Preparing to Get Organized! (a.k.a., What To Do Before Your First Organizing Appointment)

I often hear from new or potential organizing clients, “What should I do to get ready for our first appointment?”

I am happy to answer and I’m even happier to say that these steps are for EVERYONE to take, these first steps to getting organized, and not just my new and potential clients!

So, whether you are organizing with a professional or tackling the projects solo, here are some simple steps to get you started!

Stop Shopping.  Working with a client recently, we discovered a healthy stash of toothpaste and deodorant. In this case, “healthy” means a dozen of each or so, unopened. Another client has dozens – yes, DOZENS – of paper towel rolls, taking up a LOT of space. If you want to get organized and clear clutter, start with NOT acquiring more stuff! For example, if we have an appointment set to organize your kitchen and pantry, Do NOT go out and stock up on groceries. Use up what you have on hand! Same goes for clothes or towels or office supplies.

Along that same line, assemble your supplies from your home inventory (please read that as DO NOT GO SHOPPING!). And do not purchase containers, unless we’ve talked about them!  Supplies might include garbage bags, sharpie markers and empty cardboard boxes.

Imagine the end result.   Why are you tackling this (these) project(s)? What do you imagine your spaces looking like when the projects are complete? How do you expect to feel? What do you expect to gain from the organizing process?

Purge the Easy.
Take out the trash and recycling;
move the dirty laundry to the laundry room;
break down cardboard boxes flat;
toss the expired food in your pantry and clean the fridge..

Check out my resources page, if you need destinations for your stuff. Send stuff on it’s way! That ugly couch in the basement, the extra dining room table in the garage to a recent grad with their first appt?  Yep, arrange that pick-up!

Run the errands:
drop off other donations to their destination;
return completed books to the library;
take your dry cleaning in;
return unwanted items to their retailers;
return borrowed items that you are done using to their original owners.

Wow, your space is looking better already! Way to go!