An Organized Person… Keeps the “Office” in “Home Office”

Today, the second Tuesday in March, is National Organize Your Home Office Day!

When working with clients, I have never heard the complaint that folks are TOO productive in their home offices, or that their home office is TOO much like an office.


I am more likely to hear that a home office isn’t set up to actually get work done, that perhaps it has too much “home” and not enough “office”.

So, this week, let’s work on finding the balance between Home and Office in your home office.


Let’ get started!

(15 minutes) Set up those monthly Completed Papers files for your receipts, statements, paid bills and other completed paperwork for 2019, if you haven’t already.

(30 minutes) Clean out your in box.  Toss anything that is expired, redundant or just not important anymore.

(30-45 minutes) Using your monthly Completed Papers files, put away those papers that have been floating around your home office work space.  You know the ones.

(30 minutes) Decide once and for all what to do with all that miscellaneous tech floating around your home office.  The bowl on the desk of dead and dying IPods (oh, is that just us?), smart Phones and tablets.  You know, the ones that are too old to even have updates available, or that no longer hold a charge?  Sell, recycle, pass them along.  Just let them go if they have outlived their usefulness.  Same goes for those miscellaneous and unassigned cords cluttering up your drawers.

(As you go along) Set aside all the actual items that require further action, add the actions to your To Do list and make time this week to take those actions.  Items to be returned, books to go back to a friend or the library, forms to be returned to school, cookies to be mailed – ok, those are the items in my action pile for tomorrow!


What belongs in your Home Office?

Keep only your current work in your office and on your work space.  The work you need to do today, tomorrow and this week.  If you have files or papers that you need but NOT RIGHT NOW?  Those need to go away so that you can focus on the work that does need your attention right now.  Keep visible only that which serves you.


What does not belong in your Home Office?

Remove any unnecessary clutter.  Anything that is too much Home and not enough Office needs to go.  Deliver the non work items to the other places where they belong in your home.

Embrace National Organize Your Home Office Day, and spend a little time this week making your space more productive!

An Organized Person… Marches Forth and Actually Completes Tasks

Last week, we started looking at what Organized People Do.  We started with a plan, which is the best place to start.

The next natural step after planning is to ACT.

How about this for an acronym:
ACT = Actually Complete a Task.  Or, Already Completed a Task?  You choose!

The calendar says Spring is coming, though it’s a ridiculously brisk and sunny 5 degrees here in Chicago.   Despite the chill,  my internal motivators are all pointing to Spring, too.

My coaching friend Mark suggests there are 5 broad areas in our lives – Health, Work, Family, Social and Sleep – where we need to focus our energies.  I was thinking of those as I penned my list for the week, adjusting as needed, and you should adjust as needed, too.

Here are my areas of ACTion this week:   Wellness, Home, Family, Work and Spirituality.

  • I signed up for and started a wellness challenge today.  I weighed in and measured up this morning, (gulp) posting my weight and measurement in a closed FB group for 30 complete strangers to see.  In the spirit of this challenge, today I will also clean the fridge, make our menu and create our grocery list for this week.
    Any ACTions you could take this week for wellness?
  • The painter is scheduled to stop and give me an estimate on repainting our bathroom.  And when I’m done with this article, I have a handful of calls to make for tree removal and planting, awning cleaning and other Spring Cleaning tasks.  Mainly, today I want to get on people’s lists for ACTion when Spring actually arrives, to get our work done sooner rather than later.
    What ACTions could you take this week for Home Maintenance?
  • This month our family will see both celebrations and challenges.  Today, I am sending RSVPs, scheduling events and making plans for those events.   Looking at your schedule,
    What ACTions can you take this week to make room for Family?
  • Not to neglect work, I have quite the long list of tasks to complete for my business and for professional development this week, too.  However, I find that work is always there and I tend to always make time for work to the detriment of some of the other areas of my life.
    What work ACTions have been awaiting your attention lately?  What Work ACTions would move you towards your goals this week?
  • This Wednesday is Ash Wednesday, and I take my Lent seriously.  This week, I will add Lenten prayer and reflections to my morning routine, and today and tomorrow,  I will prayerfully discern what other Lenten observations I may want to undertake.
    What ACTions can you take this week to make your efforts more meaningful and spiritual? 

What ACTions can you take this week, friends? March forth!!

An Organized Person… Starts With A Plan

An Organized Person…   Starts with a plan.

So here is the plan:  I will spend the next blog article series sharing organizational wisdom, life hacks, tips and suggestions to help us do the things  that life requires us to do.

If you follow me on FB, you may have noticed (or even been a part of) the lively conversation last week around life skills.

I don’t care for the term “adulting”, though many of these types of tasks are required of we adults, so I asked for alternative ideas.  Suggested titles for this blog series include:

  • The business of your business or someone else’s business or just the business of yourself.
  • “Umm…life?”
  • Mom’s not here
  • How to not be a jerk / slacker / (and other more colorful words)
  • How to be productive member of society
  • “Things you need to know how to do before you’re 30 (or 25 or 40) or
  • “Organizing Skills You Need to Know Before You’re 30 or 25 or 40″
  • That which we must do to provide for those we love
  • The Next Step
  • Responsibility, goal setting, integrity, maturity, demonstrating self-sufficiency, possessing life skills.
  • How to Grow Up, or Grow Up and Get it Done
  • “You couldn’t wait to grow up! Here is grown up stuff you have to do!”
  • The Art of Being an Adult
  • “Now that you’re ripened! 🤣. or….Now that you’re a big kid….here’s your list of things”
  • Owning It…how to get back your time by getting stuff done
  • “You put your big boy/girl pants on, now what?”

Have I mentioned lately?  I love my community!

The plan is to introduce a topic a week, perhaps requesting input from my community regarding the tips (and even upcoming topics).  These topics will all be a part of being an organized person.

As part of my plan, topics in the near future include “Organized People…

  • work smarter
  • outsource
  • do important stuff by 8 am
  • put things in the same place twice (or more)
  • pack a bag (maybe every day)
  • ignore shiny things and focus on the task in front of them
  • have habits around paying their bills
  • pay their taxes
  • and more!”

I’m looking forward to having some fun and learning a lot in this process, so glad you all are with me!  See you in a week!

What To Do this Monday for “Clean Off Your Computer Day”

The Second Monday in February is “Clean Off Your Computer Day”, designated by savvy IT people to clean old files off your computer – Embrace it!

If you’re thinking – “but Coll, I have unlimited storage capacity in the cloud, etc.” – I know.  And you’re right.  But unlimited capacity doesn’t mean you have to keep EVERYTHING,  and you should still organize what you have so you can find things again!

Here are my suggestions:

  1. Grab a note book, or open a new document in Evernote or Google docs.  These types of projects generate a lot of To-Do items!
  2. Clean up your actual computer:
    1. Turn off and unplug (if possible) everything.
    2. Locate and wipe off your computer’s fan(s).  My IT guy says this very important step is often neglected, and skipping it can hamper computer performance.  Keep your computer area de-cluttered to maintain good airflow.
    3. Grab your can of compressed air, and blow out your keyboard.  It’s amazing (and disgusting) what lands in there.
    4. Since everything is turned OFF, with an ALMOST DRY antibacterial wipe, wipe down your keyboard and mouse. I said ALMOST DRY, so if you do this wrong and screw up your electronics, I have 100’s of witnesses who read “ALMOST DRY” and who know I am not responsible.  Let everything dry completely.
    5. With a DRY and clean microfiber cloth, wipe off your screen.
    6. Since the compressed air is going to blow stuff around, use a slightly wetter wipe and wipe
      down your work area.  It’s typically a very germy place.
    1. Every computer is different, so run a google search on “How do I remove the hard drive from xxxxxxxxxxx (brand and type of computer)”.  You will receive an instant answer involving a screwdriver and about 20 minutes of your time, and perhaps even links to you-tube videos to walk you through the process.
    2. Once the hard drive is removed, google E-Waste recycling in your area and get rid of the old computers, monitors and printers.
  4. Storage:  Back up, back up, back up.  External hard drive, cloud or both, take your pick. JUST BACK UP!
  5. Manage Your Memory Better:
    1. Operating systems are clever with their search capabilities, but you can still save time by setting up your system better now to find things later.
    2. When you search for something, sort documents in your hard drive in reverse chronological order, all the time.  Click on the “Date modified” column on your Documents Library page until your most recently used documents are listed at the top.
    3. DO NOT just have one large folder with everything in it.  Just thinking about that idea makes me cringe.  A single cluttered directory makes finding anything very frustrating.
    4. Use Naming Conventions and sub-directories when you save your folders and documents.  For example, my business sub-directory contains a folder called “Presentations”.  Within that folder, I have sub-folders for each type of presentation I give (so, Time Management, Kitchen and Menu Planning, Paper Management, etc.).  Within those folders, I have the actual presentation notes, but also the Handouts associated with the presentation, all starting with HO plus the presentation name, so I know which is which.  I use similar rules for naming other things, too, to quickly find files when I need them.
    5. My IT guy saves his documents first to large folders per Application.  For example, he has both a C:Excel and C:Word folder.  He suggests this strategy helps him find things faster.  Within those very broad “type” names, he then breaks down his files into categories.

Clearing computer clutter will help you save time and focus more clearly.  What will your clean-out your-computer day activity look like?

Originally published, February, 2014
Updated, February, 2019

Organize Your Kitchen in Little Nibbles and Big Bites

Our kitchens are truly the hearts of our homes, which means any time spent organizing this very important space is time well spent.  However… organizing our kitchens can seem really overwhelming, since there are things, both useful and scary, behind every door and in every drawer!

So let’s break down this big and useful project into several little projects, instead:

  • Food and Pantry Items
    Tackle your food storage areas first.  To minimize the overwhelm, review your kitchen a cabinet at a time.  Start with grouping your food categories (canned goods, boxed pastas, baking supplies), and review all your items for their expiration dates.  It’s likely at least a few items will be expired, and those will go in the trash.
    Decide, too – even if a food item isn’t expired, will you and your family ever eat it?  (For example, when my sons were young, I bought a 10 pack of boxed mac and cheese and then they announced they didn’t like it).  If an item is still within code but of no use to you, share or donate it to a local food pantry so it doesn’t go to waste.
    Plan your next week of meals around the food you have on hand, to continue the clutter clearing!  And always check your cabinets before you grocery shop, to avoid having to throw out expired foods again.
  • Reusable Water bottles and Coffee Mugs
    To get started, pull them out of ALL THE PLACES THEY ARE STASHED, and pair up the bottoms and tops.  And Yes, if you’re asking, you probably have too many of these.  Decide just how many you feasibly need.  I’m the only one that uses go-mugs, and I use the same 2, rotating them daily.  We have a few more than 2 water bottles, but not too many.  And next time you’re at an event where they are giving away free water bottles or can wraps or coffee mugs, just say “No, thank you”.
  • Cleaning supplies
    Good golly.  I’m always amazed at the full inventory of cleaning supplies most houses hold, and most is stashed under the kitchen sink.

    Which makes no sense, because you can’t really see it under there.
    Take everything out, line up the items by category.
    See anything you can just toss? (why are there always a few empty windex bottles?  Go fig.)
    Are there any items that are clearly past their prime?  Off color, bad odor, rock hard, etc.?
    Any partial bottles you can combine?  (The dribs and drabs of dish soap or hand soap?)
    Look around your kitchen or pantry, and see if there is a better place to store your cleaning supplies.  If there is not, corral the different categories into plastic baskets and store them under the sink so you more easily access your supplies when you need them!
  • Spices
    Here is the link to my recent article on organizing your
  • Junk drawer
    Here is the link to one of my most popular articles ever,  “If You Call It A Junk Drawer, Guess What Ends Up Inside?”
  • Plastic storage containers
    Yes, it is time to organize these, too!  Click here to read my recent article “What to Do With All These Storage Containers”!
  • Top of the fridge?
    Ohhhh, yeah.  This space can be great storage or it can be a crazy no-man’s land of scary stuff.  Click here to read “Reclaim The Top of Your Refrigerator”.  (And there are even some words about Cookbooks in this one!!)

Fight the overwhelm, and tackle these projects one at a time to get your kitchen on track!

The Unexpected Benefit From Email Problems!

Did you know?  It’s “National Clean Out Your InBox” Week.

An interesting phenomenon occurred a year ago.

I had a handful of tech issues.  My website was down for a few days, and in getting it back up and functioning, my email then disappeared for a few days (Heres’ a shout out for my web guru at Amplify7 who saved me!).

It was a fun time, let me tell you.

Ok, it wasn’t.  A terribly frustrating and unproductive 10 days.  But that is not the point.

The interesting part was this:  apparently, when my business email addresses were down, they generated “undeliverable” auto-replies to emails, newsletters and retailers that tried to send me messages.

And for those few days, the “undeliverable” auto-replies served to unsubscribe me from most of my daily / weekly blog followings and newsletters, as well as retailers and their daily advertisements.


Since I send out an email newsletter every week, I understand how this happens.  When I check my statistics for each newsletter, I am prompted by Constant Contact to delete any “undeliverable” email addresses as well.

It was interesting, though.  Once the challenges were resolved, I was so appreciative to return to my normal productivity that it took me a few days to realize WHY my inbox seemed so uncluttered and calm.  For example:

…Actual emails from actual people rose to the top of the list like rich cream to the top of milk.

…I could actively seek out information I DID want without looking at the information I didn’t want.

…Distractions were diminished, and there was just LESS.


I DO NOT recommend shutting down your email just to clear out your inbox. With far less drama and frustration than I experienced last year, you can achieve a similarly Calm and Clutter Free InBox with these suggestions:

  • Unsubscribe, unsubscribe, unsubscribe.  This is a favorite suggestion for this time of year.  My friend Jan calls it the gift that keeps on giving.  Let go of subscriptions that no longer appeal to you, remove yourself from retailer mailing lists, or choose to receive fewer emails on the preferences page.  A client is having her teenage daughter help her with this on their regular commute to school.
  • If you have GMail, there is a Promotions Tab that automatically filters out email advertisement and promotions from your general in-box (google or you-tube for directions if you don’t have this yet).  If you are using another email platform, check for this type of option, though unsubscribing may still be the best option.
  • Learn from my most recent (just this past week!) email challenges – what is it about this time of year?  Set up your email addresses with recovery information that get’s texted to your phone or is directed to a different email.  I had these safeguards in place, of course, but when Yahoo switched over to a new business email platform last week, POOF!  those safeguards were gone (all is well again, thank you Customer Service).
  • I occasionally suggest creating an alternative free email address (like gmail) just for subscriptions and retailer messages, but ONLY if you plan to check it at least once in a while.  Some folks use these alternate email addresses for their bill-paying and notifications, but again – ONLY if you will check them regularly.
  • Passwords.  Oi.  This will be a future article just on getting our Passwords under control, like Password Management Apps to track such info.  For Clean Out Your Inbox week, I’ll remind you to keep track of your email passwords and log-in info, and while you don’t have to grant others access, let at least one trusted person know where you keep your info.
  • Don’t use your in-box as a to-do list, a place holder, a keepsake box, or… well… anything other than an in-box.  The term “in-box” leads us to believe there should be an “out” box as well.  Items should come to our in-box, be completed, and then moved OUT of the IN box.

Spend just a little time this week cleaning out your In-Box, and reap the benefits for a long time to come!

Managing Transitions: Change of Seasons – 85 Tuesday, 40 Thursday

It’s October in the Midwest, my favorite time of year.  One of the traits that makes it my favorite is its capricious nature.  Take, for example, the second week of October, when I started this blog article.

  • Tuesday, October 9 – sunny and 85 degrees…
  • Thursday, October 11 – the low temperature was around 40 degrees  overnight.
  • Less than 48 hours, 45 degree differential.   Wow.

The onset of cold weather can trigger a number of events.  For example:

  • That week, the cold weather triggered my van’s low tire pressure sensors, since cold air contracts.  A quick and free stop at the Toyota dealer on my way out of town on a road trip took care of that in no time!  Or…
  • Friday evening that week, when it was 58 degrees inside my house and only getting colder overnight, it was time to turn on the heat.

From an organizational point of view, there are a number of tasks that come with colder weather!  Tackle a couple of these this week, and get a handle on your Autumn!

Transition your closet for colder weather.

  • Review your summer items.  Donate or toss anything that is too tattered to wear again, or that no longer fits or appeals to you.
  • Take special items to the cleaners, making sure to pick them up again in a week!
  • Pack up, or move to the back of the closet, any clothes that you know you want to keep but that you won’t wear again until Spring.  And then finish bringing forward or unpacking your colder weather clothes!
  • Practice the same review and rotate process with your shoes, too!

Check out that basket or pile of things by the door.

  • In  my house, there’s a basket near the back door, and this week we swapped baseball caps and rain ponchos and to stocking caps, ear muffs and gloves. It’s time to put away the beach towels and summer sports gear, as well.
  • Review the pile of shoes.  As much as I love wearing sandals (And I do. love. wearing. sandals, like these in the picture – my new faves!), it’s time to put the summer shoes away for the season.  Toss or donate shoes that are too small, too beat up, or without a mate.  Wash what you can, take in any items for repairs, and put away the summer stuff.  I store my off- season clothes and shoes together, on the top shelf of my closet.  Not so far that I can’t get them out again if I really need them, but certainly not in the way.

Transition Your Home, and Get Cozy:

  • Get your furnace cleaned and checked out;
  • Switch your fans to spin clockwise for winter;
  • Empty your garden hoses and turn off the water to your outdoor spigots;
  • Put the “cold weather bag”, as one client calls it, back in the car filled with an extra blanket or 2, Clif or granola bars, window scrapers, jumper cables, etc.;
  • The first weekend in November, change your clocks, change your smoke detector batteries, and test your CO2 monitors, as well; and
  • Get cozy.  Last week, I bought new pillows for our family room couch and added comfy throws to a couple of arm chairs, plus I checked my inventory my tea and cold weather beverages!

Look around and see what you can do to manage your seasonal changes this week!

Managing Transitions: Work? First 5 Things, Last 5 Things

I’ve been talking with folks a lot lately about their Routines.  We often talk about morning or bedtime routines, to make those times run more smoothly.  But we can also create Get To Work or Leaving Work routines, to make those times run more smoothly, too!

We’ve all had those busy days!  Once you start your work day, you may have a hard time stopping.  So, this week, let’s think about how organize the start and of our work day to stress less and get more done!

I know, this may sound counter-intuitive, but focus on Yourself for the first few minutes you’re at work.  And if that means you also need to arrive a few minutes early, that will be time well spent.

First things first,

  • Grab your cup of coffee or tea, and refill your reusable water bottle.
  • Unpack your work from your work bag (if you carried any with you) and chill your lunch.
  • Hang up your work bag, your coat, your umbrella and whatever else you bring with you every day.  Clip your car keys in the proper spot (in your bag, on your purse, in your pocket) so that you can find them again when it’s time to go!
  • Take a couple of deep breaths.
  • Now, and only now, look at your task list, email or workload for the day.  Pick your three most important tasks and make a space on today’s schedule for progress on those tasks.  Then jump in!

Last 5 things:

Conquering these super busy times of your work day will help you work better and feel less stressed throughout your day!

Managing Transitions: Get There First and THEN Goof Off.

This past Monday, I spent half an hour working from a local park.  It was a lovely early Fall day, so it was nice to be outside with a great view.  I checked my email, scheduled and confirmed client appointments, checked in with a couple of program sites about upcoming classes, .

More importantly, the park was exactly 4 minutes away from my next client’s house.

Why did I have half an hour to goof off at a park in the middle of a weekday?  Well….

I had a morning client appointment that ended early.  According to my GPS, I had a 35 minute drive from client #1 to client #2’s house, and about 75 minutes to make the 35 minute drive.

The first inclination, of course, is to stay where I am.  Right?  Now that I have a few extra minutes, perhaps I find somewhere to grab a snack, run an errand or two, make a couple calls and then get on the road about 35 minutes before I need to arrive at my 35-minute-away destination.

But you know what happens, right?  The logic seems solid and then you run into traffic,  or the errand takes longer than it should or you run into a friend at Panera and chat, and now POOF! that extra time you thought you had is now gone, and you run late for an appointment that you TOTALLY could have made on time.  You’re left apologizing to the client or the office staff at your doctor’s office for running late, and feeling frustrated because you HAD left on time but…

Even my son pointed out something funny the other day.  He had seen a meme on YouTube, where a guy showed up late for a work meeting complaining about the traffic with an iced Starbucks in hand.  My son is 14, and even he can see that it’s not necessary to be late.

So, as we learn to manage our transitions better, I suggest getting to your destination FIRST, and then if you have extra time, spend it around your destination so that you can still arrive on time.

A dear client of mine once had to explain to her houseguest WHY I was sitting outside of her house at 12:50 pm for a 1 pm appt.  She knew my habit of ARRIVING first, and then using any extra minutes to check email, make phone calls or check texts.  At the stroke of 1 pm, I knocked on the door and we all had a good laugh about my habit, but I still stick with it!

Before the play last week, my friend and I made sure to get to the theater and pick up our tickets before the show and THEN we found some lunch.  I’m not suggesting skipping the lunch or caffeine break or whatever else altogether,  just use your smart phone to scope out places near your destination to visit if you have the time.  Life and traffic and planning and everything are just too uncertain sometimes, so get where you are going and THEN goof off!

Managing Transitions: Get Up and Get Ready!

Teaching a time management class last week, I reminded everyone that, from an organizational stand-point, our daily times of transition can make or break our schedule, our stuff, our brain and our peace of mind.

We all meet many transitions every day: sleeping to waking; home to work or school or both; arrival at work or school; leaving work or school; arriving home; leaving again for the evening; bedtime.  And conquering these transition times will bring us ease, help us be on time, get and stay organized, and get more done with less stress.

Let’s start with the first big transition of the day: Transitioning from Sleep to Ready to Leave!

Over the last week, I’ve run into the two extremes around Morning routines.  One client had no morning routine at all, and one had a routine that was too complicated and overwhelming  to succeed.  Let’s find some middle ground, and make this happen!

Keep it simple, Sweetie.  Start with Need To / Must Do Tasks.

  • And, start with things you can only do at home!
  • Shower (though I suppose you could do this at the gym!);
  • Get dressed (unless pajama day every day is the policy at your office. For the rest of us, though, we have to get dressed);
  • Fuel yourself with breakfast;
  • Brush thy teeth / comb thy hair / shave thy cheeks, etc..
  • If your getting ready routine is still too complicated, consider what tasks you can redistribute to other times of your day, like showering or exfoliating at night, for example.

If that is all you have time for before you leave the house, so be it.

What can you take on the road, if need be? 

  • And, NO, you wacky people on the toll road last week, shaving and applying eye liner while driving are NOT things you should take on the road!  However:
  • drinking your second cup of coffee, in a spill and leak proof go-mug;  or
  • eating your breakfast bar; or
  • reading the newspaper on the train (on my IPad’s Tribune App) are all tasks you can take on the road! 
  • I spent many days on the road this summer.  I still have the habit of carrying a small bag of essentials like lotion, toothpaste/brush, comb, etc., and each has come in handy in the last week!  Pack your little bag of little things, and take that on the road, too.

Get really good at completing the essential tasks EVERY DAY and in a timely manner. THEN… add in the optional items, the Cans and Shoulds and Just Maybes.  These may include:

  • pack that lunch and think about dinner;
  • office tasks like checking email;
  • house tasks like laundry, washing dishes; and
  • whatever other tasks you may tackle regularly but are not truly essential.

Give some thought to your short list of MUST DO tasks this week, get really good at completing those completely and on time, and then add in some of those optional items if you have time.  Conquering this first transition of the day will start you on the right path to a great day!


Receive more ideas and suggestions like these;
Book time with me in person or virtually;
Arrange a presentation for your upcoming event; or
Discover the benefits of Organizational Coaching;

Please contact me.

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Via Twitter, @ColleenCPO