300 words about Gift Wrapping. Keeping it brief, since we all have things to do.
During high school and college breaks, I worked at a a great local Hallmark chain, Don’s Card Hut in Kalamazoo, MI. Much to my delight, I could spend my whole shift this time of year just wrapping gifts for customers!
So I know a few things, let me share…
- Set up a folding / banquet table today, and plan to leave it up for a few days (this may be the only time I will ever say this.). Mine is in the basement.
- Collect your wrapping tools (tape, scissors, pens, etc.) and place them in a shallow container on the table. Expect to misplace them as you wrap, but at least you will start strong!
- Gather the gifts you have bought for your loved ones. This step provides an opportunity to check your gifts so far, and make plans for finishing your shopping (SOON!!).
- Match up the gifts with the necessary wrap. Inventory your supplies, factoring in additional wrap for the gifts you haven’t bought yet
and for the wrapping needs of anyone living in your house (they WILL be wrapping on Christmas Eve.)
- Go shopping for your gift bags / wrapping paper / tissue paper / gift tags / ribbons, etc.
- Get wrapping! Do not wait!
- If you have multiple destinations, set up and label boxes near your wrapping area for each destination, and add your wrapped items as you go (For example, “Christmas with my family in Michigan”, “Christmas Eve”, etc. ).
- Collect the receipts for purchased items. Keep yours in a labeled envelope for Just In Case. Place the gift receipts for each household in their own envelope with the family name on them, and plan to hand the envelope off to that household when you exchange gifts.
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!