Right-y tighty, left-y loosey: Gratitude and a Flat Tire

ImageTo say my morning did not go as planned is an understatement.  The mental checklist I went over in my head after the alarm went off bears little resemblance to how the day actually evolved.  I did not drive the day-camp carpool (thanks Beth), I did not make my 9:30 meeting, and I did not see my client at noon (but she cancelled with me before I could call her to cancel!).  But that’s all OK, actually it’s just fine, and let me tell you why…

All the reasons I am truly grateful I had a flat tire this morning.

  • I now know how to change the tire on my new(ish) van, and it was not that difficult.
  • I taught  my 12-year-old son how to change a tire, and he was really good at it!
  • Last night’s rain cleaned most of the dust off the roads, and today’s rain had not yet begun.
  • I discovered the flat in broad daylight pulling out of my alley, 100 yards from home, instead of having it occur on a busy expressway or in the dark.
  • The event served as a reminder to check over the safety items in my car.  We are well prepared, but the flashlight could use some batteries.  Check!
  • I changed the tire myself, drove 10 minutes, and the nice people at Firestone at 104th and Cicero in Oak Lawn fixed me right up.  But this event also compelled me to confirm the phone and membership numbers programmed in my cell phone for Toyota Cares and All State Motor Club, just in case I need more help next time.
  • Sometimes we need something like this to push us out of our regular routine and cultivate gratitude.
  1. I am grateful for God’s grace and good friends.
  2. I am grateful to a boy I dated in high school for teaching me the golden rule of auto repair, “Right-y tighty, Left-y loosey”.  Thanks, Matt, wherever you are.
  3. I am grateful for a helpful son, a sunny day, my hubby for listening, the landscaper working nearby who offered assistance as well as the neighbors driving by and checking on me, a flexible schedule that allows for life’s little hiccups, and a capable mind and body.
  4. I am also grateful to be home and safe, and that I can now go change out of my clean-this-morning-but-now-grubby-with-tire-dirt work shorts…

Have a great day.  And you can make it great by listing all the things you are grateful for, too!