Seven Family Summer Survival Strategies

Driving home from a client appointment last week, I had some time to think big ideas.  I felt that I should be dreaming up this week’s blog article topic, but I really wanted to map out my plan for making this summer fun and relaxing, and productive, too, for all the members of my household.

I had a light-bulb moment on the Tri-State tollway – I put the two together!  So let me share ideas that work for us always, and also a few new ones that I’m trying this summer!

Seven Family Summer Survival Strategies:

  1. Have everyone stick with Morning Routines (personal maintenance).  Regardless of when I, the little guy or my teenagers get out of bed, our routines remain the same: Get up, shower, have breakfast, make your bed, put your dirty clothes away, brush your teeth.  No matter when we wake up or what is on the schedule, these tasks need to be completed before we head out for the day.
  2. Stay on top of home maintenance.  Laundry, groceries, cooking, cleaning. You can pare down some work for summer, but these household tasks are essential.  And since my kids are capable and available, they are going to help.  Which leads me to……
  3. Chore Assignments:  Make and post a schedule of activities and chores.  We have never used chore charts and my boys are too old to earn stars or treats, but the assignments are essential.  I just created a dry erase board (made a template in MS Word, slipped it in a plastic page protector), with blocks for each child’s activities and chores for the day (including food prep like grate cheese or peel carrots, mow grass, clean basement, vacuum, take out trash / recycling, pack, put laundry away, unload dishwasher, dust bedroom).  I’ll write this up and post it daily, so even if I am off to work when the teenagers get out of bed, they will know their expectations for the day.
  4. Lay some ground rules, or remind everyone what they are.  For example:
    • No company when mom and dad aren’t home, but we are open to company       otherwise.
    • No TV before noon.
    • Basic hygiene still applies, no matter when you wake up.
    • Be home by 5:30.  HOME by, not leaving your friends house by, 5:30.
    • Cell phones and tech gadgets still get turned in at 10 pm.  Non-negotiable.
  5. Lay your own ground rules.  Mine include:
    • Maintain 5:30-7 am productivity hour.
    • Abandon TV viewing altogether, until I conquer my reading pile.
    • Walk every evening with my husband.  Relaxing and fun, and good for us both!
  6. Re-work your menu planning for summer.
    • We will stock our breakfast menu planning items (go to for more ideas), since we do have early activities to get to this summer in the morning.
    • We eat lunch at home during the summer.  No school hot lunches for the next few months.  So I asked my sons for input, into what they want on-hand for their lunches.  I stocked up on sandwich ingredients, cut fruit and veggies, chips and leftovers.  Thankfully, these are all things the boys can make for themselves or each other.
    • We eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, thanks to my local farmers market.
    • In an effort to keep the house cool, I rely heavily on my crock pot and grill during the summer.  If I have to turn on the oven, I will make 2 or 3 items all at once (like bake cookies, bread and potatoes), to make the most of the hot oven!
    • May was ridiculously busy with after-school and evening activities.  I am just looking forward to cooking, and eating together as a family more consistently!
  7. Slow down and Have Fun!  We had a number of activities and tasks to complete this past weekend, but we also had some unstructured personal time, and it was lovely.  In addition, we’re all making our list of things we want to go and do this summer, like road trips, movies, adventures and hikes, and favorite ice cream haunts!

So, spend some time this week working on your plan to make your family’s summer great, too!

“If I Had A Nickel…” Getting Buy-In From Your Family

If I had a nickel for every time I was asked “How do I get my family to get and stay organized?” I’d be rich.  Perhaps you want to get organized, but you feel challenged with young children, your spouse, maybe even aging parents or grown-up children who are still / again living at home.

Remember, please, I am an organizer, not a parenting expert or marriage counselor (as my husband and kids will attest).

We love our family members.  No one is broken, and No one needs fixed.   Each of us has strengths and skill sets.   And sometimes, a family member’s strength is NOT organizing.  Or maintaining systems, or even seeing how their actions or inactions affect others.   BUT, we need to be able to live together in shared space.   So, here are ways to gain cooperation or “Buy-In” from family members (or co-workers, employees, etc):

Determine Your Needs.  Not Wants, but Needs.  We need clothing and shelter, we want nice clothing and a big house.  Stating “Needs” instead of “wants” creates urgency.  For example, I want things to be pretty, but I need things to be organized.  So I am willing to spend effort and money on organizing first, and “pretty” later.  And I live in a house with all men and “pretty” is not a want for them.  So I stick with needs.

Solve a Problem.  Identify specific problems in your household, and how organizing can solve each.  If the problem is “We’re always late”, organizing your time and Launch Pad better could help you be on time.  Focus on one specific challenge.  Resist trying and failing to change everything at once.

Get Clear in Your Own Vision so that you can communicate it to others.

“Be the change you want to see in the world.” (Mahatma Gandhi)  Set the example.  This helps us to Speak From Experience, which lends us believability.  Be willing to step up and organize yourself if you are expecting others to get organized, too.

Keep it Simple.  Keep your ideas and message simple, dispassionate and to the point.

Keep it Realistic.  Keep participant ages, skill levels, attention spans, etc. in mind when you ask for assistance.  Strive for little steps in the right direction instead of big global changes.  Also, don’t make organizing look so easy that no one will ever offer to help; or so difficult that no one will ever want to help.

Don’t Tell, Teach.   Remember Organizing is a process, and we often need to teach the process.  No one reads minds.  Lay out each person’s part of the process for them.   I learn more every day, and I do this for a living.  Understand there is a learning curve for all family members.

Use Marketing to sell the Organizing Process:

  1. Make a statement, how every one is going to try this new idea.
  2. Make it a Team Effort.  And let everyone know they are needed.
  3. Express the “Why”:  Why and how everyone will benefit.
  4. State the expectations for everyone.  (And mention that you are only human, and you, too, are feeling your way through these changes).
  5. Offer assistance and resources for your projects and to help others.

Find a Motivator.  Point to something personal, specific or tangible: More money?  Less stress?  Different stuff?   With kids, the motivators could be:

  • A better morning routine will get us out the door and on to activities sooner.
  • Purge and sell your extra toys and games and use the money for a new game system.
  • If we clean out the basement, we can gain a play / recreation room.
  • If we get more organized, we can stop driving Mom crazy. (maybe that is just me…..)
  • If we prove we are responsible in one area, we can get xx or yy privilege.
  • If we plan the menu and put stuff on the shopping list, we get foods we like, and the cabinets are full.
  • Use life transitions, like a new school year or moving from tween to teenager, to motivate change.
  • My boys are growing, as is their understanding of the world around them. We try to do things because sometimes they are just “the right thing to do”.  Recognize motivators can change as people grow.
  • Take advantage of Summer Vacation.  Plan an organizing project per week, and offer a reward upon completion.  E.g., Clean out the garage this morning, play this afternoon.  Work on a new habit or behavior for a week, with a trip to Rainbow Cone at the end.

If you can’t achieve Buy-In, create boundaries.  If a family member is unwilling to participate in the organizing efforts, allow chaos in their own room but not in common space.  And if they can’t keep common space organized, then limit access to that space (this works for kids, not so much for adults!!).

So, be specific about your organizing projects, be a good advertiser for the process, and find creative ways to get your family members involved in the process.  You will gain assistance in the short-term, and a more organized family in the future!

Wise Travel Advice From My 9-Year-Old

road trip

A Re-post from Spring, 2013:  First in my new Travel Article Section!

This past Saturday, I took a road trip with my 8 year old, and I had time while driving to reflect on what great travelers my children are.  My new word this week is “Consistencies”, in place of “routines” or “habits”.  So I looked at what we do consistently, every day, to make traveling and really, life in general, better.

Here are some tips:

Have your kids help you pack.  At my suggestion Saturday morning, my little guy helped me pack our picnic lunch, and packed his own bag of car entertainment (my IPad, his Nintendo DS, a book and the “new” camera his uncle passed on to him recently).  Why does this help?  He knew and liked what was on the lunch menu, and didn’t need to nag me for food.  And he happily kept himself occupied during the drive, when he wasn’t busy snapping digital pictures!

Lay some travel ground rules, for you and your kids:

  1. Safety is of utmost importance.  At all times.  This is non-negotiable.  There is no brawling, moving around the van, yelling, or anything else that will distract the driver or harm others.
  2. Get in, settle down, and buckle up.  Quickly.  This, too, is non-negotiable.
  3. Throw out your garbage every time you stop.  The car will be less likely to smell like old French fries if there aren’t old French fries around.  Makes sense, right?
  4. Use the rest room whenever you are given the chance.  Woe unto the sluggish child who opts to stay in the car at a rest area and then needs a restroom 30 minutes later.
  5. Entertain yourself.  It’s not my job, or your brother’s job to give you something to do.  Pack your own fun.
  6. Don’t make us late.
  7. Clean your stuff out of my car every time we come home.  If your soccer uniform is still in my van, it is not getting washed like it should be.  And you can’t practice your band instrument if it is riding around town with me instead of at home with you.

What my fellow travelers can expect from me:

  1. Safety, at all times.
  2. I will stop at reasonable intervals for pit-stops, gas and snacks as necessary.  Inform me once if you need something, but do not nag.
  3. It is reasonable to expect from the 5 of us, ages 9-44, that we can make it to Grandma’s (2.25 hours), Grandpa’s (2.5 hours), Uncle Sean’s (3 hrs) and the cottage (2 hrs) without stopping.   Don’t expect stops, but appreciate stopping for ice cream on a whim.
  4. We will explore off the beaten track if time allows and we see something interesting (a favorite part of road trips!!).  I am a sucker for hiking and roadside produce stands, and they know it.

Some more travel advice from the 9 year old:

  • Bring a water bottle, but don’t drink it all at once.  Makes the water last longer, and you won’t need to stop so soon.
  • Chocolate car-candy melts quickly.  Starbursts, on the other hand, taste better the mushier they are (he is obviously biased toward Starbursts, but he has a point!).
  • If everyone gets different snacks at the convenience store, we can all share.
  • If you sit in the front seat next to Mom, you get to control the music choices.  I can’t wait until I’m big enough to sit up front.

Establish some of these consistencies with your family!  Happy Travels!

Breakfast Planning: Make It An Easy & Healthy Habit!

Good morning! I worked with a coaching client last week, and we strategized ways to improve her family mornings. She is very health-conscious and creative, but does not feel creative early in the morning (who does?). So we applied some menu planning strategies to Breakfasts. It was such a great idea that I just had to write about it this week!

Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. It gives our body fuel and sets the tone for the day ahead. And why do we menu plan? To eat well, save time, make healthy choices, save money. Hmmmm…, yep, all of those work for Breakfast just like dinner!

Menu planning helps us to live better, and you can take this opportunity to improve your day. We have two big challenges in our house. First, I am a stickler for a balanced breakfast, supplying good energy and focus through the day.  We all operate best with a blend of fruits or veggies, good and complex carbs, and protein, but a balanced breakfast is not always a quick breakfast. Second, our morning schedule is crazy with 5 different wake times and 5 different start times for school or work. We need to have quick and healthy options that my teenagers can make for themselves.  So here is our plan!

With any menu plan, we start with our schedule. List the days, then list the events, activities or ideas you already have for those days (this is cobbled together from my client call and my life):

  • Sunday: Bagels from a nearby bakery
  • Monday: Smoothie with fruit from Sunday’s Farmers Market
  • Tuesday: Build Your Own Breakfast
  • Wednesday: purely portable, early morning meeting
  • Thursday: Build Your Own Breakfast
  • Friday: Dad’s late morning, he’s making omelets!
  • Saturday: Pancake Morning

Build Your Own Breakfast Ideas: A few years ago I put a spreadsheet on the fridge, to help my boys make healthy choices in the morning. The idea was to take one item from each category to build a better breakfast. The categories are:

  • Fruits: grapes, apple, banana, melon, orange juice, strawberries
  • Protein / Dairy: milk, yogurt, protein shake, peanut butter, bacon, sausage, omelet, hard-boiled egg, cheese stick
  • Good Carbohydrate: toast/bread, bagel cereal, pancakes , waffle, granola bar, breakfast bar

Other Tips to Make a Better Breakfast Happen

  • My kids love staying in hotels and hotel breakfasts. Take a cue from your favorite breakfast bar. We choose foods with our senses. Present good and healthy choices, and that is what your family will choose.
  • Our freezer is stocked with pre-cooked bacon (Costco), microwaveable turkey sausage patties, mini pancakes or French toast sticks (Market Day).
  • The bread basket holds whole wheat mini bagels or raisin bread for toasting.
  • The fruit basket has apples, bananas and oranges.
  • The snack basket has granola bars and protein bars (Nature Valley) and cereal bars (Special K)
  • The fridge holds leftovers (yes, I had tuna salad every day for breakfast last week), peeled hardboiled eggs and cut up cantaloupe.
  • If I am feeling really kind, I make a breakfast egg and bread casserole, and the boys will warm up a piece.
  • I made a coffee cake this evening for a school event, and my oldest son announced he loves that coffee cake and would eat it every day. So, note to self, throw together more coffee cakes and muffins, even healthy ones, and he and his brothers will eat them!

So, pick just one or two of these tips to try this week, to Build a Better Breakfast and start your days right!

Organize Now: Summer Is Closer Than You Think!

The title, “Summer is closer than you think”, will mean different things to different people.  Some will dream of lazy days and long vacations.  If you’re a working parent like me, though, the idea may make you anxious, wondering what to do with your kids this summer.

I realize it’s only mid-Spring.  Summer seems far away.  But I also realize that a fun and relaxing (for me, too) summer requires planning.  Parents talk, and a hot conversation topic recently has been “how and what to plan for our selves, our families and our kids for the summer months”.  So whether you only have yourself and your schedule to factor, or you have multiple schedules to consider, there are ways to make the process go smoothly.

Carve out an hour, grab your calendar, a cup of coffee and any information you have collected so far regarding travel, summer programs, camps, etc.  Get input from those involved: for example, my sons and I discuss which activities they would choose.  My husband was in on the planning session this year, which was new and great.  Not that he hasn’t cared about our summer plans before, but until recently, Summer was his VERY BUSY WORK season, and I was the main decision maker when it came to choosing summer activities.

We pulled out actual calendar pages (instead of our smart phones or MS Outlook on my laptop), and wrote out activities and ideas on the paper.  This helped us all to visualize our schedule and make decisions.

Some tips to make it work:

Plan early.  Book your events and activities now.  This helps you take advantage of early bird registration rates, ensures openings so that you or your children can attend the activities you wish, and gives you and other adults a chance to request vacation time.

Ask around.  As I mentioned earlier, parents talk.  We share recommendations for great programs, and also war stories from activities that did not go so well.  We set up car-pools now, and share babysitters and travel advice. 

Set your budget.  Activity and vacation costs can add up quickly if you’re not paying attention.  Set a limit, and stick with it.  We are writing checks this week, towards deposits to complete our registration for a number of activities.  Then we pay the balance when it comes due, which helps to spread out the costs and make them more manageable.

Schedule big, important and unmovable events first.  Work, academic events, graduations, annual family vacations, etc. can often not be moved or missed.  Make these necessary items your first priority.  For example, my oldest son has to take a summer gym / health class to make room for certain honors classes in his Fall schedule, so we had to make room for that class before anything else.  We also schedule events for the extended family now, so folks can “save the date”.

Once we documented our big, important and unmovable items, we chose a couple of weekends to investigate for potential trips.  Which leads to….

Fill in the smaller stuffFill in the optional but important items like weekend trips or optional camps.  Finally, make a list of optional, flexible activities.  Call them anticipated spontaneity, if you like.  Day trips, zoo or museum or beach days, evening ice cream runs, sleepovers, movie nights, bike rides, etc.  And leave free space on the calendar.  When I was a kid, my favorite parts of summer was biking around the neighborhood with my friends or lying around reading a book.  Come to think of it, that is still the case!

So, spend a rainy Tuesday planning now, so that you can relax later on a beautiful summer day.  It really is closer than you think!

6 Tips to Tweak Your Weekends!

Recently, my brother and my niece conversed on Facebook about their “Thursday Feeling”.  Apparently, many people experience a lift, a “Whew, I’ve almost made it!” feeling on Thursday as they look ahead to the weekend.  I’m not on board yet with their “Thursday Feeling”.  Improving our weekends is a work-in-progress, so I asked my readers to share thoughts on weekends.

Based on your responses, we would ideally spend our weekends sleeping in, not cleaning the house, accomplishing home projects, playing outside, doing homework (either ours or helping our kids with theirs), shopping, watching movies, relaxing and eating good food and ice cream. Ideally.

Last weekend was just right.  Dinner out on Friday night with family, then an event at church.   Saturday morning, all 5 of us participated in a 5K around our neighborhood, raising money for a local cancer organization.  Then we spent time with my young niece, knocked out an organizing project, took naps and watched movies.  Sunday started with family traditions, then Mass, brunch, and more relaxing.  It was lovely.

In reality, weekends can be hectic and choppy.  Personally, I start out with Cub Scouts on Friday.  We have such a great time, but I am typically in charge of some planning and running our meetings, so when most people are winding down on a Friday, I’m revving up.  Occasionally, I take Saturday clients because that is the only time some of them are available.  Then we, like many of my readers, have multiple sporting or creative events, shuttling the kids here and there, fitting in house cleaning and home projects.  Sundays always start with family and Mass, but may end up filled with work or projects or more commitments.

So how can we tweak our weekends?  Where can we find that Thursday feeling?

  1. Align expectations. Trouble occurs  when I anticipate a lazy weekend, and my husband plans a family day of  yard work.  My teenagers want to sleep until noon, I want bedrooms cleaned by 10 am.  If you share your life with others, make sure to align your expectations with theirs.
  2. Communicate.  A friend shared her family’s weekend strategy with me.  She and her husband have a “meeting” on Saturday morning over coffee to discuss their weekend plans and expectations.  They write down the scheduled events, the need-to-dos and also the hope-to-dos.  She says “It feels good to have a list that we work on TOGETHER”, everybody gets at least a few things accomplished and her family feels better about their weekends.
  3. Don’t schedule too much.  Try to leave some “white space”, as my friend Jan would call it, and choose to relax how you would like.  Be selective when signing up for activities and accepting invitations.
  4. Shop during the week or on-line.  I avoid the mall like the plague every day, but especially on the weekends. Shop during the week when the stores are less crowded.  You can also automate your shopping. I shop on-line with Melaleuca.  I love the household products, but mostly I love that they ship to my house monthly.  I use Reliv as my nutritional supplement. I place my order quarterly and it arrives on my doorstep.  I use for gifts and harder-to-find items.  Less time at actual stores means more time for me and my family, and that is worth any money spent on shipping.
  5. Stick with routines. Schedule at least a few things.  A mother of 4 young sons admitted that she prefers the structure of weekdays.  Everyone seems happier during the week.  Unstructured time is when the kids get rowdy, and sometimes into trouble. Stick with bedtimes and meal times, and I mean all of us, not just the kids!
  6. Find your weekend somewhere else.  Because my weekends tend to be busy and not terribly relaxing, I have worked to find “weekend” time (relaxing and rejuvenating time) during the week.  Every other month or so, I might schedule a massage, or catch a chick flick at the theatre on a weekday (none of the fellows in my house would want to go with me anyway!).

So, what will you try this week to make your weekend better?  How will you promote that “Thursday Feeling”?  Slow down and enjoy!

What’s In Your Pocket? Your Essential Daily Carry

I recently discovered the concept of Essential Daily Carry and a great Reddit board with visuals of what different people carry in their pockets on a daily basis (just google the term for all sorts of visual examples).

Per Wikipedia, Essential Daily Carry or “Everyday carry (EDC) refers to a small collection of tools, equipment and supplies carried on a daily basis to assist in tackling situations ranging from the mundane to the disastrous.[1] (wikipedia)”

“The term EDC also refers to the philosophy or spirit of ‘preparedness’ that goes along with the selection and carrying of these items. Implicit in the term is the sense that an EDC is an individual’s personal selection of equipment, arrived at after deliberation, rather than a standardized kit. EDC items normally fit in pockets or small pack, and/or are attached to clothing such as a belt. Emphasis is placed on the usefulness, accessibility and reliability of these items. The core elements of a typical EDC might include a folding pocket knife, a flashlight, a mobile phone, and a multi-tool.” (wikipedia)

From a time management and preparedness standpoint, an EDC is a great idea. Key components for implementing your EDC:

  1. On a personal level, identify the difference between “need” and “want”;
  2. Find high-quality multifunctional tools to fill a range of needs;
  3. Establish one location at home, near your exit, for keeping your EDC; and
  4. Establish the habit of carrying your EDC with you.

What is essential to you? Where is it, and do you make it convenient and routine to carry it with you every day? In college, I started carrying a small wallet (with money, cards, a pen and bandaids) with my house keys attached. I can still leave the house with just those few things in my pocket with my cell phone, at least for quick, local trips. My smart phone is central to my EDC, with apps for a flash light, wrist watch, note taking, camera, calendar and a digital key ring for store cards. That one tool has lightened my load.

When deciding on your EDC, consider where you go and what you do. For example, there are essential items I don’t carry because every where I go, I have duplicates there. I always keep my work tool box in my car, so I don’t carry extra tools. I have disposable gloves and a clean shirt in there, too, and a well stocked first aid kit as well, so I carry only a very small one in my bag. My EDC can be small because I keep other items like tissues, pens, hand lotion and a nail file in my car all the time.

So what’s in your wallet? Or pocket, as the case may be? Here is a list of common items (from Wikipedia):

  • A folding knife, multitool and/or Swiss Army knife
  • A wrist watch
  • A flashlight (either a key-chain light, a headlamp, or a “tactical” flashlight which has a brighter output used to temporarily blind and stun assailants)
  • A whistle or airhorn (noise makers)
  • A cell phone or other electronic device like a digital camera to record evidence (sometimes satellite phones if in remote areas)
  • Sustainment items such as bottled water and high energy foods
  • Pen, pencil, or a tactical pen similar in concept to a Kubotan for striking and stabbing
  • Pocket notebook (smart phones and electronic note-taking devices are increasingly being used instead of notebooks)
  • Medicine for common ailments and maladies such as allergies and gastrointestinal problems
  • Prescription medicine that has to be taken daily
  • A compact first aid kit
  • Rope or paracord
  • Handkerchiefs or other utility cloth
  • Keys containing key chain and accessories like a flashlight, nail clipper, pill bottle, folding scissors, carabiner, or Kubotan
  • Gloves, which can be latex, nitrile, leather, or synthetic
  • Pepper spray/OC spray or stun gun/tazer
  • Pistol and holster
  • Lighter or matches

So, this week give your essential Daily Carry some thought. Determine what challenges you may face from day-to-day, what is essential, and what should be in your pocket all the time!

Tips For a Better Night’s Sleep

Sleep is beautiful.  It’s essential for optimal performance and health.  It gives our bodies time to rebuild, and our minds time to process stimuli.  It is warm, soothing and lovely.  Unless… its not.

There are lots of ways to Not Get Enough Sleep, Insomnia is just one.  We all struggle at some point to get enough sleep or good sleep.  What happens if we don’t sleep?  In the short term, simple things like feeling tired, a lack of focus, irritability and lethargy.  Long term sleep loss can lead to job loss, decreased cognitive function, physical ailments and psychological issues.

A friend recently asked me how I overcame insomnia, so I want to share Sleep Hygiene suggestions for a good night’s sleep.  I am no expert on sleep, but I can speak from experience on overcoming insomnia, and as an organizer, I recognize logical, objective ways to improve routines and physical spaces.  So here some tips for chasing those elusive Zzzzzz’s!

Check your sleeping environment:

  • Not too loud: Soothing music is nice, if you need it, but set a timer for it to turn off and don’t sleep with ear phones in your ears.  And I find instrumental music is better than music with lyrics, I found myself trying to memorize words instead of falling asleep.
  • Not too quiet:  Silence can be even more distracting than noise.  A white noise machine may help, or a cool vaporizer like the one we run all winter helps drown out my hubby’s snoring.
  • A cool room is best for sleeping, and some prefer a fan to move air around.  Sleep with blankets in layers, not just one really heavy one, so you can shed or add covers as needed, as can your bedmate.
  • An actual bed (get off the couch, folks) and the right pillow – not too soft or hard, and not too many.
  • Bedrooms are bedrooms.  They are not offices, exercise rooms or craft space.  Period.

Clean up your Sleep Hygiene for better sleep.

  • Your “sleep hygiene” is your daily routine for getting a good night’s sleep.
  • Determine how much sleep you actually need.  We don’t all need exactly 8 hours a night to live our best lives.  Some folks need less and some need more, based on age, physical demands, individual rhythms and a host of other variables.  Fix your wake-up time (for me, 5:15 am) and work back from there for your bedtime, first with 8 hours, then 7.5, then 7.  Turns out, I should turn off my light by about 10:00 pm to fall asleep and feel fully rested at 5:15 am.
  • Keep your bed-time and wake-time the same, even on weekends.  Wake-time should vary no more an hour from weekday to weekend.
  • You may actually be getting more sleep than you think.  When I suffered with insomnia, it was rare that I truly didn’t sleep all night, even though it felt like I was awake the whole time since my sleep would be shallow and not restorative.  And obviously, intentionally napping or even nodding off while watching TV counts as sleep, and can undermine your overnight sleep.
  • Choose the same 3 or 4 soothing activities before bed nightly.  Yoga, wash your face, tea or warm milk, a warm shower, quiet TV viewing or reading in a darkened room.  We use book lights – the ones you clip on the book – they’re great for bedtime reading, especially if you share a room.
  • Keep a notebook and pen at your bedside, to jot down random thoughts that might keep you awake.
  • Avoid Overhead and fluorescent lighting at all costs.  They are terrible for sleep hygiene.  Turn down all your lights after dinner, to tell your brain it is time to start shutting down for the night.
  • Turn off anything with a screen (TV, computer, phone) half an hour before bed time, and keep computers and TVs out of the bedroom completely if you are having sleep issues.  The electronic fields can interfere with good sleep.
  • During the day, exercise, but not close to bedtime.  And check your medications, foods and beverages for hidden caffeine, sugar or other stimulants.  You would be amazed all the places caffeine hides, or how medicines like steroids can keep you awake at night!

A good day tomorrow depends on a good night’s sleep tonight, so employ one or two of these tips to help you tonight.  Sweet dreams!

8 Tips: Because Life Doesn’t Always Go As Planned

I’m a planner.  I love the combination of small details and the big picture.  I’m good at it, and even get paid to plan and to teach others how to plan.  So, trust me when I tell you, regardless of good intentions, some days just don’t go as planned.  Case in point…. Last Wednesday.

I belong to a great group full of nice people, and really useful information and activities.  My challenge is that the monthly meetings are at 8 am on a school day, 40 minutes away.  The meetings are worthwhile, so I plan and deal with the distance and timing.   Toward that end, I worked a little harder last week and set up before-school care for my youngest at his elementary, so I wouldn’t have to hassle my friends anymore just to cover these monthly meetings.  Lunches were packed, clothes were laid out, everyone was up and cooperating.  We were all good to go.

And then…. A car-pool oversleep, a snowstorm and an accident blocking traffic (not that I blame those hapless souls – their day really didn’t go as planned!).   The one morning I needed everything to go exactly as planned, it didn’t.  Sometimes, life gets in the way.

We can learn a lot from our lives when things don’t go as planned:

  1. Leave yourself a cushion.  Make just a little room between appointments on your calendar.  The tighter the schedule, the greater the chance for trouble.
  2. Have a Plan B, and maybe even a Plan C.  For everything, at all times.  Dinner, daycare, clothes, alternate travel route or public transportation options.  Flexibility is key at all times
  3. Variables are just that – Vary-able.  The more appointments you make in your      day, or variables you work into your schedule, the greater the risk of having something go awry.  Don’t pack your schedule too tightly.
  4. Laugh at yourself.  Appreciate the absurd in your day, and remember that situational control is an illusion.  It’s ridiculous to think we are “in control” of a situation.  We can only control ourselves and our own behavior and choices.
  5. Don’t wait to start on a task, trip or project.  Never plan on having the last-minute to complete a task, trip or project.  If you’re given a deadline, aim for a few days before.  You just never know what might happen.  We get burned by procrastinating if we delay our work until the last-minute and then end up with a technology failure, a loved one in a personal or medical crisis, or a storm and/or power outage.  Or perhaps I am unable to say “Yes” to some great but unexpected event because I have work to do.
  6. Dawdle when you get there.  Last week, I had 60 minutes to make a half-hour drive from one client to the next.  I drove almost all the way to the second client, and then took a break.  This eliminated any trouble I might have had in transit slowing me down and making me late.
  7. Keep your calendar / phone / planner up to date, so that answers and contact information are with you at all times.
  8. Keep your to-do list with you at all times.  This allows you to get things done wherever you are. And take advantage of found moments through your day.

So, embrace and expect that life won’t always go as planned and learn a few tips to help you along the way!

Productivity Series: Use Accountability to Get Things Done

(Originally published in 2013)

I work with an accountability partner and want to share how awesome the process has been.  But what is accountability?  An accountability partner?  And how can you benefit from the process?

Accountability means a “responsibility to someone or for some activity” (google).

We’re all interconnected, responsible TO many people.  I’m responsible to my kids and husband, my family, friends and community, and my clients and professional partners.  I am also responsible FOR lots of people and activities for this cast of characters.  They’re important and I take good care of these responsibilities.

I am the person to whom others are accountable.  Personally, for example, my kids are accountable to me to do their chores and their homework, and I’ll certainly tell them if something is left undone.  Professionally, my clients agree to work between appointments towards their organizing goals, and they report to me about how things are going, to ask questions and determine next steps.

As accountable as I am to others, I often ignore my own personal or business deadlines.  I’m the boss, so no one checks on my productivity.  The business is well run, the BIG stuff gets done, my clients are well served and my presentations are completed.  But long-range strategic tasks, important but not urgent, get pushed aside by immediate and urgent issues that come up.  I have lots of ideas, but lack the time or focus to make the ideas a reality.  Those strategic tasks get pushed further down the to-do list.  I needed to create accountability to get these things done.

Think about it – if you know a friend is waiting for you at the gym, you are more likely to exercise.  Or making an appointment for the plumber to fix your sink motivates you to clean the cabinet underneath before he arrives, right?

Enter…. Jan, my accountability partner.  She has experience with accountability partnerships and graciously offered to work with me.  Here is how we work:

  1. Once a week, Jan and I email, skype or meet in person.
  2. We talk for an hour or so, and we each determine 3 goals to work on for the next few weeks.  The goals are complete-able in the 2-week time frame.
  3. During the weekly conversations, we report how we are progressing towards our goals, brainstorm ways to get past blocks that occur, and determine goals for the next two weeks.

The very first step for me was to clean up my very long Business master to-do list.  I deleted duplicate and completed ideas.  Then I sorted the list into short-term ideas, mid-term ideas (1-3 months out), and long-term ideas (3 months – years).  Now I can choose 2 or 3 ideas to complete every two weeks.  This first step was awesome in itself, to help me clear mental clutter and focus on my short- and long-term business goals.

The weekly conversations have been great for keeping me on task and working towards my goals.  I like and respect Jan, and since I have to admit to her my movement or procrastination towards a goal, I make sure to have good things to report!  I keep my weekly goals at the bottom of every day’s to-do list, as a reminder.  We may not make progress daily, but we both admit to looking at and acting on our accountability list the day before our weekly call, to ensure we have progress to report!

An unanticipated benefit of the process is my very clear list of accomplishments from the last 6 weeks.  Just looking at that list motivates me.  In summary, so far I have: tweaked my technology set-up, coordinating my IPad, laptop and IPhone with Evernote and Skype; cleared my DVR cache and created more time to read professional work; cleaned up my banking by updating my checking account and on-line banking for my LLC, and installing a credit card reader on my IPhone.

Don’t let me add to your to-do list!  But, if you find there are important but neglected goals in your life that you REALLY want and need to get to, think about accountability and finding a partner to make things happen!