Tips for Getting Our Christmas Shopping Done!

Pressure. I’m feeling the pressure. This week’s blog marks my 300th published blog. That’s a big deal, right? I mean, wow, a major milestone. And my grand idea is… non-existent. I have a vague idea to write a blog about the life on a solo entrepreneur some day, and I thought that would be today. But I’m just not feeling it. I want my blogs to be about You, MY Readers, not about me.
But…. still…. nothing.
After a client cancellation this morning, I found myself with a few free hours. Presented with a few unscheduled hours – what to do? Being the responsible sort, I took care of A LOT of work, woo hoo!! I followed up with clients, booked appointments, and scheduled a speaking gig for November 7th. Of 2016!!! Wow! Cleared out 2 inboxes, yeah! Plus mowed and raked, since it is a lovely day.
But mostly, today I wrestled with priorities and how to fit all the big rocks in my jar for the next 2 months ( click here if you don’t know the reference: http://www.sparkpeople.com/resource/motivation_articles.asp?id=264 ) .
I wonder if any of you wrestle with your priorities, too?
Take 30 minutes this week to map out the last two months of 2015, making space for your important priorities! Here are mine, for the next two months:
Family: We sent out emails to our fabulous families over the weekend and today about upcoming events, dinners and holidays, to carve out and protect important family time. (and my brother recently shared this article with me, love it! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/secrets-danish-happiness_5630f211e4b06317991050dc )
Faith: My Catholic Faith is very important to me, and with Advent and Christmas coming, I added daily Mass back to my calendar when possible. And Christmas and all its wonder, of course, but I’m not ready to jump into that pool yet!
Money: This morning, for the business I paid my bills and balanced my check book. Better decisions come from being fully informed, so I started there.
Home: We ordered new bedding yesterday, which will get the bedroom paint project moving. There will be more to say in this category, but it was good enough to just put it on my list today.
Business: As mentioned, I have been very productive these last few days, professionally speaking. I want to end 2015, my highest producing year EVER, strong. So I cleared away some nagging to-dos, and made positive steps serving a lot of clients in the next few months.
Health: After a weekend of over-consumption, I recommitted to eating healthier and avoiding sugar and white flour, and making time to exercise.
Saying Yes while Saying No: I said Yes to events in 2016, but I’m cautious about saying yes to any more 2015 events.
Fun: I want something fun every weekend for the rest of the year. When our travel plans changed this past Sunday, I sat at my computer all day and plowed through a long list of tasks. Productive and necessary, yes. Gratifiying, indeed. Fun or family oriented? Nope, not at all. So I want movies, hiking, road trips, etc. Something fun every weekend.
What are your Big Rocks? This week, plan the rest of 2015 and make room for your important priorities.
Here is how to make these happen, Cap’n!
“Getting Up and Moving Around at Work” has been my intended topic for this week, but I find it amusing that I’m writing it while standing because my hip is sore. I’m blaming the high heels I wore to a weekend wedding, though it could have been the Cupid Shuffle at the reception!
The research is in, and it shows just how bad prolonged sitting at a desk is for our health, our productivity and our happiness. Too much sitting increases obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer and depression; and decreases metabolism, circulation and energy levels. This challenge is compounded by the fact that so much of our leisure time is also spent sitting – driving, watching TV, sitting at home computers, eating, etc. This sedentary and seated lifestyle is taking a toll on our bodies. On a personal note, last winter I went to the Chiropractor because of intense lower back pain, and sitting too long at my desk was part of the problem.
There is a lot of information out there right now supporting standing-while-working and increased activity during the workday. Standing up and moving around counteracts those negative physical effects of prolonged sitting. There are also productivity benefits to standing and moving around (just google “productivity benefits of standing work stations”). My energy and focus increase, while my stress decreases and my mood improves. Just by standing and moving around.
If you need more convincing, please do your own research – I did and I was amazed. But how to incorporate this strategy into our day? Try these:
1. Just Pay Attention. Making a change makes us pay attention to our current situation, and this usually leads to increased engagement and productivity.
2. Include activity breaks in your blocked work time. The Pomodoro Technique suggests 25 minutes of work and 5 minutes of break; I’ve also read 50 / 10. The premise is that our minds focus for a certain amount of time (25 minutes), and then our mind and our body need a break (and not just switching over to Facebook, or checking our phone). A break means getting up and moving, stretching, breathing deeply. My phone’s timer App can remind me to take my 5 minutes, or I can use my microwave timer if I’m home – it’s great because I have to get up to turn it off! The 5 minute break could be standing, stretching, walking around the office; or if you work from home, play with the dog, toss in a load of laundry, make a cup of tea, etc. Track your progress with a FitBit or activity bracelet.
3. Stay hydrated: I have learned a lot since my first trip to the chiropractor last winter, including the fact that I was chronically dehydrated. Add more water to your day, and you will get up and move a lot more, to re-fill your water bottle, and to use the wash room!
4. Run your own errands. Technology is great and convenient, but often it replaces actual activity. Yes, you could send someone an email, but you could also get up and walk over to their work space. Or drop off papers instead of using interoffice mail, or take a walk at lunch instead of ordering in.
5. Consider a standing Work Space, or other options. The standing work space is gaining popularity (go to Amazon.com and check out the variety of options!). We created standing work spaces in our home (here is what I am using right now), and more traditional offices are offering standing options, too. We don’t need to only stand, though – my massage therapist reminded me that standing all day could have its own negative effects. So, change up your space, and include both seated and standing options.
Stand Up! Don’t let that desk chair do you in, Get Up and Move Around to Feel Better and Work Better!
A client recently asked: “How Do You Get Out The Door On Time?”
I love this question for its universality – we all may struggle with this sometimes, whether getting the kids to school in the morning, getting out the door to go to the office or catch the train, or perhaps, like me, heading out to a client’s home or business. So look at each suggestion, and determine how you can implement positive change!
I asked some fellow working professionals / parents for their best suggestions – thanks to all who responded! And here are the Top 5 Suggestions:
Here are some other questions to ask yourself, when determining What Time is On Time? Where are you going? How will you get there? How long will Plan B take if you have to use it? What is the earliest you can arrive? How long does it take for you / your child to get from the back door to buckled in the car and leaving the driveway (could be 5 minutes some days!)? How long does it take to get from the parking lot to the door?
So, try one of these suggestions this week, and see what helps you Get Out The Door On Time!
There are “big picture” issues to address – new product lines, new marketing ideas, personnel issues, all of the “where is our company headed?” type-stuff .
There are “small task” issues – placing orders with vendors, scheduling service calls, handling customer service issues, and even just answering the phone.
And then of course there are the “fires” that occasionally pop up that require me to drop everything and handle that immediately.
So, look at your task list today and this week, and consider how to manage your time and tasks to get your important work done!
Last week, I asked professionals to share their Organizing Challenges. The first response was:
“My desk! Working from home, I’m so busy keeping the rest of the house organized, everything gets dumped on my desk! (thanks MG!)”
Has this happened to you? You’re ready to get down to business, but your motivation and energy drain away as you face a desk cluttered with
Keep you work space as sacred space! Give it the respect it deserves, and expect others to do the same!
However, my Not-At-All-Routine morning today highlights the point I want to make with my this week’s article, and that is to “Keep Your Mornings as Simple As Possible!”
Here’s how:
First Things First, Focus on Survival.
Food, clothing, shelter, safety. Make sure all of these are taking care of, before moving on to anything else. Feed your self and your people. Get clean, get clothed and get ready for school. Our days are starting even earlier this school year, so Focus is essential. I am still waiting to see how the middle school schedule pans out, but I believe my youngest will be starting by 7:30 am at least 2 days a week. So, to help me focus, my goal is to avoid computer / facebook / email before everyone’s out of the house. 5:30 – 7:30 am will be about getting everyone up, off to school or work, and home maintenance. After that, I can look at other things.
Limit Options. Decision making slows us down.
My teenagers and I had a conversation over the weekend that went something like this:
Me: “You have to eat breakfast before school this year. I know you don’t always manage a healthy lunch, so you’ve got to ace breakfast. What will you eat every day?”
Them: to paraphrase….”toaster waffles, we like toaster waffles. And costco pre-cooked bacon. We like that, too.”
Me: “So, if I keep toaster waffles and bacon on hand, you will eat breakfast in the morning?”
Them: “Yes.”
Cool. We have a deal.
I will not try to fill every possibility as I may have in the past – 5 kinds of cereal, a couple of flavors of granola bars, blah, blah, blah, and they still didn’t eat. Nope. Waffles and bacon. Done.
Limiting clothing options makes decision making easier, too. If you have indecisive or spontaneous little people, together (or not!) choose 7 outfits at the beginning of the week. Put the whole ensemble on a hanger or rolled up on the dresser. And pull from just those options for school days. Too many options kill decision making.
For example, a loved one mentioned how my favorite 2.5 year-old likes to pick out her own clothes these days. I remember that when my sons were young! And I cleared the drawers of everything I didn’t want them to wear, leaving them fewer but higher quality choices!
What does your Face look like?
There was a moment a few weeks ago, mid-tirade, when my brain stopped and said “I wonder what my face looks like right now?” Since I was raving at my kids, I’m sure I was red, scowling, possibly petulant… certainly not the person I want to be, or who I want my kids to see when they look at me.
When you are running around in the morning, what does your face look like? Take time for hugs and tickles, a few deep breaths, maybe some great music and kitchen dancing, you name it. Happy is contagious.
Leave Early.
Early is on time, and on time is late. We really just never know what will happen on the way to our destination, so it’s always best to leave a little extra time.
Parents, consider that when your child leaves you, they still have 5-10 minutes of getting into school / hanging up coats / unloading backpacks, etc. to contend with, before they’re ready to learn. Your child and teachers want you to err on the Early side of on-time, so everyone feels more in charge and less frazzled.
Trust me, Keep It Simple, Sweetie!
I taught a Time Management Workshop last week. I asked the participants “Why do you think your company chose Time Management as your professional development topic for today?” A gentleman answered “So that my coworkers and I could be more efficient with our time”.
This was a very good answer. I responded, “‘Efficient’ is great, and I’m sure your company indeed wants you to be efficient, because of course, who wouldn’t?” But I went on to explain that “Effective” would be an even better way to manage our time.
Those two words, Efficient and Effective, sound very similar, and may even be used interchangeably in regular conversation, but I learned long ago in a senior management seminar that they have different meanings. I explained:
To illustrate, I used the example of a Trip to Costco. For a small amount of money, I can purchase a ridiculously large bag each of rice and beans (like 25 or 50 lbs), and a couple of 12-packs of canned veggies. Spending just a little time, I can make enough rice, beans and veggies to eat every meal for weeks. Cheap, quick to purchase and assemble, and relatively nutritious.
Sure, I could eat this for weeks, but why would I want to? This efficient use of my time and money would be unappetizing and, after weeks, my health would probably suffer. We can see how efficient isn’t always best.
If, however, I spend a little more time and $$ in my planning, shopping and prep, I could still shop and eat efficiently, but I could also eat more effectively, enjoy my food and better health. By adding some variety to my shopping list and to my menu and spending a little more money, I could eat and live better, which makes that little extra outlay a more effective use of my resources.
We had a visitor last week from Germany, and we went shopping on Michigan Avenue for some gifts for her family. She was amazed at how pleasant and helpful the store employees were. She mentioned that she was used to efficient and competent customer service at home, but the helpful and chatty people made the shopping experience enjoyable. So, the associates we worked with managed to be efficient, but, more importantly, also effective and improved their customer outcomes by being friendly and helpful. And we probably spent more $$ at the stores because of this, which improves the company bottom line.
So, sometimes our work calls for us to be efficient, to work quickly and cheaply and get the job done. There is nothing wrong with Efficient. But for a little extra effort and resources, we could do our work well and improve our results or outcomes. We can be efficient and Effective, which would be even better. And Effective brings us closer to Excellence, which would be better yet.