It’s Time.  Why now?  Why Colleen? ….. Well, Why Not?

It’s Time.  Why now?  Why Colleen? ….. Well, Why Not?

A friend challenged me to write a blog to help her share my business with others.   She asked “Why should we get organized now?”  And “Why should people call you to help?”

Why Now?

Well, you name it – Spring, Mother’s Day, more organizational resources and products than ever before – it really is a great time to get organized.

Why Me?

My friend mentioned that “awkward moment” people experience, when they think about calling an organizer or asking for help.  Because we’re vulnerable, and fearful of sharing our “stuff box” (messy closet, scary basement, crammed file drawers).  As I listed the reasons why people should hire an organizer, and specifically me, this article took shape.  So, M.D., here are my answers to the “Why Now? Why Colleen?” questions:

I won’t judge.   

You’re a good person, with strengths and God-given talents.  And perhaps Organizing isn’t one of them.  And that’s OK, because organizing is a strength for me.  So let’s work together on getting you organized so you can focus on the areas where you DO EXCEL.

I will be more compassionate with you than you are with yourself.  (see “I won’t judge”)

I DO know where to begin, even if you don’t.

A statement I often hear is “I’m so overwhelmed, I don’t know where to begin.” I understand.  But here’s the thing – I do know where to begin.  We will list the projects, prioritize and pick a place to start.  I will help you organize and come up with a system that works for you.   Every client, every project, every time.  I DO know how to get organized, even if you don’t, and I am here to help.

I am bound by confidentiality.

I will keep your information confidential, as a member of the National Association of Professional Organizers, and because I’m a good person.  Your private life should stay private, and preserving my reputation and business success requires me to be trustworthy.

I am objective.

Some clients prefer to organize with me rather than family or friends because I won’t get bogged down with past hurts or expectations.   I am completely unemotional about and unattached to your stuff.

This is my business, and I am an Organizing Expert.

I really do love what I do for a living.  I am committed to my clients, I am insured, and I have many great resources for you.  I know several solutions for your organizational challenges, so we can create personalized solutions for you in your home or office.  My clients are individuals, as are their systems.  When I mentor potential professional organizers, I immediately mention that just being an organized person is not enough.  We have to come with solutions specific to our clients.

My agenda is always Your agenda.

Organizing and organizational coaching are all about YOU.  Making your home and office work their best for You.  I may be the organizing expert, but my business exists because of You.

So, yes, It’s Time to get organized, and I may be just the person to help.  And then again, I may not be, but I can point you towards the right person who CAN help.

So, Why Not Now?!