Clear Some Closet Clutter This Week!

      Last week, I knew it was time to Swap out my clothes for Fall when I could not find something to wear in a full closet.  Chicago’s September weather is capricious, and wardrobe choices are challenging when we can wake up to frost, and are back in the 70’s by 3 o’clock.

     I have zippered canvas bags on my top closet shelf for off-season storage.  There is a card in a clear pocket on the front with “Summer” written on one side and “Fall / Winter” on the other (I know, not terribly original).  So out came my Fall faves, and away went all my summer colors and hot weather items.  I feel much better about opening up the closet to make my choices!  My challenge to you is to Spend a little time organizing your closet this week.

      Why?  Why spend time organizing?  To make life simpler and less stressful, and ensure we are using what we have in the best way possible.   To make decision-making easier, to clear out real and visual closet clutter, to review what you have in an objective and critical way, to make sure you are looking and feeling your best in the clothes you have. 

     You have two options for your plan of attack:  1.  Carve out a couple of hours and phone a helpful, supportive and honest friend (or call me, and I’ll help!).  Then take all the clothes out of your closet, review them and purge what needs to go, then put back what is left.  OR: 2.  Do your closet in bits and pieces, like shelves today, rod tomorrow, or pants today, skirts tomorrow.  “Bits and pieces” are less disruptive but take longer.

     Sort clothes in a way that makes sense to you.  With clothes, your best bets are either by color or by type.  I prefer to sort by type, with all the pants together, all the skirts together, etc.  I have clients that sorts strictly by color.  Both ways are correct, so long as they make sense to you or to me.

      Once we sort, we decide what stuff can go away.  When it comes to clothes, it is helpful to realize that some items can stay in your life, but can be stored somewhere other than your closet. 

  • Items may need to go away just for the season, like specifically summer items and shoes.
  • Some items may need to go away for longer.  For example maternity clothes can be stored away somewhere else in your home if you plan to have more children or are saving them for a family member.
  • Also in your home but not in your closet may be clothes from older children that you plan to save for younger children (I have three sons, we always have bins in storage for the between sizes).
  • Treasures:  Your bedroom closet is prime real estate, beach front property, if you will.  Dedicate it to the stuff you use and wear all the time.  Treasures are great, but should be stored elsewhere.  Yes, I still have my wedding dress, but it is safely stored in the basement.

 I am not a fashion consultant, but let me share what stayed in my closet, and moved to the front:

  • Light weight wraps and capes, for drama and color in this transition time, before I commit fully to a coat!
  • Clothes in Autumnal (I love that word) and winter colors, regardless of fabric weight
  • Scarves, for drama and color and occasional warmth to lighter fabrics. 

What left the closet, for now?

  • Clothes is summery colors, like pale yellows and creams. I really only look good in those with a tan. 
  • Duplicates of shorts, leaving just a few pairs in my drawer for the few really warm days we have yet
  • Most of my sandals, sad to say.  The flip-flops that match my swimming suits went in the drawer with the suits, in case we travel, and the rest went in the canvas storage bag.

 What left the closet and my life for good:

  • I have a friend who does not transition her closet.  She dresses extremely well, and wears everything in her closet.  The closet is not really big, she is great at using well what she has.  For the rest of us, though, we need to occasionally purge and shop, to keep our wardrobe fresh. 
  • Anything more than one size away from my current size went away.  Happily, I am smaller than I was in the spring, thanks to clean living and Weight Watchers.  And after working hard to earn this smaller size, I cringe when I put on the now too-large clothes.  Bigger is not better, nor is it flattering.
  • Some cool weather clothes went away, like the stuff that I never liked, e.g., some boot cut jeans I had because I heard the cut is supposed to be flattering to my shape.  But I can’t stand the extra fabric.  So I practiced some tough love, cut my losses and ditched the pants.
  • Loved items that were starting to show their age.
  • Summer stuff that I did not wear this summer, and won’t wear next summer.

     A word on Replacing / Shopping…. I should mention I swapped out my closet only after I looked through my September / October magazines to become aware of the styles and trends for fall.  So, now that I know what I have on hand, I also have a clearer picture of what I need to purchase to replace my purged items and update my clothes for fall. 

     Spend a little time and make your closet work for you.  You’ll thank yourself tomorrow morning!

4 thoughts on “Clear Some Closet Clutter This Week!

  1. Barb says:

    Helpful article, thanks. I have been trying to get a little motivation going. I did a monster of a purge this past spring, and am determined to do this twice a year, yucky but necessary. I finally got my clothes down to where it all fits, no more of the dreaded biannual switching, which had gotten pretty old because I just had too much.. I was basically hoarding. Love your article, and today I am going through everything one more time as I take the bag protectors off of coats and jackets, and replace mothballs in my sweater wardrobe. I will put the bag protectors on my summer jackets and suits.. yay! no monster switch over!

    • Colleen Klimczak, CPO says:

      Good for you! I do like the idea of not needing to switch the closets. However, I have a small closet, and I share it with some of my spouse’s clothes (most of his work clothes are in the basement near the bathroom he uses to get ready). I have whittled down my seasonal stuff to a few small canvas bags, and will have to be satisfied with that. And good idea with the mothballs, a friend and client just found her favorite cashmere sweater with a nibble or two out of it!

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