Real and Imperfect, That’s Me! But Continually Improving!

A reader shared the following with me last week:

“… Even though you are a professional and experienced organizer, I love the way you admit your own struggles and challenges. It’s not like you try to paint yourself as this perfect person who has it all together all the time. There are so many ‘gurus’ out there who speak in a way which tends to cause the average person to feel like they could never live up to their standards. You, on the other hand, are very relatable. So, thanks for that.” – T.

Wow. Just Wow.  This review means a lot to me.

T. – thank you and you’re welcome. And trust me, I am as real and imperfect as everyone else!  I am always organized, though.  And I am always looking for ways to improve.  To improve me, improve my situation, improve the lives of those around me.  And I would suggest that you can, too.

The following phrase keeps coming up, as recently as this week’s coaching call with my accountability partner Jan!   “What is the learning here?” or “What  did we learn from this?”

Last week’s article focused on how I identified a challenge I was having and some steps I took to improve the situation. And that is what I want for all of you (and me).  Continuous improvement.

It’s important for all of us to keep improving. We all are real and imperfect, beautiful and flawed and divinely created.  And we all are capable of growth until the moment we stop breathing.   The 90+ year old retired priest at my parish says “If you can’t find anything in yourself that needs to change, you’re not looking hard enough”.  This, from a century of living.

My clients often call me in the midst of overwhelm or chaos.  But they still call me.  They make the conscious decision to make things better.  They have assessed their situation, at home or at work, and have realized that getting life organized will improve the situation.

This week, I celebrate my 400th blog post and my 15th anniversary in business.  Yet, there is so much more to do! So many more ideas to be explored!  So many areas I can still improve upon!

To continually improve, we need to be aware of our self and of our current situation.  Sometimes that means we have to step back a bit and look at the big picture.

We need to objectively look around.

We assess our situation, and identify opportunities for improvement.

We use our creativity and imagination in coming up with solutions, or we ask for help from friends or experts.

Once we find solutions, we commit and dedicate resources (like time, energy, money and space) to the solutions.

We maintain the solutions, all the while being aware of our selves and our situation, and possibly starting the process over and over and over again.

We can be real and imperfect, but still improve every moment and every day.  I look forward to my next 15 years in business, and my next 400 blog posts.  I look forward to all the different ways I can improve our world and how I can help you to do the same.  Thanks for being with me on this journey.