Quiet That Critic In Your Head. It’s All Baby Bear.

Ya’ know – Baby Bear?  From Goldilocks and the Three Bears?  Baby Bear’s chair was not too hard, not too soft. His porridge?  Not too cold, not too hot.  His bed?  Not too big, not too small.  It was all Just Right.

Baby-Polar-BearAre you feeling things a little too strongly lately, or maybe not enough?  Or perhaps some days it feels like time is just dragging, and then suddenly deadlines or holidays loom up right in front of us?

Hang out with me this week in Baby Bear – It’s all Just Right.

You see, my mind was swirling last week, spinning wildly through to-do lists and client projects and kid activities.  My nagging internal voice kept whispering “there’s not enough time, you haven’t done enough, you’ve done too much, you’re going to be late, what did you do… blah, blah, blah.”  Swirl, swirl, swirl.

The everyday demands of work, home, family and health are enough to keep us busy most days, but then toss in the extra thoughts – albeit good and wonderful thoughts –  about travels and holidays and special meals and logistics, and, well, your brain may be swirling too.  Is it?

It’s OK, friend.  Everything will be fine.  It’s all Baby Bear, Just Right.

Looking at the story, of course we want to be Baby Bear!  Papa Bear was big, gruff and cranky, from sitting on a hard chair and eating overly hot porridge.  Mama Bear was sort of mushy, from sitting in a squishy chair and eating cold porridge.  And Goldilocks was the worst house guest ever: ate all the food, broke stuff, took a nap and then ran screaming out the front door.

Yep. Baby Bear had it right.  Say it with me.  It’s all Baby Bear.  It will all be Just Right.

Now, don’t misunderstand me:  I am NOT suggesting that the next month or 6 weeks will be all sunshine and lollipops and sugar-plum fairies.  No way.  Some days we will be cranky like Papa Bear, or squishy like Mama Bear.  We may even break stuff, need a nap or run screaming from the room like Goldilocks.  If we allow it, our internal critic will whisper words to trip us up, and diminish our joy and purpose this Holiday season.

But we can remind ourselves that every day is a mix of hard and soft, cold and hot, big and small.  That’s life and there is no way around it.

And let me suggest – be grateful for the ups and downs and all-arounds this season.  A friend got a flat tire this morning on the way to church.  And when I saw her, she said she was ready to cry.  But cry tears of joy, because as she was calling friends to help, a tow truck pulled up behind her, the driver helped her with her tire, and got her on her way with a “God Bless You”.  God is so good.  See, it really can be All Baby Bear, Just Right.

So, change your internal critic’s monologue.  Or play Christmas carols so loud you can’t hear that insidious whisper.  You DO have enough time, you CAN get the important stuff done.  You might be late, but is that so bad?  You ARE smart enough, skinny enough, talented enough, wonderful enough.

Take a couple of deep cleansing breaths and tell that critic’s voice in your head that sounds remarkably like you to back off, get lost and let you get to work.

It’s all Baby Bear.  Things will turn out Just Right.

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