What Does “Ready” Look Like For You?

What does Ready look like for you?

In one of my favorite short presentations entitled “How to Never Be Late Again”, I list 4 ways to never be late again. I feel like that presentation would make a great podcast around back to school time in August, so stay tuned!

For today, though, one way to never be late again deserves it’s own article and podcast episode!

The idea is to “Prepare to leave again as soon as you arrive home.” Get back to “ready”, return to ready, whatever that looks like for you.

This is my typical strategy for most things in life, so I don’t even think about it most days. But a friend recently mentioned that my firefighter analogy resonated with her because she had gotten out of the Back to Ready habit during the pandemic and was slowly getting back to it.

So, here we go:

Consider ambulance drivers and fire fighters. They clean up and reload their rig after every call. Now, for the rest of us, Life is not an emergency, but it’s easier to be flexible when we know we’re prepared.

Did you know? I have a firefighter family. My dad is a retired firefighter, his dad was a firefighter and my oldest brother just retired after 30 years.

I remember visiting my dad at the firehouse when I was a kid, and there was a tower for the hoses. It seemed tall to me. Most things do.

When the rig comes back from a fire, from using a fire hose, the hoses are washed and hung up in the tower to dry, to unkink and smooth out, etc. Because you have to take really good care of fire hoses.

The pressure, the amount of water that courses through those, per minute is astonishing when they are being used to put out a fire. They need to be well tended so they don’t burst.

That means washing them, drying them out between uses, hanging them straight so there’s no kinks or folds, letting them hang out and dry and then rolling them up.

Once the firefighters hang out the recently used hose, they restock the rig with the clean and dry ones. Immediately upon returning back from a call, they also restock the rig with supplies, their turnout gear, safety precautions, and medical equipment. And imagine an ambulance, right? Same deal.

So if you called 911 and need an ambulance or a firetruck, do you want to imagine that they are standing in the bay of the firehouse, restocking the rig after you call?

No. You want them to be already on their way when you call, right?! They need to have all the things, but not too many things. They need to have everything they need and not much more because that would be a very full rig. But you, as the caller, want to know that it’s restocked and ready and waiting. And honestly, that next call could come in 2 minutes, or it could come in 2 hours, but it doesn’t matter because whenever it happens, they’re ready to go.

Back to ready. Right? Right. whatever that looks like for you.

So the idea is to prepare to leave again, as soon as you arrive home.

What I am NOT suggesting is that we need to live in this heightened state of panic, anxiety, emergency. I never want us to feel that way. And actually, what I’m suggesting – Getting into the practice of getting ready to leave – would help you to feel a lot less stressed. More prepared, less stressed, more ready for whatever the day may bring.

What I also like about this strategy, too, is that it can be personalized. You know for yourself and for your family or your office, your work, whatever what ready looks like. I think that that’s a big piece of it, is, knowing what ready looks like.

I was on a retreat in February of 2020. At one of the presentations I attended, the presenter talked about your core.

She didn’t say getting back to normal, she talked about getting back to your core, your baseline? What is your core? What is your starting point on any given day or week? What is that for you? My return to ready.

I spoke last week about helping with transitions by having a physical location to drop all the things out of our pockets and a habit around cleaning things out.

So you’re ready to repack and put things away and whatever that would be. So again, what is that for you? What is ready?

Certainly when I get home, there are things that I do. I put my bag in the same place every day when I arrive home. I unpack my water bottles and put them in the sink. I make sure that my keys are clipped onto my handbag (it’s a backpack).

And if I’ve used up anything in my backpack that needs to be replaced (gum, tissues, a pen, cash), I replace that immediately, because I am going to remember that I used something up much more clearly the moment I get home versus a day or a week or a month later when it comes time for me to leave. If I wait to check everything over again and maybe refill then I’m going to forget something. My go-to is to make sure that I have restocked immediately upon arriving home, as opposed to waiting until it’s time to leave to do the restock.

Do you see the difference? It is a big difference. It’s a different way of thinking of things. But it really does matter when we shift to being ready, no matter what, versus having to prepare when it’s time to go.

Now, if my husband’s listening to this, he also knows that sometimes when I’m getting ready to go, lately, occasionally, I have forgotten my phone. (In my defense, that “forgetting” means I walk out the back door and get in the car before going back for it, so is that really forgetting?)

The most likely reason that I have forgotten my phone is because I am distracted, often by people. The second most likely reason is because it wasn’t where it belonged, which, if it’s not on my person, is supposed to be my desk, unless I’m in bed and then it’s on the table next to me. So I have habits around those things. That’s what ready means to me. Ready to go. This is truly the opposite of, an emergency.

I mean, it’s still an emergency if somebody calls 911 and needs a fire truck or an ambulance. My other example is from when my kids were little. And if you ever had to take a child to the ER, you don’t want to have to stop and pack the diaper bag. If you want to go, you need to go, right?

You also need to have an idea of what stocked looks like, right? So, again, it’s not that I packed a million outfits or whatever, but, for example, a stocked diaper bag for the babysitter’s house was six clean diapers. The wipes were wipe container was full. There were two sleepers, two outfits, two pairs of socks, let’s say two blankets, let’s say five burp cloths, whatever that standard level of packed or ready was.

And I knew what that was, and as soon as we would get home from going places or the sitter, I would make sure that it was restocked and ready to go. I would replace what had been used and make sure we were back to ready. I didn’t pack a million things. I just made sure the essentials were covered, bag was packed, we were ready for whatever whenever!

If we needed to just up and go, we absolutely could. And that was so freeing. We could go in an emergency but we could also just head out the door and go to the park or go to the library or whatever, and I didn’t have to fumble and repack because that was already done. And we didn’t get stuck anywhere without the essentials. We could set it aside and forget it, which is great. That is what Ready meant for us.

So how do we translate that into our everyday? Where is it in your life? What goes with you? What is it that needs to, be easier? Where would this idea help you? Let me know what you think, I’d love to hear from you!

What My Producer Learned From Me About Organizing

I recorded the 15th episode of my podcast last week.

15 episodes.

15 Episodes!

Since I launched my podcast in November, the process has become smoother. Thank GOODNESS! Not that the process was hard, but getting over the initial fears and and bumps in the road took a little time. Everything was new and different, so I had to adjust and also learn how to make the process a sustainable habit integrated into my typical weekly schedule.

And I learned. Hooray!
And I had help. Also Hooray!

My producer Chris Lanuti with BroadcastBasement.com set up my accounts across all the podcast platforms and created my graphics. He makes me sound good every week, writes my descriptions every week (I like his better than mine), and continues to guide me along the podcasting path.

I am gratified to say that while I have been learning SO MUCH from Chris, he mentioned that he has learned a lot from our time together, as well. He is present as I record every episode and then he produces the episode, taking out all my goofs and ums / ahs, adding my theme music, etc. So the poor guy listens to me at least twice through every episode and content area! And he has learned a few things in all that listening!

As I grow professionally and grow my podcast, I would like to have guests with me for some episodes. Chris offered to be my first guest, and here are highlights from our recording session!

What My Producer Has Learned From Me About Organizing:

Prioritize Your To Do List!

Chris says he has always been a list guy, but sometimes he would look at the unprioritized list, only cross off a few things in a day and feel frustrated that he didn’t get anything done.  And yep, I feel the same sometimes!

But the better quesiton is, for Chris and for all of us, did he get done the work that NEEDED to be done TODAY? After listening to the organizing podcasts, he is better about prioritizing what is on the list.

For example, using the Eisenhower Box idea (Podcast Link, Blog Article Link), his tasks are broken into three categories: “Top”, “Next” and “Ahead”. And he gets more done more easily, without tasks slipping through the cracks.

  • “Top” tasks are both urgent and important and need to be done today.
  • “Next” tasks are important tasks that can perhaps wait a day or two or more. They’re important but they are not yet urgent. And
  • “Ahead” is a parking place for ideas for later, in the next month or two, or longer.   The ideas are safely kept on the list until it’s time to work on them.

How can you better categorize your to-do list to get more done?


Client communication / Newsletter:

In January, as we recorded one of my episodes, we were discussing “unsubscribes” from our client email platform (we both use Constant Contact).  I think we both had maybe 2 unsubscribes one week. He mentioned he didn’t usually click to see who unsubscribed but he did that week and was suprised to see they were people he knew pretty well and saw occasionally. And it felt personal!

So we both had to get over the fact that Yes, subscribers may come and go sometimes, especially in January when folks are cleaning out their inboxes! But that lead to the conversation around newsletters and communcating with our clients.

A Podcast is a tool of communication in itself!  But we have to communicate more directly, too, so let’s talk newsletters!

We both use newsletters to reach out to our community. Consistent, value-added communications are the best way to keep in touch. Recently, he changed the format of the newsletters he sends out. He said he “stole” the idea from me, but it’s a generally accepted practice, so I called it “incorporating a good idea”: In the same way that I have sections of my weekly newsletter to highlight my different product offerings, he now has info on the current episodes, an “if you missed a recent episode, here’s where you can listen”, and calls-to-action to check out and actually subscribe to the podcast plus check out other podcasts he also hosts.

Chris is better about segmenting his address list than I am.  His lists segmented by which podcast a person listens to, current advertisers, possible advertisers, etc. My address lists are segmented, depending on where I met someone (networking, classes, clients, etc), but I send out the same newsletter to all my subscribers every week.  Because…

  • I’ve been in business for 20 years, and the lines have blurred for many of my community members!
    • Organizing clients have become friends or networking partners or coaching clients, class participants have become coaching or organizing clients or friends, etc.
  • I consider you all my Community. And
  • Any subscriber can reach out to me for any reason, to hire me to coach, to organize, to set up a presention, to share an organizing or recyling resource, etc.

How can you better communicate with your community?


Experts: In business and in life, Find your experts.  Use your experts.  Be the expert for others.

Chris and I talked a bit about who our experts are, and how we use those connections that we have.

An example of how I use my experts is hiring Chris to set up and now produce my podcast. Since 2020, the not-knowing-how kept me from starting my podcast. Chris and I had talked about it, but it took me two years to take the leap. It took some courage, but I had the idea and the expert to help me get from idea from to finished product.

In the interview, I also mentioned how I puzzled for months over how to set up my business – C Corp, S Corp, LLC? I pondered, I read lots of information, I worried. And then I realized I had an attorney, my friend and networking partner, who could tell me what sort of business structure would best suit me and my situation. One phone call and about 15 minutes later, I was on my way (and she is still my legal expert, www.KerlinWalshLaw.com).

We must consider how long something will take us to figure out versus how someone else – our expert – can complete a task more quickly and competently than we can. This is a slow lesson to learn sometimes, but when we step out of our own way and let our experts practice their art, we can regain time (and therefore money), mitigate stress and have things done right the first time!

What expert do you know that could make your life easier today? Call Them!!!

Give a listen this week!

If you would like to know more about getting started with your own podcast, or if you want to check out any of the other podcasts from the Broadcast Basement, check these out!