Did you know? The first full week of March is National Procrastination Week, supposedly an entire week dedicated to putting things off.
Um… you know that is NOT what I’m going to recommend, right? Instead, let’s look at how to get things done, even when the path is difficult!
I am a solo entrepreneur, which is a fancy term for a small-business owner who does EVERYTHING. In the midst of delivering organizing services, coaching and offering presentations, I also need to plan and grow my business for the long term with new ideas and products.
Lately, I’ve been wrapping my head around a remarkably daunting project (hosting webinars), and last week, I mentioned to a fellow business owner that if I was an employee in charge of this particular project, I would have fired me by now!
Sometimes, we just need to do what needs done! Can you relate? Either professionally or personally? Got a project you’ve been dragging your feet about?
If you’re procrastinating, it’s time to figure out what exactly the problem is. You need to do something, but:
You… Don’t know how.
- Call in your experts. Years ago, I spent time and energy worrying if I should become an LLC or an S or C Corporation. What a waste of time. I didn’t need to figure out, I just need to contact a trusted friend, my attorney Eileen Kerlin Walsh. She knew exactly what I needed and made it happen with a minimum of fuss. The same strategy worked when I needed to update my website. I didn’t need to learn how to build a new one, I called my expert, my webdesigner Claire at Aplify7, and she made me look great with no hassle!
- You don’t need to know everything, you just need to reach out.
You… Worry about the cost, monetary or otherwise, of working on a project.
- Is this project worthwhile? Explain out loud why you need to do this thing or meet this goal, and perhaps that will help motivate you to act.
Sometimes action costs money or time or other resources, true. But if you’re procrastinating around a business venture, or health care issue that you can’t seem to make the appointment for, or house repair that you’ve been avoiding, the better question is “Can you afford to NOT do this?”
- While I wrote this, a friend reached out to me about trademark and copyright laws for protecting their business brand. I don’t know the answers, so I asked my experts and of course, they stepped up! But this was a great example for weighing the potential high price of working with a knowledgeable attorney vs. the even higher cost of NOT acting and having your brand damaged.
You … Don’t want to, it may be uncomfortable.
- Have you ever noticed? We spend far more time dreading the unknown task than it usually takes to complete it. I missed an article deadline recently for another publication, and I dreaded (and avoided) for days fessing up and letting the publisher down. And they were kind and not bothered at all. I spent far more time being uncomfortable about NOT doing something than actually doing something about it. Seems rather silly now.
- Know yourself. We like to be comfortable, right? So agree to be just A LITTLE uncomfortable, try just a small new thing, in the interest of progress. Once you try something, it’s not new anymore.
You… Don’t want to start when there isn’t time to finish.
- Do you hear yourself when you say these things? We tell ourselves we only want the finished project, but we never start? That, my friend, is what we call a Contradiction.
- Set a timer, focus on time dedicated and not completion of the task. Some progress towards a goal is still progress, even if you don’t complete the project this time.
- Acknowledge that Perfectionism and Procrastination often go hand in hand, and may be working against the actual completion of your project.
You… Don’t know how long it will take.
- Yup, this one terrifies me. For example, I procrastinate about making phone calls. Not logical or wise, I know. But my very real fear is getting stuck on the phone and not knowing how long the call may last. But I can decide how much time to dedicate to a task. Even if I won’t complete the task, I can still start.
You… Are just not feeling it right now.
- We’ve all been there.
- Long ago, a client said she was waiting to wake up one morning and be suddenly motivated to exercise, keep her house clean, get a job, etc. And because she was paying me to, I asked the tough question “Has that EVER actually happened?” And the answer was… uh, no. So, we fake it until we make it.
- Intentionally procrastinate for a few (JUST A FEW!) minutes. Set a 10 minute timer, step back, change your scenery, get up and grab a cup of coffee or tea. Then get back to work!
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Via Twitter, @ColleenCPO