more. Nothing more than 10 minutes in 10 minutes! OR… one short task and take a few minutes for a deep breath and an early start. (I know we just talked about realistic time estimates in a recent article, but it bears repeating!)

To Do Lists: Keep a to-do list, so your tasks and ideas are reliably collected and you don’t have to worry so much about JUST ONE MORE THING before you leave the house, go to your meeting, etc. With a reliable list, you can pick up where you left off.

If you really only have 5 minutes right now, “send out the ships” to others first. My accountability partner uses the term “sending out ships” to describe those communications that require a reply or action from others.

I know my pace for work. I do not know, or presume to know, other people’s pace for work. Therefore, I try to send out requests or messages to others ASAP to give time to answer. Then I make a note of when I sent the message or request, when I need to follow up, tack on a great bit WAIT and then move that task to that future time or date. As I write about sending out ships, it feels like a matter of prioritizing, and perhaps it is. But this strategy helps me communicate more effectively and focus in on what really needs to be said or done. Which leads me to….

Prioritize. When we have limited time to complete a long list of tasks, we have to identify what has to get done right now and what can wait. Don’t get distracted by shiny things or loud requests. (Loud and shiny don’t make a task important.)

Know Your Absolute Deadline, and add time in from there. Check your traffic app for commute time, check the weather for possible storms, know your route and a few alternatives. No matter how well intentioned we are, we cannot travel back in time. (Trust me, I’ve tried.)

Give Yourself Grace, as you figure this out. For goodness sake, be as kind to you as you are to others and cut yourself some slack. Forgiving yourself ahead of time for NOT doing “Just One More Thing” is a good place to start!

To-Do List: What Is It? What’s On It? and How To Choose For Yourself?

(Click here to hear / see this article in a Facebook Live post!)

Productivity and Progress flourish with a clear vision of what DOES and DOES NOT need to be done right now. And this clear vision starts with a good To-Do List!

As we get started, I need to share a few truths:

Yes, you need a to-do list, and not just one in your head. No, you will not remember.

If you won’t keep one for yourself, do it for others as other people rely on you to get things done, too.

I know how I use my To-Do lists but I was curious about how other people use theirs. I asked my Facebook community last week to share their insight around tasks and to-do lists. I know AMAZING people and they were forthcoming with their answers to these questions:

  • Do you keep a to-do list?
  • How do you track your tasks-to-do?
  • Are you a paper person or electronic person, or a mix?
  • Anything else you’d like to add, of note?

It turns out, people have strong thoughts about To-Do lists! My questions were mostly answered by folks who embrace to-do lists.  I did not receive any “No” responses, so either my FB tribe generally keeps to-do lists, or anyone who does not didn’t respond.

I quickly realized that this topic would take multiple articles to cover adequately! This week, let’s talk about what is ON a to-do list, and what is the right way to keep your to-do list (spoiler alert, there is no one “right way”!)

What IS a To-Do List? And WHAT is on it?

  • A To-Do List is a physical or digital list of tasks and errands you need to complete, often sorted by date, time or priority.
  • A To-Do List is a component of a productive day and of an effective planner. 
    • A planner is the composite pieces of a calendar, to-do list, contact information, goals, routines, etc.
    • Appointments are scheduled events.
    • Routines can be part of your To-Do Lists, or not. You can add your daily routine to your to-do list if you like, or if you are working on establishing new habits.  But you will have to decide for yourself if “Get Up” or “eat breakfast” need to be on your to-do list.  
  • An important feature of a good to-do list is the option to keep track of future tasks.
    • Keeping a long-term to-do list helps to turn ideas into actions (I should buy new deck furniture in the Spring”, or “next Christmas I would really like host a party”) and
    • Gives our brains a break from the pressure of remembering ALL THE DETAILS ALL THE TIME. (exhausting!)
  • I spoke recently about to-do lists with a client. He defined them as “the tasks that need to be jotted down for the in-between times.” Meaning, he won’t forget to get up, eat breakfast or walk the dog.  He also won’t forget to go to work or complete his work.  But he might need to remember to make a hair cut appointment, pick up a birthday gift for his mom or take in his truck for an oil change.  

How Do I Choose The Right Way To Keep My To-Do List?

The question is often “Tech or Paper?” when it comes to To-Do lists. However, reviewing the responses this past week, I am happy to report most people use a blend of platforms and tools for different situations and outcomes.

The choice between Paper or Tech does not determine success. MAKING the choice and USING the tools determines success. Don’t be afraid to be wrong! The Best To-Do List is the one you will actually use.

I’ve been asked recently to recommend a planner for a reader starting their own business. Regrettably, that isn’t something I can do. A planner, or for today’s article, a platform for a To-Do list, is a very personal choice. I can coach around determining necessary features or talk through the pros and cons of different types, but I can’t tell someone what kind of planner to use.

Consider a Blend!

  • If you are choosing your paper planner, consider:
    • Some popular paper planner brands are Happy Planner, Purple Planner, Franklin Planner and Bullet Journal.
  • If you choose tech:
  • (For both, I will share more paper or tech tools as I find them! )
  • Or Consider the Blend!
    • Some people prefer to see their entire month at once so they prefer paper. You may run out of room, though, if your schedule is complicated or your daily to-do list is too itemized for a small block.
    • There is pleasure and feeling of accomplishment that some say only come from a pen-and-paper to do list!
    • Work versus home: One person mentioned that her personal to-do list was digital (and more portable that way) but that her daily work to-do list is comprised of sticky notes and those are client specific and stay at work!
    • I like the portability that comes from a digital list – I use Evernote and can call up and update a list on my phone, tablet or laptop and it stays current. Plus, I can share the list with others as needed.
    • On the other hand, I use a Bullet Journal for jotting down notes on the fly or for the pleasure of writing by hand lists, ideas or journal entries (then I copy them over to my digital to-do list).
    • What I really appreciate is how my FB community blended methods, like jotting down notes on paper (anything from old envelopes to a beautiful notebook with heavy paper) and then supporting those tasks with audible reminders or alarms on their tech. Clever!

As you plot your productivity and progress, consider what tools will help you set-up your To-Do list! Have a great week!

Kitchen 2021: Set Yourself Up To Succeed.

If I desire new outcomes, I require new inputs.

“New” things aren’t necessarily hard or confusing. They are just new and maybe different or uncomfortable. Sometimes, change is hard. And often, well, it isn’t. And here’s the thing – hard or not, sometimes change is necessary.

Perhaps you are not a resolution maker, and that’s OK. Perhaps it’s enough to just get back to normal (and healthier) post-Holiday routines.

I met with a registered dietitian last week. I am excited about making some positive changes. And since these changes are my changes, I am not about to tell you what you need to do differently. BECAUSE, I am not a dietitian.

BUT, I am your certified professional organizer. While I cannot tell you what to stock in your own kitchen, I CAN tell you how set up what you have to make your own changes successful!

So, here are the steps to organizing the changes in your kitchen to make positive change in your life!

Educate yourself, and keep educating yourself! Read up on your new strategies, and plan to keep reading! We learn things as we go, through education but also through experience.

Clear off your counters! A study from Cornell University suggests “When it comes to the food left out in the kitchen, it’s increasingly clear that what you see is what you eat.” Meaning, your current counter landscape of junk food and holiday treats needs to be exchanged for healthier items if you want to succeed! Fewer cookies and chips, more fresh fruit, veggies or nuts. Goodbye hot cocoa station, hello clear counter! And less clutter overall – if you don’t have room to cook a healthy meal or dice veggies for a salad, you will not make those healthier choices.

Review your cabinets, check expiration dates and tidy things up post Holidays! (p.s., I would NOT get rid of food that doesn’t fit into your dietary changes just yet. First, I’m frugal and don’t want to get rid of food that is still good. Second, I live in a house with 4 other people, so there is bound to be someone here who will eat most things. If you need the space, or if you need to remove temptation, tuck away the things that will probably need to go in a grocery bag and out of sight for a few weeks. Then they are ready to donate to a food pantry or hand off to a friend when you’re satisfied with your changes.)

Menu plan around your healthy changes and using inventory you have on hand (if possible).
(click here for more kitchen and menu planning articles)

Plan a grocery trip to fill in the blanks, but only after you have inventoried what you have on hand and made a plan!

Make healthy habits convenient. There are some habits that benefit everyone, like taking your vitamins and drinking more water. Corral your supplements all together into a basket and then set a timer on your phone to remind you to take them consistently. Better yet, use a pill sorter and set your supplements up for a week at a time to save time. Take a few minutes now to fill and chill water bottles to take with you on the go, and dole out serving sizes of your healthy snacks into baggies or reusable bowls.

A few minutes and a little planning can help support your healthy habits, whatever they may be!

Routines Now To Avoid Emergencies Later!

Looking back at the last week or two, what are some of the hiccups in your day that really set you back? Small annoyances or big problems that slowed you down, made you cranky, threw off your schedule and your flow? 

Now, look again, and ask “Could this have been avoided?”   Some challenges can not be avoided, but many CAN BE avoided with some forward planning and good routines.

Last week, a friend / client mentioned that she liked last week’s article because there was NOT a call to action. 🙂  That made me laugh.  But this week, friends, is all about action.

Imagine how having routines that work for you can actually help you avoid emergencies.  It is possible.  When our needs are taken care of, we are more ready for whatever life brings us.

I am not here to tell you to do what I’ve done (ever!).  I’m sharing my routines as examples of how we choose to handle routine tasks to avoid inconveniences later.  These have been created over time in response to challenges.  So, Where Do You Stumble? and Imagine where routines could help you stumble less! 

Examples of routines to avoid personal inconveniences!

  • Know your re-stocking and re-order levels for regularly used products.
    • Weekly, I re-stock toilet paper and tissues and re-fill the hand-soaps at all the sinks in the house. 
    • Later this week, I will place my monthly order (first of the month) for my eco-friendly cleaning supplies that get delivered to my house. 
    • Same goes for grocery items which we now mostly have delivered.  We add items to the grocery orders when they are low, BEFORE we actually run out of stuff.
  • Handle regular maintenance tasks regularly.
  • Set up a schedule for bill-paying and personal business items.
    • Years ago, a client mentioned paying ALOT in late fees every month on his bills.  I asked him when he set time aside to pay bills and was met with a blank stare. We won’t look at budgeting and bill paying today, but I will say that scheduling time to regularly take care of personal business means we miss fewer deadlines, pay fewer late fees, spend less time on the phone with customer service, etc.
  • What other tasks can you make routine, to save you time later?
    • I fill up my gas tank once a week on a planned errand run (or when we travel, of course), so I don’t have to make unplanned stops.  Because as much as I used to tell myself I would remember in the morning to leave early and stop for gas on my way to work, I would forget.  

And what about, routines to avoid emergencies professionally? 

  • You know your work!  I will not assume to tell you how to do your job, but we can ask the same questions professionally that we ask personally:  Where do I stumble?  And How can I avoid the stumbles in the future? 
  • For example, Mondays and Tuesdays I am writing my article and newsletter, like today.  But Thursdays host a block of recurring tasks for my business. 
  • On Thursday mornings, I: do my bookkeeping and pay my bills; check in around upcoming presentations, confirming details and sending invoices; check in on my website comments and social media, etc.   All of these tasks keep me ahead of challenges and course corrections I need to make to keep things running smoothly.

On the other side of routines, I love the flexibility that comes when an emergency actually does arise.  Let’s say I or a family member gets sick, or I am called away out of town on short notice.  Perhaps my routine tasks don’t happen for a few days or even a week.  Guess what?  No biggee.  When we regularly take care of things, emergencies or blips in our schedules don’t throw us off too much.  

Your action items this week is to ask yourself:  Where Do I Stumble? Where could routines help me to stumble less!  Now, get busy crafting those routines to help you avoid emergencies tomorrow!

The Second Best Thing You Can Do With Your Stuff Is To Put It Away.

THE SECOND BEST THING YOU CAN DO WITH YOUR STUFF IS TO PUT IT AWAY. The best thing to do with your stuff is to use it, of course. And if you never use it, the third best thing to do would be to purge it / donate it / sell it, etc.

The Power of Away.

I spend time with clients putting things away. If they are new clients, perhaps we are establishing an “Away” or home for their stuff.

We are naming a dresser drawer the sock drawer. We are naming a shelf the coffee mug shelf. We are naming a cabinet the office supply cabinet. We are naming a closet My Clothes Closet. And that is where those items live.

If they are existing clients, perhaps we just need to maintain the organizing we completed before. Stuff migrates out with use, and that’s ok.

We are SUPPOSED to use our stuff. Otherwise, why do we have it?

We know, though, that when we use our stuff, it doesn’t (ever!) automatically put itself away and let’s face it, we can get distracted or forgetful and then our space is filled up with stuff. And it looks messy and we feel overwhelmed and out of control. I spent an appointment last week just putting summer things away. Simple really. Stuff needs a home, and stuff needs to be put away in its home if you ever hope to find it again.

Notice how I have not called the stuff we used and need to put away Clutter? Your stuff that you used and now needs to be put away is probably not clutter. Clutter is unused, unneeded or unloved. Your stuff that has been used is not clutter. They’re your belongings and you need to take care of them.

Establishing an “Away” for an item means that item is important. It means you plan to use it again some time in the future. That item is not clutter because you need it or use it or love it. And you put it away because… YOU WANT TO FIND IT AGAIN.

And there, right there, is the Power of Away. Being able to find your stuff again when you need it.

Your space looks better when your stuff is Away.

Your space is safer, with fewer things to trip over, when things are AWAY.

Your items last longer and stay in better condition when they are put AWAY.

Small pieces stay put, stuff doesn’t get dusty or dirty or sun-faded. Delicate items are protected. Sets are kept with sets. Shoes, socks and mittens stay with their mates.

AWAY doesn’t take long. Once you establish a home for your stuff, putting stuff away gets a lot easier. Doing it regularly means the piles don’t spread or get tall. Cleaning off your surfaces once a day or a couple times a week, and just putting clothes and books and papers and things way goes a long way to maintaining order.

As we talk about National Preparedness Month in September, the best way to prepare for any possibility is to set yourself up to act and react quickly and confidently. To find your stuff when you need it, should the need arise and a wildfire or hurricane comes or maybe you’re just called out of town and need to pack a quick bag. And putting your stuff AWAY so you can find it again is one of the best ways to prepare for ANYTHING life may toss your way.

Commit this week to just putting stuff away. A few extra moments when you finish using something, or a couple times a week to catch up. Small bits of time really add up when your stuff is maintained and your space is clear!

Plan Ahead: Find Your Personal Vital Records NOW, Before You Need Them.

It has been a crazy 6 months.

Pandemic? Sure.

But there’s more. A friend in West Hollywood shares early morning FB posts every time there is an earthquake. Many of us know folks affected by the wild fires – even our sky here in Illinois is gray with their smoke this week! And those are just the things we know about right now!

Talking to a friend today here in Chicago, she was thinking about what that would actually look like – having only a few moments, if any, to prepare to evacuate. What would we take?

That packing list would vary from person to person or situation to situation. But there are a few items that should be on that list, no matter what. Let’s talk about your Personal Vital Records.

This is one of those tough topics and some of you may feel a little uncomfortable – I’ll apologize in advance! But since I’ve been talking about National Preparedness Month, I need to spend a little time talking about our Personal Vital Records (PVR). If we are working on Being Prepared, we need to think about them and more importantly, be able to put our hands on them when we need them.

So, what are our Personal Vital Records? Wikipedia says:

Vital records are records of life events kept under governmental authority, including birth certificates, marriage licenses (or marriage certificates), and death certificates. In some jurisdictions, vital records may also include records of civil unions or domestic partnerships.

I would include additional items like social security cards, Baptismal certificates, copies of your Will and Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care, Finance, etc., your mortgage papers, titles to your cars, etc. Your pile of PVR is probably not big, but it is precious and important.

Very often, in terms of preparedness, we don’t know exactly what we are preparing for, but we know that some papers are really important to be able to produce in case of accident or illness or insurance, etc. And while replacing PVRs is not impossible, it can be a long and complicated process, so let’s just collect and protect them now while there isn’t an emergency, shall we?

Be Prepared by collecting and protecting your Personal Vital Records. Here’s how:

  • Establish a home for your PVR, even temporarily. If you have them tucked in various places (dresser drawers, jewelry boxes, desk drawers, file cabinets – any of these sound familiar?), collect them into one central location.
  • Label that location, and tell at least one other person know where the records are!
  • Invest in a portable fire-proof safe. Portable so you can take it with you if you need to leave in a hurry. Fire-proof because, well, yes, Fire. And a safe because it can be that one central location and can also protect your items. We received a safe and a fire extinguisher from a friend as a wedding gift. Brilliant! Safes are not very expensive and are an excellent investment.
  • And, again, as you establish a place or a safe to hold your PVR, make sure at least one other person (maybe even one outside of your home) knows where the safe and keys (separate) are.
  • As you go through your day to day life, if you run across one of these PVRs, be sure to put it in its’ established home. For example, maybe you pulled a birth certificate out recently to copy and hand in to school for your student’s enrollment – pull it out of the random school papers on the counter and tuck it into your newly established Personal Vital Records folder or safe.

Take this simple step this week, and add to Personal Vital Records as you find them. When the time comes that you DO need to put your hands on one of them, you’ll be grateful you took the step!