Slow Down. Smile. Breathe. Merry Christmas!

I spend a lot of time organizing others and myself, but I remind myself often “Why?”.  My personal “Why to be organized” reasons include running our home efficiently, using our resources responsibly, setting an example for my kids, and taking care of tasks so we have time for other things.  Above all, to me, being organized means I take good care of my family.

I attended a scripture reflection gathering last weekend.  60 minutes with 4 wonderful women, and my mindset for the holidays was blessedly changed.  I was reminded that everything we do for others this time of year is a blessing. Our labors and service are all a gift, to us and to others and to God.  Hope and Faith and Glory.  Ahhhh….  (that was me sighing a contented sigh).

We discussed how the ornaments on our tree reflect all the different places our lives have been.  For example, the ornaments my husband and I brought from our childhoods when we got married, and the ones we have received over the years since.  The “baby’s first Christmas” ornaments from each son, the cactus ornament from our anniversary in Arizona, the Irish ones we received at a family ornament exchange, the Mickey-shaped one we carefully brought home from Disney.  The hand-made ornaments from many school parties: angels with little hand-shaped wings; the same photo ornament of each boy holding the Velveteen rabbit in the same preschool classroom; banners and bells and beads and glitter.

A friend stopped by the other day and exclaimed over my handmade ornaments on my tree.  Since I consider myself totally not-crafty, I hadn’t really realized that we had more or less handmade ornaments than anyone else.  I did look at my tree anew though, admiring my sons’ crafty work: the ornaments they have made, and the fact that we all decorated the tree together and they chose which ornaments to put out.  My heart warmed when I realized how they have come to value the history and present life that the ornaments represent.

Our lives have gotten busier and busier as the boys have gotten older.  And I have been cranky at several points this holiday season about the apparent lack of time for our family traditions.  But I guess they still understand and appreciate and love our traditions, even if they haven’t figured out how to help, or haven’t made them their own.  And that’s ok.

So my organizing idea for you this week is to slow down and appreciate the Holidays for what they are.  An opportunity to get closer to God, to your community, your friends, your family and to your own self.   Admire and embrace anew your own traditions.  Appreciate the time and focus that being organized has afforded you, and reap the benefits now.   Slow down and smile and breathe.  I know I will.

Merry Christmas, everyone.