
Join Our Newsletter HERE!

February 18, 2025: Life Lessons From My High School Typing Teacher

February 11, 2025: Finding, Keeping and Returning to Focus

February 4, 2025: The Best Use of Time: Not Just Efficient But Effective

January 28, 2025: Survival Needs Come First, Then Maintenance

January 21, 2025:  Life’s “Stormy” Weather: Cleaning Up and Getting Ready

January 14, 2025:  How To Make Habits Stick

January 7, 2025:   First, Let’s Return To Normal!

December 30, 2024:  Ask Yourself: 2024 and 2025, Do? Learn? Grow?

December 24, 2024: Before and After Christmas: Self Care Before, and Peaceful After!

December 10, 2024: Stay Productive When All The World Is a Distraction

December 3, 2024: He Said “I Think This Is A Change I Can Make”

November 25, 2024:  Right Now, What’s The Right Thing To Do? (a.k.a. Don’t aggravate your loved ones)

November 19, 2024: A Routine’s Last Steps Are The Most Important

November 12, 2024: This Week, Clear Clutter and Prepare For Cold Weather!

November 5, 2024: Get Good At Transitions: Intros & Outros

October 29, 2024: Recipes, But Not For Stew or Cookies!

October 22, 2024:  ADHD Awareness Month: Aware In Many Ways

October 15, 2024:  PSA: It’s Time To Organize Your Medicine Cabinet

October 8, 2024:  Getting Specific with Quarterly Planning

October 1, 2024: Learn New Things Then Make Them Your Own

September 24, 2024: Focus Areas: How Do You Spend Your Resources?

I presented last weekend at The Traveluxe Ignite 2024 Conference. Their tagline for the conference was “Aspire to Inspire”, I love that! It was so fun to be in a big room full of fantastic human beings, and I am truly grateful they welcomed me into their circle.

I spoke about Goal Setting using the tools of SMART Goals and PACT Goals, both topics that I have presented dozens of times and spoken about in past articles and podcast episodes. To get us started, I introduced the idea of Focus Areas, of determining what is important to us in our lives. We set our Focus Areas so the goals we set support those important things.

In addition, I attended a conference for my own education this past weekend. And it was awesome (and I will talk more about it next week!)! And spending 4 days on my own education is an example of dedicating resources (in this case, time and money) to my own Focus Areas. Read on to learn more in Focus Areas: How Do You Spend Your Resources?…more…

September 17, 2024: National Preparedness Month: The Basics – What MUST Be In Your Pocket

September is National Preparedness Month. I talk about NPM every September… except last year, apparently. And since last September was my first September as a podcaster, I have not podcasted about it!

To catch us up:  “September marks National Preparedness Month, the annual campaign to remind everyone that preparing for emergencies and disasters can keep them, their families and their communities safe. The Ready Campaign aims to ensure all of our friends and neighbors have the tools they need to prepare for disasters and build resilience before disaster strikes.” (From

Every year there is a theme, and the 2024 Theme is “Start a Conversation”

(also from “Talking about bad things that could happen like a disaster or emergency isn’t always easy. We may think we’re protecting the people we love by avoiding these conversations, but they are important to start taking steps to get ready and stay safe. 

Starting a conversation today can help you and your family to take more actions to prepare. By taking simple steps, you can build your preparedness at your own pace:

  • Set aside a time when everyone is calm and relaxed. 
  • It may help to hold the discussions over a set time period, so decisions aren’t rushed, and people feel more comfortable talking about the topic. 
  • Talk about steps you’ve taken to prepare and encourage others to ask questions about preparedness actions that might work for them.”

Let’s start that conversation! On my website,, I have a blog category for National Preparedness Month and also one just called “Ready”. If you want to know more, check out first, and my website, too. 

As I returned to in-person organizing these last few weeks, I was thinking of this week’s article as I repacked my car and work supplies and my kit. Because as I worked with a client, I realized I hadn’t re-packed antibacterial wipes or tissues or hand sanitizer, etc. You get the picture. We can make big plans, but also focus on daily preparedness with things close at hand. Read on to learn more in “The Basic: What Must Be In Your Pocket…more… “.


September 10, 2024: Bullet Journal: Ever Present and Indexing

A friend and fellow organizational coach wished me a Happy New Year last week. And I felt that, it really resonated with me. We were working together virtually in a productivity group – her group is called “Work It Wednesday” and it is the inspiration for my Finish Line Friday (reach out to me for her information, I am happy to share her WIW link!).  During her WIW, I was planning and scheduling the rest of 2024 in my Bullet Journal, and I knew that it’s time for me to share more fully this really great productivity tool with all of you.

Today, let’s look at the two concepts I love the most about my Bullet Journal, and how you can utilize these two ideas on any notebook or note taking device even if it isn’t a Bullet Journal! Read on for this week’s new article, “Bullet Journal: Ever Present and Indexing”…more…

September 3, 2024: Activation of Prior Knowledge

I hope you had a lovely holiday weekend!  This week, I am preparing this newsletter for you lakeside in Michigan. And even in my home state of MI, school is back in session this week.

I have just one more topic inspired by back-to-school, but it’s really a topic for all of us! Did you know? The first few weeks of the school year for most students is spent learning new things, for certain, but also “activating prior knowledge”, connecting new knowledge to what students already know. And we call need to do that, don’t we? Connecting new to existing knowledge? Reminding us of what we already know so we can build from there? I take a leap or two in this week’s article, using this idea to helps us acknowledge where we are and also to make progress and succeed. Read on to learn more in “Activation Of Prior Knowledge”…more…

August 27, 2024: How To Arrive On Time
When this newsletter arrives, I’ll be getting home from a weekend On The Mountain at Ramble 15 in Ashburnham, MA.  Hopefully by this time, I have shared posts on social media in support of the amazing artists I get listen to and spend time with, though I usually get so caught up in the weekend that I forget. So – we’ll see!

Is it irony, that I was a few minutes late to my recording appointment with my podcast producer to record the episode on How To Arrive On Time? Yes, I thought so. On the plus side, though, in terms of time management, I was only a minute or two late, we understand the expectations of our agreement, we have flexibility in our recording schedule and we can reschedule if I was going to be too late (which is why I record a week ahead of time). Read this week’s new article to learn more about “How To Arrive On Time”…more…

August 20, 2024:  Change Your Perspective From “Have To” To “Get To”

Did you know that all the ins and outs and ridges on your ears have names?!  When this week’s article, newsletter and podcast episode drop, I will be recovering from another Mohs Procedure to remove a basal cell carcinoma from my ear, specifically my right tragus. Basal cell carcinomas are annoying but not as worrisome as other diagnoses, so I promise, I am fine. But I am limited in my activities for three weeks as I recover. If you know me, you realize I don’t do “limited activity” well. But I am working on it.

We were talking about what to call this 3 week period, and after we tried out a few ideas, my wise husband suggested “sabbatical”, so that is what we’re going with. This sabbatical provides a deviation from my typical schedule and I am looking forward to tackling some projects I have neglected.

I am looking at this time as a switch from “Have To”s to “Get To”s. What are the things on my list that I really want to get done, but don’t typically have the opportunity? And more importantly, are there tasks on my to-do list that would benefit from a positive re-framing, as in “I am excited that I GET TO re-do my website” instead the of the negative “oh, ugh, I have to get that done!” but the frustration and negativity fuels the procrastination?  Read on to explore the shift from Have To to Get To in this week’s new article, Change Your Perspective From “Have To” To “Get To”…more… 

August 13, 2024:  Multitasking is a Myth. Here’s A Different Strategy.

What’s on your agenda this week? Work? Family? Social? Service? Personal? Yep, me, too.

I drove to Michigan yesterday to help out a family member. I have chores to complete, errands to run, work days, a day of Board Of Education Meeting and prep, some medical stuff, a family birthday party next weekend, and the list goes on. Sound familiar?

From the outside looking in, some may say I am multitasking. But multitasking is a myth. (Sorry) What I am doing is switch-tasking. I am switching my focus all the time, sometimes moment to moment, and that can leave me feeling tired, frazzled, overwhelmed, you name it.  Want to know more about getting things done without abusing your brain? Read on for this week’s new article, “Multi-tasking Is A Myth, Here’s A Different Strategy”.

August 6, 2024:  Advice For Life’s Next Chapter

It’s a new month! Summer is still here, and I have a lot of summer-ing still to do, but changes are on the way! I’m starting to feel the shift!  One son moved out this morning, back to theatre housing in Indiana. We also have a milestone birthday in the house this week for one of my sons. I don’t really feel or pay much attention to my age, but I definitely pay attention to my sons’ years as they pass by!

I am so excited for my sons as they embrace their next steps. And I look forward to taking some next steps myself! This season inspires me to stop for a minute and consider what my next goals should be and how I want to get there. Sounds like it’s time to ask myself some coaching questions!

How about you? What is next on your life’s agenda? And how do you want to get there? In this week’s blog article and podcast episode, I am sharing with all of you words that I spoke to a class of graduates back in May. I hope you find them useful and inspiring, read on for more in “Advice For Life’s Next Chapter”.

July 30, 2024: College Bound? Organize Your Dorm and Small Spaces

The topic for this week’s newsletter and podcast episode is part 2 of 2 of the short College Student series.

The Klimczak household is gearing up to move my college student back to school next week. Also next week, my actor son will move back to his theatre housing apartment near the theatre company where he works, after 2 months with a Chicago area theatre.

It’s going to be a little chaotic here for a few days! But we are seasoned veterans of this process, and in this week’s article and episode so I will share tips and tricks gathered over the years! And this content is not just for the college bound or college adjacent families – there is info to learn for all of us! Read on to learn more in this week’s newly published article, College Bound? Organize Your Dorm and Small Spaces.

July 23, 2024: College First-Aid Kit and Skills To Go With It

Did you know? In addition to being an organizational and productivity coach and a certified professional organizer, I am also a member of my local school board. And, though no one wants to hear it right now, especially our students, our thoughts are already focused on back-to-school!

I am on the Board for our elementary district so we’re planning for 3-to-14-year-olds, but I personally have a college student that heads back in a few short weeks and we are definitely planning ahead!

If you find yourself in the same situation, I have tips and suggestions to share this week and next! And this content is not just for the college bound or college adjacent families – there is info to learn for all of us! Read on to learn more in this week’s newly published article, College First-Aid Kit and Skills To Go With It!… more… 

July 16, 2024: Packing Personality: Days Ahead or Last Minute?

It’s summer, time for summer adventures!  Recently, I’ve had many conversations about travel and packing, and I am always interested in how people take care of those tasks for themselves. What I have found is that there is no wrong or right answer for how or when we pack. Every person is different, and every trip is different! But there are some universal tips and tricks that can help all of us! Read on to learn more in this week’s new blog article: Packing Personality: Days Ahead Or Last Minute?… more…

July 9, 2024: Hope In Normalizing: “I Can Do This, Too”

How is your summer going?  We got out of town for the holiday week, which was fun and relaxing and also still busy! Lots of family in and out, many meals prepared for many people, card games and laughs, walks and swimming and boating. Yeah! 

This week, I want to bring up something that we talk about in coaching, but not everyone talks about in real life. And I’d like to change that. In coaching, we talk about normalizing. Per, Normalizing may mean “to cause (something previously considered abnormal or unacceptable) to be treated as normal”. This can be negative like when we learn to tolerate something that might be negative so that it becomes our new normal. But it can also be a positive thing, when we expand our understanding of what can be typical and normal, so we no longer feel shame or worry about an issue or circumstance. Learn more and check out this week’s new blog article, “Hope In Normalizing: ‘I Can Do This, Too'”…more… 

July 2, 2024:  Independence Day: From What? For What?

Wishing all my US readers an enjoyable holiday week! Happy Independence Day!! I like to think of this week’s holiday as “Independence Day” and not just “July 4th”! Every calendar everywhere has a July 4th, but not every one of them has an Independence Day! I also like to think about the word “Independence” and what it can mean to each of us. Read on for more in “Independence Day: From What? For What?”… more…

June 25, 2025:  Being Organized Is Good For Your Health!

I have the pleasure of presenting with Gilda’s Club Chicago this week. This is an amazing organization that supports individuals and families affected by cancer. A reader / friend / regular Finish Line Friday participant found me through a Gilda’s Club presentation a few years ago. She and I were recently discussing how being organized helps us to get and stay healthy.

Just today, I was reminded how being organized keeps us healthy by empowering us to:

  • Set reminders to make appointments for routine and specialty medical issues, and
  • Set reminders to actually attend the appointments, as well!
  • Set up systems around filling and re-filling prescription medications, and
  • Create supportive daily routines to ensure we actually take the medications, vitamins and supplements we need to take to keep us well.

And that was just today! Read on to learn more in “Being Organized is Good For Your Health”!… more…

June 18, 2024:  Summer Organizing Projects – How To!
A reader and regular Finish Line Friday participant asked me for the How-To’s for tackling summer organizing projects recently. I said I’d plan to host a class, but I also want to share an organizing podcast episode and newsletter this week for her and for anyone else tackling projects this summer! So, for my reader L., and the rest of us, read more to tackle those projects in “Big Summer Organizing Projects – You Need A Plan!”

In addition, I published my permanent list “Organizing Resources to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle” this week in June, 2019. I update this list regularly as I discover new resources for us and destinations for our stuff once we decide to part with it!

June 11, 2024:  Re-Entry After Travel: Bumps In The Road
I briefly mentioned in recent newsletters and podcast episodes that we were traveling at the end of May. We attended a family wedding in Baltimore for my awesome niece and her husband, and it was lovely! I will proudly say that the planning and implementation of the plan for the weekend went very smoothly. I will also share that there were unexpected situations that arose and added complexity. And that’s OK. I am not writing about the blips this week, they are still a little too fresh.

However, what I AM writing about this week is how important it is to have a plan for Re-entry after ANY trip but especially a long or complicated trip! Read on to learn more in “Re-Entry After Travel: Bumps In The Road”.

June 4, 2024:  The Daily List Right In Front Of Me

Just today, I was chatting with a new client regarding her daily to-do list. I wrote today’s article and podcast content a few weeks ago, but I speak to people about tasks and productivity and getting things done ALL THE TIME. Because it matters. 

Today’s article offers suggestions on how to get things done with more intention, less struggle and less stress. Sound good? Read on for more in this week’s newly published article, “The Daily List Right In Front of Me”…more…