Managing Transitions: Coming Home. Do Future You a Favor!

At first draft, this post was going to be called “Don’t Drop Your Stuff In a Heap!”, but that seemed a little too rude.

Imagine with me… It’s the end of your work day.  You get home tired, hungry, perhaps a little frazzled.  Your defenses are low, your decision making muscles are all wrung out.

Admit with me – we could very easily give in, drop everything at the door, leave a trail of dirty clothes on the path to our PJs, grab a bowl of cereal or a bag of chips for dinner and flop on the couch for the rest of the evening.

Tempting… so tempting…

But, let’s look into our crystal ball…

How will Future You feel about your poor choices in the morning?  You may not have slept too well, with such a sad dinner.  You will be frustrated by the mess, scrambling around to get ready and make up for lost time.   Let’s face it, Today’s You and this evening’s choices are setting up Tomorrow’s You to fail.

What can Today’s You do right now, to ease your transition to home?  To help you spend a pleasant and relaxing evening, and to spend just a few moments tonight making tomorrow go more smoothly?

First things first, DO NOT LEAVE YOUR STUFF IN  A HEAP BY THE DOOR.  Take the extra 30 seconds and hang up your coat and bag, kick off your shoes and leave them by the door and NOT in the middle of the floor, and put down your keys in their Home, so you can find them again when you need them.

Next, address immediate needs and take a few minutes to decompress.  Change your clothes, grab a big glass of water and maybe an apple, then get dinner started (perhaps your menu plan is in place already?).

Whew.  Now that your physical needs are met, you can take a few moments to think ahead – what do you want tomorrow morning to look like?  Crazy and stressful?  Calm but energized?

If you still have some energy left, do more to take care of Future You:

  • tidy up the kitchen, run the dishwasher, set up tomorrow morning’s coffee, pack tomorrow’s lunch;
  • take care of today’s clothes, and plan ahead for tomorrow’s;
  • check the weather forecast plan ahead appropriately. Jacket? Umbrella?  (It’s October in Chicago, this is VERY important these days, with 85 and sunny one day and 60s with rain the next!);
  • line your gear for the next day near the door.

Future-You will thank Today’s You!

Managing Transitions: Work? First 5 Things, Last 5 Things

I’ve been talking with folks a lot lately about their Routines.  We often talk about morning or bedtime routines, to make those times run more smoothly.  But we can also create Get To Work or Leaving Work routines, to make those times run more smoothly, too!

We’ve all had those busy days!  Once you start your work day, you may have a hard time stopping.  So, this week, let’s think about how organize the start and of our work day to stress less and get more done!

I know, this may sound counter-intuitive, but focus on Yourself for the first few minutes you’re at work.  And if that means you also need to arrive a few minutes early, that will be time well spent.

First things first,

  • Grab your cup of coffee or tea, and refill your reusable water bottle.
  • Unpack your work from your work bag (if you carried any with you) and chill your lunch.
  • Hang up your work bag, your coat, your umbrella and whatever else you bring with you every day.  Clip your car keys in the proper spot (in your bag, on your purse, in your pocket) so that you can find them again when it’s time to go!
  • Take a couple of deep breaths.
  • Now, and only now, look at your task list, email or workload for the day.  Pick your three most important tasks and make a space on today’s schedule for progress on those tasks.  Then jump in!

Last 5 things:

Conquering these super busy times of your work day will help you work better and feel less stressed throughout your day!

Managing Transitions: Get There First and THEN Goof Off.

This past Monday, I spent half an hour working from a local park.  It was a lovely early Fall day, so it was nice to be outside with a great view.  I checked my email, scheduled and confirmed client appointments, checked in with a couple of program sites about upcoming classes, .

More importantly, the park was exactly 4 minutes away from my next client’s house.

Why did I have half an hour to goof off at a park in the middle of a weekday?  Well….

I had a morning client appointment that ended early.  According to my GPS, I had a 35 minute drive from client #1 to client #2’s house, and about 75 minutes to make the 35 minute drive.

The first inclination, of course, is to stay where I am.  Right?  Now that I have a few extra minutes, perhaps I find somewhere to grab a snack, run an errand or two, make a couple calls and then get on the road about 35 minutes before I need to arrive at my 35-minute-away destination.

But you know what happens, right?  The logic seems solid and then you run into traffic,  or the errand takes longer than it should or you run into a friend at Panera and chat, and now POOF! that extra time you thought you had is now gone, and you run late for an appointment that you TOTALLY could have made on time.  You’re left apologizing to the client or the office staff at your doctor’s office for running late, and feeling frustrated because you HAD left on time but…

Even my son pointed out something funny the other day.  He had seen a meme on YouTube, where a guy showed up late for a work meeting complaining about the traffic with an iced Starbucks in hand.  My son is 14, and even he can see that it’s not necessary to be late.

So, as we learn to manage our transitions better, I suggest getting to your destination FIRST, and then if you have extra time, spend it around your destination so that you can still arrive on time.

A dear client of mine once had to explain to her houseguest WHY I was sitting outside of her house at 12:50 pm for a 1 pm appt.  She knew my habit of ARRIVING first, and then using any extra minutes to check email, make phone calls or check texts.  At the stroke of 1 pm, I knocked on the door and we all had a good laugh about my habit, but I still stick with it!

Before the play last week, my friend and I made sure to get to the theater and pick up our tickets before the show and THEN we found some lunch.  I’m not suggesting skipping the lunch or caffeine break or whatever else altogether,  just use your smart phone to scope out places near your destination to visit if you have the time.  Life and traffic and planning and everything are just too uncertain sometimes, so get where you are going and THEN goof off!

Managing Transitions: Leaving The House. What’s On Your List? 

This week, let’s look at that very busy Transition Time, Getting out the door in the morning!

What’s on your list?   Your short list of Very Important Items?

Yesterday, I received a phone call just as I was heading out to my first client appointment. Typically, I would not answer a call at that time of day, but this person only calls when there is something important to discuss.

I answered the call, and then asked her to wait a second as I continued to gather my things to head to the car.  “Phone (obviously)… lunch bag…water bottle…coffee … backpack, keys, extra shirt… um, ok, I’m good, now we can talk”.  She may have thought I was a little nutty (she’s probably right!), but that was a typical morning and my typical mental check list before I leave the house.

Earlier yesterday morning, my freshman went zipping out the back door, took about 10 steps, stopped, turned around and came back in, shaking his head.  He sheepishly grabbed the form off the table he needed to turn in at school, plus his wallet and keys that he had left behind.  In his haste, he forgot his mental check list before he went out the door, but luckily caught himself before he got too far!

What’s on your list?   You know, that short list of VERY IMPORTANT ITEMS that you ABSOLUTELY NEED to make it through your day?  The omission of which could REALLY mess up your day?  Typically…

  • Keys
  • phone
  • wallet
  • glasses
  • sunglasses
  • lip balm, handkerchief, other optional personal items for you

Maybe you have the mental check list for the family, for kids’ backpacks or diaper bags or trumpets or gym uniforms.  What’s on your list?

I had a great teenage summer job working with a nice woman on her food cart (Le Dog!) in downtown Kalamazoo where I grew up.  She was the first person I knew who had an index card posted above the door handle on the exit door to her work space.  On it was a check list of the things she needed in-hand to head out to sell her gourmet hot dogs (keys, money apron, etc.), and also the list of things to remember as she left for the day (turn off the warmers, unplug the drain overnight, keys and umbrella, etc.)  Right above the door handle, so she would see it every day.

This week, give some thought to YOUR LIST, those 4 or 5 items you really can’t do without.   Then, create a habit of checking in mentally with your self before heading out the door.  Better yet, establish a physical space near your exit, whether at home or at work, where those items live, or can be lined up as you prepare to leave.  And if it would help, consider a post-it or index card near your exit that helps you remember to bring your vitally important items!

What’s on YOUR LIST?

Managing Transitions: Get Up and Get Ready!

Teaching a time management class last week, I reminded everyone that, from an organizational stand-point, our daily times of transition can make or break our schedule, our stuff, our brain and our peace of mind.

We all meet many transitions every day: sleeping to waking; home to work or school or both; arrival at work or school; leaving work or school; arriving home; leaving again for the evening; bedtime.  And conquering these transition times will bring us ease, help us be on time, get and stay organized, and get more done with less stress.

Let’s start with the first big transition of the day: Transitioning from Sleep to Ready to Leave!

Over the last week, I’ve run into the two extremes around Morning routines.  One client had no morning routine at all, and one had a routine that was too complicated and overwhelming  to succeed.  Let’s find some middle ground, and make this happen!

Keep it simple, Sweetie.  Start with Need To / Must Do Tasks.

  • And, start with things you can only do at home!
  • Shower (though I suppose you could do this at the gym!);
  • Get dressed (unless pajama day every day is the policy at your office. For the rest of us, though, we have to get dressed);
  • Fuel yourself with breakfast;
  • Brush thy teeth / comb thy hair / shave thy cheeks, etc..
  • If your getting ready routine is still too complicated, consider what tasks you can redistribute to other times of your day, like showering or exfoliating at night, for example.

If that is all you have time for before you leave the house, so be it.

What can you take on the road, if need be? 

  • And, NO, you wacky people on the toll road last week, shaving and applying eye liner while driving are NOT things you should take on the road!  However:
  • drinking your second cup of coffee, in a spill and leak proof go-mug;  or
  • eating your breakfast bar; or
  • reading the newspaper on the train (on my IPad’s Tribune App) are all tasks you can take on the road! 
  • I spent many days on the road this summer.  I still have the habit of carrying a small bag of essentials like lotion, toothpaste/brush, comb, etc., and each has come in handy in the last week!  Pack your little bag of little things, and take that on the road, too.

Get really good at completing the essential tasks EVERY DAY and in a timely manner. THEN… add in the optional items, the Cans and Shoulds and Just Maybes.  These may include:

  • pack that lunch and think about dinner;
  • office tasks like checking email;
  • house tasks like laundry, washing dishes; and
  • whatever other tasks you may tackle regularly but are not truly essential.

Give some thought to your short list of MUST DO tasks this week, get really good at completing those completely and on time, and then add in some of those optional items if you have time.  Conquering this first transition of the day will start you on the right path to a great day!


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Will You Ever?

I spend a lot of time in the decision making process.  For myself, of course.  But even more, time with my clients, guiding them through the decision process.  Sometimes, for some people, decisions are difficult to make.

It is easier for me to help guide the decision making process with other people’s stuff because I can be objective about it.  When facing a pile of clutter, there are questions we can ask ourselves to help make decisions on what will stay and what will go.

Ask yourself, “Will You Ever?”.

Will you ever… use this?

Will you ever… wear that?

Will you ever… read those?

Will you ever… complete that?

Will you ever… get those pants shortened?

Will you ever… get that broken lamp repaired?

Will you ever… display these, refer back to this, re-read that again, look at this again?

Will today be the day that you wake up and are suddenly motivated to do things, wear things, take care of things, that you never have before?

If you answer “No” to these questions, the items in question… are clutter.  And they need to go.

If we were in your closet or kitchen, office or garage today, facing a pile of clutter, we can make decisions and progress clear clutter by honestly answering “Will You Ever?”.

So, what will it be?  Yes or no?  Will You Ever?

Shop Your Own Stuff First

It’s fair to say, most of us have plenty of stuff.  Sometimes, more stuff than we need!  And sometimes, we have excessive amounts of things, but we STILL CAN’T FIND THEM!  ( So frustrating, I know.)

I taught two classes in Woodbridge this summer. A participant who attended both was chatting with me before the second class began.  She said that my advice to “shop your stuff first” had really resonated with her. She used the example of deviled ham:  Her husband had a taste for deviled ham, and asked her to pick some up at the store when she was out. She asked him if he had checked the cabinet first, and proceeded to find 4 cans of ham in the cabinet already. This is not a criticism, by any means, because many of us operate exactly that way! It happens!

Cleaning out a client’s linen closet last week, she kept exclaiming “Oh great, I was just going to have to go buy this or that” when we came across new items like cleaning supplies, unwrapped pillowcases and sheet sets, first aid supplies, light bulbs, etc.

I’ve been in homes with overcrowded bathroom storage and linen closets, with a dozen rolls of toilet paper in every storage space… except the bathroom that needed some!

The moral of this story (or this blog article, at least), is to Always Shop Your Own Stuff First.

Shopping Your Own Stuff First helps you:

  • Save money by not re-buying items, and by using up your stuff before it has a chance to expire;
  • Save time by reducing your errands and shopping; and
  • Cut down on clutter by avoiding excess stock piles of stuff

But to make the “Shop Your Own Stuff First” advice work, we need to set our homes up to succeed.

Determine what you have.

Explore all those places in your home where you stash purchased inventory.  Perhaps your closets, cabinets, laundry or utility rooms, your car’s trunk, the garage, etc.?

Establish a home (or homes)  for storing your inventory. 

We have chrome shelves in the laundry room where we keep our extra pantry supply inventory like paper towels, toilet paper, light bulbs and cleaning supplies.  As we use items, we restock from this inventory.

For the client and her linen closet I mentioned earlier, we established one shelf in her large closet, at eye level, for all her different types of inventory. Now she can tell at a glance what she has and what she needs to restock.

Always shop those storage areas first!

Working with a client last week, we were preparing for a party.  She had pulled out her stock of tea lights, other candles and candle sticks, and filled in as much as she could with what she had before purchasing more.

We have a cabinet with school supplies like new notebooks, folders, loose leaf paper, pens, etc.  Today before we headed to Office Max / Depot, the high-schooler first checked our supplies to determine what we already had and what we still needed.

Shop differently:

  • ALWAYS Shop Your Stuff First!
  • Always use a list.
  • Know yourself and your family.  Don’t buy what you won’t use.  An 18 pack of toilet paper that no one likes is not a deal, no matter how cheap it was.

Creating this one good habit, of Shopping Your Own Stuff First, can save you time and money and eliminate hassle and clutter in your home!


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My Message to the Graduates, As We Start a New School Year

This past  May, I had the distinct honor of giving the following commencement speech for a middle school graduation.

“My name is Colleen Klimczak, and I am a School Board member of Evergreen Park Elementary School District 124.

On behalf of our school board and superintendent, I would like to welcome you all.

More importantly, and this is more important, especially tonight, I am also a parent of one of our graduates this evening. My Son is sitting out there, robed in green and probably shaking his head at his mom right now.

Sorry, kiddo. I wish I could say that this is the last time I will embarrass you, but we both know that is probably not the case.

I want to say
Thank You
to all of you here
for coming.
And not just coming to this graduation ceremony.

You see, as a parent – my graduate this evening is my youngest of three – I know all that goes in to getting to this point.

Thank you to our teachers and staff who have instructed and guided our kids along the way. These students have benefited immeasurably from these dedicated, passionate educators.
As a board member, I thank every one of you for your service.

And as a parent, I thank each of you that has had a hand in guiding my son.
These educators arrive early, stay late, they’re in the classrooms and hallways, at extra events on evenings and weekends, they are always available via email. Trust me, I know.
And they truly have our students’ best interests in mind. We are so fortunate, and I am so grateful.

Thank you, parents. And grandparents and aunts and uncles and all those folks who also show up.

I’m not even going to finish the equation, of number of mornings multiplied by number of school years so far! Lunches packed, backpacks, homework, gym uniforms, sport uniforms, band instruments, car pools, field trips, forms completed. Then there are the games and concerts and events that we are seriously SO happy to attend. A shout out to John’s grandparents who are here, and who have showed up to EVERYTHING for my three boys over the years.

Students – yes, tonight is about you, but some time this evening, please stop and look your parents and grandparents and significant adults in the eyes and thank them for helping you get to this occasion. They love you so much, trust me.

And now, Students!

All of you here may not know this, but this an amazing group of young people.
I have known some of them since kindergarten, and even before that.
I’ve been so blessed to spend time with some of them over the years, and watch them all grow. They are smart, funny, engaged and curious, civic minded and involved.

Students, I have three things to ask of you this evening.

First, Do the right thing, even when no one is watching.
Don’t bother with easy, or just skating by, just because you think no one will notice.

YOU will notice.

And once you know you can count on yourself to do the right thing, your confidence and capacity for doing the right thing will grow.

Perhaps you’ll find yourself in a situation and you’re not sure what the right thing to do is?

Go with kindness. Justice. Fairness. Thinking and thoughtfulness. Those are always going to be the right thing. And the Right Thing might not be what everyone else is doing, but that’s ok, they are just waiting for you to set an example.

Second, Find your people.
Look around, and see the people that are doing what you want to do, what you aspire to do.

Surround yourself with good people who will lift you up, build you up.  Who aren’t about drama, who are also the ones doing the right thing even when no one is looking.

Find and appreciate those people, and
more importantly, strive to be that best person for others.

Finally, Start and end with gratitude.
Be grateful for your natural born talents and your diligently honed skills.
Be grateful for your family who loves you, for the education you are working for, for your friends and our community.

Imagine, remembering just one thing you’re grateful for as you start and finish your day every day.  Imagine how great that would feel, and how much that small habit would positively impact your life.

Do the Right Thing; 
Find Your People; 
And Start and End with Gratitude.

I’m going to take my own advice here, and say thank you, Central Middle School class of 2018, for letting me get to know you. I can’t wait to see what each of you will continue to achieve in big and small ways, in the years to come. Congratulations and Well Done!


Receive more ideas and suggestions like these;
Book time with me in person or virtually;
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Did You Know? August Is National Wellness Month

Did you know?  August is National Wellness Month!   Let’s take an organized look at wellness!

What does Wellness look like to you?  When I talk to clients about time management and strategic planning, there are recurring wellness themes that often accompany clearing clutter and getting organized.



Get back on track:  Perhaps you had healthy habits working for you earlier in the year, but maybe you’ve lost intensity or focus.  Every day is a great day to start fresh!

Let today be the day to: order a salad for lunch instead of a sandwich and chips; make an effort to increase your water consumption; check out your local farmers market for seasonal produce; or get back to tracking your food choices (my personal plan for this week!)

Better yet, set some goals:  Setting a deadline can boost your motivation, so choose a date in the next month or two to achieve healthier outcomes or weight loss, and map a plan per week to achieve those goals!


Better Sleep

We read articles in August about adjusting children’s sleep schedules for Back To School bedtimes.  Let today be the day we try this as adults, too!  Binge-watching summer shows messing up your sleep hygiene (Game of Thrones for me)?  Or maybe those yummy iced coffees?  Back off the caffeine, step away from the screens, head to bed a little earlier!

Traveling last week, I was reminded how much I really love my bed.  Now is also a great time to review your mattress, pillows and sleep environment in general, and make sure everything is working towards the goal of better sleep!


Appointments and Screenings

We’re over half way through 2018 (unbelievable, right?!).  Grab your calendar and make some phone calls or go online to schedule any remaining required screenings or appointments for the year, such as:

  • your annual physical;
  • suggested preventive health screenings, appropriate for your age; 
  • your annual flu shot;
  • an annual eye doctor appointment, especially for students and teachers heading back to school;
  • your twice annual dentist appointment;
  • visits to the chiropractor, podiatrist, etc.



What activities do you like?  How can you weave them into your schedule as exercise?

Our morning walk today was pleasant, with the cooler morning temperatures. I enjoy seeing my community’s lush yards and beautiful flowers.  I read a book while on vacation called Deep Work, and the author was just talking about the benefits of being outside in nature to boost our moods and productivity.

Last week, we rented bikes and biked the 8.2 mile loop on Mackinaw Island (see picture!).   I highly recommend the experience, and it reminded me how much I love to bike.  So on my August list is “make sure my bike is road ready”, and start biking for errands and leisure!

Now is a great time to sign up for exercise classes for Fall, too!  Some local yoga classes have caught my eye, and are starting soon.  What is calling to you?  Go and do it!

Get up, get out, get involved!


Self Care

I am negligent when it comes to self care, but I am working on it!  It has been an stressful summer for me, and I have come to realize that Self Care can’t be optional!  Yesterday, I had a massage along with my chiropractic adjustment, and made sure to schedule my August appointments for both before I left the office.

I talked to a friend about meditation yesterday, and she suggested YouTube for short meditations for affirmation and for better sleep, so I will check those out.

Other components for self care for me have been respecting my boundaries (and occasionally saying No), fueling my body with healthy foods and relaxing with reading.  That may not seem like a lot, but for me, it’s progress!

What could you do this week, to treat yourself kindly?


For National Wellness month, set goals and take action, or at least get back on a healthier track after some summer shenanigans (or is that just me?)!

Deep, Philosophical Towel Questions…

Towels.  Have we ever chatted about towels?  We should.  These underappreciated workhorses in our homes get used all day every day, without a thought.  So let’s think about towels.  There are deep and philosophical towel questions like:

  • How many is too many?
  • How old is too old?  Do you need a rag bag?
  • How often should you wash them?
  • Does every one get their own towel?
  • How should you store them in the closet?
  • How should you store them in the bathroom?

How Many is Too Many?

If you are asking if you have too many towels, the answer is probably Yes.

In my organizing classes, I talk about Towel Math.  How many of certain items, like bath towels or coffee mugs, do we really need?  How many dirty people will ever be showering in your home at one time?  This is an extreme example, I know, but it helps us realize that most of us have WAY too many towels.  Bath towels, beach towels, kitchen towels, hand towels, etc.

Our linen closets are full to bursting.  Even if we did catch up on all the laundry, there is no room to put all the towels away.  Sound familiar?

Let’s talk about where to get rid of towels.  If they’re in good shape, consider sharing them with a friend or college student , or selling them.  Donate clean old towels to your local animal shelters (old bedding and t-shirts, too), like PAWS in Tinley Park.

How Old Is Too Old? 

Review the status of your towels.  Can you see daylight through them?  Are they stained, discolored?  Would you offer them to a guest? Do they match anything in the house?

Our oldest towels graduate to Dog Towel status.  Keep in mind, we have not owned a dog since 2007, but we still call them dog towels.  And instead of being used to dry off the dog after a bath (hence the name), now they mop up large spills, dry cars, line boxes for moving stuff, etc.  To cut down on confusion, once an old towel is relegated to dog towel status, mark it with a Sharpie on one corner with an X, or cut a corner out of the fabric, and then store them where they are needed, like on a laundry room shelf and not back in the linen closet with the actual people towels.  Also, set a limit for the number of dog towels you have.  We want the oldest dog towels purged as new ones arrive, too.

“How old is too old?” leads to the Rag Bag question.

Do you need a rag bag? 

No.  Seriously? Just No.

We may dedicate a “rag bag”, but few people actually use their rag bags.  Towels, t-shirts, random fabrics pieces – all end up in the rag bag but nothing EVER COMES OUT.  The bags sit and mold and take up space without accomplishing anything.

Perhaps a rag pile (no more than 10), or a ventilated rag bucket?  No bag.  Trust me on this one. And if you really plan to use them again, don’t call them rags. Call them cleaning cloths or painting cloths, or anything BUT rags.

Better still, invest in microfiber cloths, re-use and wash them a MILLION times, and ditch the rags all together.

How Often Should I Change / Wash Towels? 

I know folks all over the towel spectrum, between “Wait, I’m supposed to wash my bath towels?” to “I use a new towel every time I take a shower.”  As in all things, the truth lies somewhere in the middle.

If you google the “Wash how often?” question, the leading answer is ‘after 3 or 4 uses’.  Bath towels need a chance to dry out before being used again, but can be re-used a few times before washing.

Dish towels and hand towels, on the other hand (pun intended), should be changed every day.

And PLEASE – every body gets their own bath towel.  Just because, you know, ewwwww…

How To Fold Towels? 

This was a conversation early in our marriage, as each of our families fold towels differently.  I come a “fold in thirds down the long edge, then folded three times so it fits on the shelf AND easily hangs on the towel rod” family.

My husband came from a “a half across the short edge and then half  again, so they fit better on the hall closet shelf” family.

Then there is the popular “rolled” approach…

I’m not going to tell you how to fold your towel, but I suggest you pick a way and be consistent, so your stacks look and work better.  I still hold to the triple / triple fold, because it fits my towel shelf best.  Take your pick, just be consistent.

Finally, How To Store Towels In Use?

Remember, ventilation is key for towel storage.  A wet heap – whether it’s a dish towel, bath towel  or beach towel – serves no one well.  So, make sure your towels get some air.  I love the standard towel rod, but space becomes tight if more than 2 people use a bathroom.

A towel hook works, and can be personalized to hold each person’s towel.

You can also set up an over the door towel rack, either in the bathroom or in a bed room,  for good ventilation and storage!

Just make sure the towels get hung up and the hooks get used!

I bet you didn’t know there were so many towel questions to ask! (Neither did I, until I started to writing!)  But show your towels some love this week, purge the old and take care of the good!