Strategic Planning: My March Marching Orders

I’m working on my Strategic Plan this week, and you should, too.

My 2014 so far:

January:  snow; back-to-school and holiday wrap up; Get Organized Month, presentations and new clients; busy family life.

February: snow; my son’s Confirmation and the associated preparations, sacramental and otherwise; my Dad’s illness and the travel and planning associated (he’s better now); and busy family life.

These are all good things.  I’ve been focusing on details and getting things done, and that’s great.  But now I need to check my Big Picture, and make sure I’m looking at the right details and getting the right things done, plus plot my personal and professional path for the next couple of months.   Onward March!!

What and where:  Strategic planning is a useful activity to help us see the Big Picture, and determine:

  • What we’re doing;
  • where we are;
  • where we are actually going;
  • where we are should be heading;
  • where other people around us are going, and
  • what we have at our disposal to get us where we want to go, either personally or professionally.

There are often times when we just need to move forward, but only after we know where “forward” is, since we wouldn’t want to charge off a metaphorical or actual cliff…


I am a planner.  So trust me when I say, “Don’t Spend Too Much Time Planning”.  We can over-analyze and over-plan, leading to Analysis Paralysis and getting “stuck”.

Never Let Planning Take the Place of Action.

Regularly review your Plan and make sure you are still on the right path, doing the right things, moving towards the right goal.  I discussed this topic with my husband recently, and he mentioned that his department’s implementing weekly meetings, for everyone to check in on work flow plus elements of their strategic plan.

I can’t tell you the right percentage of time to spend time in planning.  It is necessary, but so is doing your actual work!  So make time for both!

Why and How:

  1. Strategic Planning takes the view from 30,000 feet.  Focusing solely on details for long periods of time stresses me out.  The closer we look at something, often the less we see.  So backing up, and looking at an overview gives us perspective and a break.  For example, looking ahead perhaps I see a conference coming up in April – I can note that, and start preliminary planning or book my travel plans, but I certainly don’t need to start packing.
  2. It always feels better to have a plan.  Most of us don’t like feeling out of control.  I understand the benefits of planning for events and the unexpected.  And just because sometimes things don’t go as planned, they often do.  And the act of planning is invaluable.  “In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable”.  Dwight D. Eisenhower
  3. Strategic Planning elevates the mundane, and gives purpose to our actions.  When we look at the Big Picture, we seen that our every-day work is part of something bigger and grander.  Hope is a huge motivator!
  4. Strategic Planning helps us recognize and allocate resources.  My biggest resource challenge right now is my own time.  I have ideas and energy to spare, but a busy schedule to manage.  I wouldn’t want it any other way.  But it means I have to allocate my most valuable resource very carefully.  Which leads me to ….
  5. Priorities: I have 7 index cards sitting here on my desk, with one word written on each, representing my main priorities.  Knowing that time is my most valuable resource, any new requests on my time have to fit in of those priorities, or the answer is “No, thanks”.
  6. Master To-Do List:  My master To-Do List is not the same as my Strategic Plan.  The Plan has broad categories and steps, and the To-Do List a very detailed list of tasks.  I couldn’t have one without the other.  My Strategic Plan dictates my tasks, and having my Master To-Do List ensures that work gets done, because it collects tasks and ideas for 4 or 6 months down the road, so the Plan and the List rely on each other.

This is a very broad topic, and I’ve given you a lot to think about today.  I have taken entire college courses on similar subjects, so I know Strategic Planning can feel a little overwhelming.  But invest some time this week on your Strategic Plan.  Gain perspective, look ahead, cultivate some hope, elevate your “everyday”.  Time well spent, I promise!

Less Searching, More TIme, Less Dirt, More Focus? Must be Clean Off Your Computer Day!

Today is “Clean Off Your Computer Day”, designated by savvy IT people to clean old files off your computer – Embrace it!  I am a PC user, and not familiar with Mac, but some suggestions are universal, so read on for ideas to make your system work better for you!

Here are my suggestions:

  1. Grab a note book.  These types of projects generate a lot of other to-do items.
  2. Clean up your actual computer:
    1. Turn off and unplug (if possible) everything.
    2. Locate and wipe off your computer’s fan(s).  My IT guy says this very important step is often neglected, and skipping it can hamper computer performance.  Keep your computer area de-cluttered to maintain good airflow.
    3. Grab your can of compressed air, and blow out your keyboard.  It’s amazing (and disgusting) what lands in there.
    4. Since everything is turned OFF, with an ALMOST DRY antibacterial wipe, wipe down your keyboard and mouse. I said ALMOST DRY, so if you do this wrong and screw up your electronics, I have 100s of witnesses who read “ALMOST DRY” and who know I am not responsible.  Let everything dry completely.
    5. With a DRY and clean microfiber cloth, wipe off your screen.
    6. Since the compressed air is going to blow stuff around, use a slightly wetter wipe and wipe down your work area.  It’s typically a very germy place.
    1. Every computer is different, so run a google search on “How do I remove the hard drive from xxxxxxxxxxx (brand and type of computer)”.  You will receive an instant answer involving a screwdriver and about 20 minutes of your time, and perhaps even links to you-tube videos to walk you through the process.
    2. Once the hard drive is removed, google E-Waste recycling in your area and get rid of the old computers, monitors and printers.  Many towns have permanent drop sites for such things as old computers and printers, TVs and almost anything else with a cord.
  4. Storage:  Back up, back up, back up.  External hard drive or cloud, take your pick.  This will be a blog for another day.  Just know you should be backing up your computer.
  5. Manage Your Hard Drive Better:
    1. Operating systems are getting cleverer with their search capabilities, but you can still save time by setting up your system better now to find things later.
    2. When you search for something, sort documents in your hard drive in reverse chronological order, all the time.  Click on the “Date modified” column on your Documents Library page until your most recently used documents are listed at the top.
    3. DO NOT just have one large folder with everything in it.  Just thinking about that idea makes me cringe.  A single cluttered directory makes finding anything very frustrating.
    4. Use Naming Conventions and subdirectories when you save your folders and documents.  For example, my business subdirectory contains a folder called “Presentations”.  Within that folder, I have subfolders for each type of presentation I give (so, Time Management, Kitchen and Menu Planning, Paper Management, etc.).  Within those folders, I have the actual presentation notes, but also the Handouts associated with the presentation, all starting with HO plus the presentation name, so I know which is which.  I use similar rules for naming other things, too, to quickly find files when I need them.
    5. My IT guy saves his documents first to large folders per Application.  For example, he has both a C:Excel and C:Word folder.  He suggests this strategy helps him find things faster.  Within those very broad “type” names, he then breaks down his files into categories.
    6. My saving method is categorical.  For example, I volunteer with Cub Scouts, Choir and Baptismal Prep Ministry.  Each of these important-to-me categories has its own sub-folder in my main drive, with a folder for each year or project, again to help me find my files quickly.

My clean-out-your-computer day activity may be deleting any documents more than 2 years old, or within category folders if those categories no longer pertinent (for example, “completed clients from 2012 and before”, etc.).  Clearing computer clutter will help you save time and focus more clearly.  What will your clean-out your-computer day activity look like?

As Maggie Says, Now There’s More Room to Dance!

Last week, I talked to two clients about productivity and time management.  Both are struggling to get more done, personally and professionally.  These high-performing individuals, Bob and Sue, have systems in place to take care of their personal and professional tasks.  But they, and we, often get distracted from maintaining those systems.

Sue, one of these two wonderful, productive and hard-working people, went so far as to say she was “lazy’.

I have a problem with the word ‘lazy’. Actually, it makes me cringe.  I never assume a person is lazy, but I think we all lack motivation, focus or a plan sometimes.  And I try to be more positive.  No, dear client and dear readers, you’re not lazy.  What is more likely is that life got in the way, as it often does, of being productive.  So let’s talk MAINTENANCE!!!

We have systems, we know what we “should” do, to move ourselves and our homes and our careers forward.  But we often get caught up in survival mode, and forget about taking a little time once or twice a day or week, to get back to the small tasks that helps us maintain order in our lives.  Bob has great time management tools that he’s used successfully (time blocking, face to face communications, email strategies), but he has fallen away from using them with some office changes this month.  Re-committing to proven, effective strategies is a lot easier than coming up with new strategies!

I got a wonderful email today from Sue about her maintenance efforts over the weekend with her family.  She said I could quote her, and since she says it best, I will!

“’Maintenance isn’t happening’ is a kind way of saying we’re lazy.  It’s true, and we’re teaching the kids bad habits by our example.  My new mindset is to keep removing the clutter, even if it’s in little steps.

Yesterday…I set a timer and cleaned for about 1.5 hours, giving us enough time to get ready for church and not be late.  After Mass we played in the snow, and then I cleaned the living room.  I met family for dinner around 3 pm, then came home and cleaned the dining room.  Hubby got rid of stuff while I was gone and Maggie worked at her stuff too.  Little pieces of cleaning made ALL the difference in my world yesterday.  Instead of complaining, I worked the problem until it was finished.  … We still need systems in a few areas, but there were more pressing jobs that needed done first, like getting cleaned up and cleared out so that we can start fresh habits from clean and organized spaces. 

I’ve decided to get to work, with Maggie working at my side.  Hubby tackles 1 or 2 small jobs before he goes to work each day because I know that works for him.  Weeknights are full with full time work, dinner and homework, so weekends work best for me for Maintenance.  I really took to heart your comments about finding out what day / time works best to deal with household maintenance chores and embrace it.  It’s ok to not go gang-busters during the week, but maintenance must be done during the time that’s been assigned to it.

You certainly got me rethinking my shredding/recycling locations while I was cleaning/de-cluttering my first floor.  Plus, after we took out the leaves in the dining room and put away the extra chairs, it was amazing at how much larger the space was…even Maggie noticed and said it was more room for her to dance in. 

 We just did some redecorating… the next job is getting some new area rugs, but the best part is seeing the space when it’s clean and clutter free with enough room for us to dance.  It’s so calming when it’s like that and because I know this, I know it’s up to all of us to keep it that way.  Doing even little things each day with help us all live better, less stressful lives.”  (Thanks, S!!!)


Working with a client yesterday, I mentioned this week’s blog topic.  We had just cleared out her large coat closet and entry way, and restored order.  We hung up things that had fallen, set aside things to be dropped off with errands and donations, and generally maintained the organization we had established on previous visits.  We agreed that she knew what she “should” do, but had just fallen behind on actually doing it.  We cleared clutter, and indeed, Maggie, Now There is More Room To Dance!

Little Pieces, Friends. Little Pieces.

I must have been really good this year, because my wonderful husband bought me a new laptop for Christmas.  Seems to me he is the Good One!  Especially considering he also is the one who will switch everything over to the new one and make sure everything is running just right.  He really is the best.

He started working on it first thing this morning, so I did not do my typical get up early / have coffee / plow through emails routine like I usually do.  And after a weekend of travel and yesterday’s oral surgery for my son, let me admit – my email inboxes were full to overflowing.  Now they are mostly cleared out, after 20 minutes of ruthless purging.  Whew.

But I realized the myriad of email subject lines about the New Year / lose weight / work more / donate money / get organized / etc. can be overwhelming.  And I looked at my own to-do list, which is also a bit overwhelming.  And the words that were echoing my head through all of that were “Little Pieces”.


 Little pieces, my friends, make up the greater big picture.  Take heart.  We can make progress in leaps and bounds.  Today, tomorrow, this week, this month, this year.  Absolutely!   There Are No Limits To Our Greatness!  But it all starts with little pieces.  Changing the world can seem overwhelming, but changing one little thing, one little piece – yes, I can do that.  And so can you.

In 2014, I will post lots of articles, I’m sure, but this week’s article is the first of many focusing on little projects that have big results.  Happy New Year, friends!

The Holidays Are Here. Don’t Say You Didn’t Know.

Here’s a head’s up – the holidays are here. Don’t say you didn’t know.  And Do not allow your procrastination to create emergencies for others.

I know the holidays are busy, but on December 23rd, you are not allowed to freak out and cause other people angst of any kind.  Not your family members or the poor unsuspecting store clerk who gets stuck waiting on the cranky-freaked-out you or your loved one who doesn’t receive the really nice gift they deserve.  If you don’t plan ahead now and take care of business, you don’t get to be crabby, or whine that the holidays just crept up on you and now you are too busy to get things done.

However, if someone else’s lack of planning causes you stress, you have my permission to say “No” to bailing them out, or at least expect a little something extra in your stocking for your troubles. 🙂

I was at Mass this weekend, and two of the three scripture readings said “Wake Up! Be Alert!  Be Prepared!”  Now is the time to wake up. Now is the time to prepare.  So let’s go!  Here is some tough love, friends.  You can get everything done, yes you can.  But you have to start now and you have to keep moving.

Take a couple of deep breaths, remind yourself It’s all Baby Bear, and get busy.

  1. Make a Plan – There is still time.  State your purpose.  Schedule the big stuff, put the events and necessary tasks on the calendar, assume that you will need to step up your usual pace for a few days to get things started.
  2. (Here is my purpose:  I am celebrating the gift of the Birth of our Savior.  I will open my home and heart to friends, family and strangers.  I will remember that the gift of my time      is the most unique gift I can give to friends, family and strangers, and plan accordingly.  I will give of myself and my resources joyfully, in the example of God and Jesus.  My mantra remains God, Family & Community.)
  3. Santa was right – make a list.  Make that list and check it twice.  As I sit here writing this, random ideas are popping into my head.  Work related – follow up with that client, remember to (fill in blank here). Holiday related – text sister-in-law about gift idea for (insert name here).  If it’s a quick task, do it.  It if requires a little more time, put it on the list.  Keep those ideas from getting lost, and then act on them.
  4. If you have something you need to do, Do It Today.  For goodness sake, why would you wait?  If you have the idea, and a little bit of time, take action!  Make the phone call, order the gift, run the errands, hang the lights, etc. Do it today.
  5. Do Good.  Donate your time or money or stuff to a worthy cause.  It is always the right time to do Good.
  6. Be prepared.  But be prepared to be surprised.  Prepare for work and life and the holidays, but expect that the unexpected will happen in the next month.  There will be big and little emergencies and surprises.  Prepare as much as you can, but expect pitfalls.
  7. Go to bed on time (Click here for my friend Erin Dubich’s Facebook page for more motivation: get out of bed on time.
  8. Make a January List.  There are already a number of tasks on my to-do list that I realize I won’t get to until the New Year.  So I’ve moved those tasks to January already, to clear more space in December.

Get busy, friends, get things done and make some progress towards great holidays this week!

Quiet That Critic In Your Head. It’s All Baby Bear.

Ya’ know – Baby Bear?  From Goldilocks and the Three Bears?  Baby Bear’s chair was not too hard, not too soft. His porridge?  Not too cold, not too hot.  His bed?  Not too big, not too small.  It was all Just Right.

Baby-Polar-BearAre you feeling things a little too strongly lately, or maybe not enough?  Or perhaps some days it feels like time is just dragging, and then suddenly deadlines or holidays loom up right in front of us?

Hang out with me this week in Baby Bear – It’s all Just Right.

You see, my mind was swirling last week, spinning wildly through to-do lists and client projects and kid activities.  My nagging internal voice kept whispering “there’s not enough time, you haven’t done enough, you’ve done too much, you’re going to be late, what did you do… blah, blah, blah.”  Swirl, swirl, swirl.

The everyday demands of work, home, family and health are enough to keep us busy most days, but then toss in the extra thoughts – albeit good and wonderful thoughts –  about travels and holidays and special meals and logistics, and, well, your brain may be swirling too.  Is it?

It’s OK, friend.  Everything will be fine.  It’s all Baby Bear, Just Right.

Looking at the story, of course we want to be Baby Bear!  Papa Bear was big, gruff and cranky, from sitting on a hard chair and eating overly hot porridge.  Mama Bear was sort of mushy, from sitting in a squishy chair and eating cold porridge.  And Goldilocks was the worst house guest ever: ate all the food, broke stuff, took a nap and then ran screaming out the front door.

Yep. Baby Bear had it right.  Say it with me.  It’s all Baby Bear.  It will all be Just Right.

Now, don’t misunderstand me:  I am NOT suggesting that the next month or 6 weeks will be all sunshine and lollipops and sugar-plum fairies.  No way.  Some days we will be cranky like Papa Bear, or squishy like Mama Bear.  We may even break stuff, need a nap or run screaming from the room like Goldilocks.  If we allow it, our internal critic will whisper words to trip us up, and diminish our joy and purpose this Holiday season.

But we can remind ourselves that every day is a mix of hard and soft, cold and hot, big and small.  That’s life and there is no way around it.

And let me suggest – be grateful for the ups and downs and all-arounds this season.  A friend got a flat tire this morning on the way to church.  And when I saw her, she said she was ready to cry.  But cry tears of joy, because as she was calling friends to help, a tow truck pulled up behind her, the driver helped her with her tire, and got her on her way with a “God Bless You”.  God is so good.  See, it really can be All Baby Bear, Just Right.

So, change your internal critic’s monologue.  Or play Christmas carols so loud you can’t hear that insidious whisper.  You DO have enough time, you CAN get the important stuff done.  You might be late, but is that so bad?  You ARE smart enough, skinny enough, talented enough, wonderful enough.

Take a couple of deep cleansing breaths and tell that critic’s voice in your head that sounds remarkably like you to back off, get lost and let you get to work.

It’s all Baby Bear.  Things will turn out Just Right.

Healthy Time Management: 10 tips in 5 Minutes or Less

breakfast2The Holidays are a wonderful time of year!  Unless you come down with a cold or flu, and then you’re miserable, regardless of the decorations and parties.  Your best time management would be to not get sick or rundown this time of year, right?!

I worked with a very wise client today – one of the first goals she mentioned is “making time for self care around the holidays”.  Awesome!!!

Make room in your schedule for these healthy habits.  Use your time better, be organized and less stressed, feel and live better.

  1. Drink a large glass of ice-cold water every morning when you wake up, to stay hydrated and boost your metabolism.
  2. Make a habit (maybe buy a pill sorter?) to regularly take your medications and supplements – with breakfast?  Dinner?  At bedtime?  Just make the habit.
  3. Clean out your briefcase, stand straighter and travel lighter.  Clean out the backpack, handbag, etc.  Pare down to what you really need.
  4. Strapped for time in the morning?  Grab a healthy and portable breakfast, like an apple and granola bar, on your way out the door.
  5. Pack your lunch – saves money, saves time, is much healthier!
  6. Every week, grab an antibacterial wipe and wipe down your computer area, keyboard, desk phone and cell phone.  And if you or people around you are sick, do it every day!
  7. Grab your calendar, and make your medical appointments for your annual physical and screenings, and twice annual dental visit.
  8. Take the stairs / park farther from the door
  9. Floss.
  10. Go to bed.  Early.  You know you want to, so just go to bed!  You’ll feel better, be more productive and more positive tomorrow!

Use your time better, feel better, live better – Enjoy!

What will you do with the next 8 weeks, the final months of 2013 (no pressure!)?

hourglass-hiThis article is not about the holidays.  Nope.  Not shopping, turkey or decorations.  Clear those from your minds

This is all about you.  You.  What will You do with the rest of Your year?

I attended a workshop this past weekend, where I met wonderful women doing great things,  explored creative writing and encountered inspiration!  One article our speaker mentioned was “The Final Stretch of 2013: Three Questions to Ask Yourself” ( .

The three questions are:

  1. What have I accomplished so far?
  2. If I had to choose just two priorities for the rest of the year (one personal and one professional), what would they be?
  3. What intention do I want to set for the next two months?


Accomplishments so far?  (This is often really tough for people.)

Recall your new year’s resolutions, if you can.  I won’t share my whole January self’s list, but I am proud of what I have accomplished this year:

      I raised over $1,000 for children’s cancer research by shaving my head for St. Baldrick’s, and registered to be a bone marrow donor through Be the Match (  I went “back to school”, taking coaching classes to expand my mind, business and skill set.  I met with and shopped with a wardrobe consultant.  I said yes to people and invitations. I’ve worked regularly with my accountability partner to move my business forward in great ways.

Next – Priorities and intentions.  These are very important, but you have to determine these for yourself.  Let me share a few suggestions, to help You determine Your priorities and intentions:

  1. Turn your thinking around.  My client today admitted to fearing the unknown. Just last week, a client, making a huge life transition, was fearful of ‘what could happen’.  She stated “This could be the worst situation ever.”  But it’s the ‘unknown’, right?  Which means it could also be the best, most amazing situation ever.  We just don’t know.  So let’s assume the best for a change.
  2. Find self-care that works for you.  I’ll never tell you to take a bubble bath, drink more wine or carve out “me” time.  Look instead for small and regular moments to nurture your spirit.  A friend mentioned getting together with friends to put together a self-care calendar for the next few months.  Just meeting with friends would count, right?!  Personally, I head to a local coffee shop and spend an hour with pen and paper, letting creative ideas flow.  And in this moment, I promise myself that I will blow off an afternoon and see a movie in the next 8 weeks, something that no one else in my house would ever see.   And I’ll eat all the popcorn myself.
  3. Who do you want to spend time with?  Spend the time.  Honey, can we watch more movies together?  Watching the scary one last night, and having you laugh when I hid my face behind a blanket made me laugh, too.  We need to do that more often.
  4. Get connected.  The word “connected” keeps coming up.  Listen to it.  Reach out to a friend you’ve lost contact with.  And I mean actually reach out, and not just on Facebook.  Hand-write some thank-you notes this month, to people you are thankful for.
  5. Forgive yourself.  I’m forgiving myself in advance for not getting through my reading pile by 2014. I am confident that it will not happen.  But I will read more of what I really want to read, and less extraneous stuff that just appears in front of me.  To that end, this moment I just purchased a kindle book for my IPad from one of my favorite authors.  Can’t wait to start it!
  6. Here’s a thought – take on less!  Perhaps you don’t take on more for the next 8 weeks – how about you take on less?  Get more sleep, take more breaks.
  7. Get just a little uncomfortable.  Stretch, try something new, feel just a little nervous.  Nothing new will happen unless something new happens. Get it?

So, what’s it going to be?  How will you choose to make the most of the end of the year?  Share!  And talk to you next week.

It’s 6 pm – Do Something to Help Today & Tomorrow!

I presented to the parents in my local school district last week.  We discussed tips and ideas to help our students get organized.  What a great group!  I loved speaking to all of them, and I also loved how everyone was willing to share challenges and ideas to support each other.

A Question I ask in my presentation is “Why should we bother getting organized, especially if we have kids?” We realize we are the parents, the Adult, and we set the example.  We want our children to do well in school and in life.  We want our lives to be less complicated, less stressful and more enjoyable.  And we want to be able to say “Yes” to new things. 

So, how can we set the example?  Get organized, be less stressed, enjoy life more.  This week and the next two, we’ll look at busy family times of day, evening, morning and after school.

Let’s say it’s 6 pm.  What can you do tonight that will make tomorrow run more smoothly?  Try one of these:

  1. Pack lunches for tomorrow (for the kids, and for you!!).  We use our lunch packing time to discuss nutrition, and what goes into a healthy meal. I have also found that the kids are more likely to eat a lunch they had a say in packing!  We pack lunches after dinner, so often the boys will pack leftovers like refried beans and cheese on a tortilla, or a piece of chicken.  And since we’re in the kitchen cleaning up from dinner already, it takes just a few moments to pack lunch for tomorrow.  If I have clients the next day, I will pack a lunch for me, since my lunch will always be healthier and cheaper than the fast food that is available between clients.
  2. Look at tomorrow’s Schedule:  Typically, our after-dinner adventures lead to checking out tomorrow’s schedule.  We check to what’s on the hot lunch menu, who has to be at school early or late, and who has what activities.  Checking tomorrow’s schedule provides an opportunity to place band instruments by the back door, and pack sports uniforms, a snack and water bottle for practice.
  3. Make time once a week, like Sunday night after dinner, for a family meeting /      planning session.  Review together projects and events for the coming week.
  4. Pack up the backpack tonight, after homework is done, and set it by the back door.
  5. Check the weather forecast, and pick out tomorrow’s clothes.   If you have small children, lay out their clothes on the floor in the shape of a person, facing down.  Then they can climb right in!
  6. Solve tomorrow’s problems today.  Because there is still time to go to the grocery.  Maybe this only happens in my house, but have you ever heard at 7 am, “Hey Mom,      by the way, I need 4 2 liters of soda for the band party.”?  The obvious mom response is “When is the party?”   And the answer is… wait for it….  Today.  So start the conversations early!  Another example:  the oldest son mentioned late last Tuesday that he needed to wear his black suit coat to his concert Wednesday night.  That would be the black suit coat he wore to homecoming, the one that was at the dry cleaners.  So first thing Wednesday morning I retrieved the now clean coat.  I am very glad I found out about it the day before, instead of at 5 pm Wednesday!
  7. Get to Bed on time!  All of You!

So, take a look at just this one part of your day, and how to make it better by being more organized and less stressed!  Let me know what works!

7 Tips to Run Errands Better!

I don’t know about you, but with 5 busy people in my house, I run a lot of errands.  Dropping off, picking up, shopping, occasionally returning.  And between errands and shuttling my family here and there, I spend a lot of time in my car!  Few things irk me more than having to re-run an errand because I forgot something or didn’t plan ahead, and so I make every effort to run my errands well and get things done the first time.

Here’s how:

If you know something needs done, do it soon.  I encounter “all or nothing” people, who don’t take care of personal business for weeks and then expect to run 20 errands ranging over 40 miles in 3 hours.  This is unrealistic, inefficient and destined for failure.  If time is an issue for you, consider shopping or returning on-line.  It may cost you money in shipping, but saves hours in errand time!

Have a Master To-Do List.  I always have my Master To-Do list on my phone.  Several times a day, I update it with errands and tasks and synchronize it with my computer.  Errands on the list include:  Routine / weekly errands (farmers market every Thursday, dry cleaners every Friday, pay Kohl’s bill on the first of the month); and episodic errands (drop off flag, purchase clarinet reeds, new dress shoes for A.).  I attach a date to all of them, then group them based on my schedule.

If you’re in your car a lot, too, run your errands on the way to somewhere else.  For example, when I used to work in the city, I frequented the post office, dry cleaners and grocery store that were on the way to my office.  These days, I am more likely to lump my errands into bigger blocks of time, based on a free hour or two some weekday morning.

Make a plan:  Think through today’s to-do list and each errand.  This past Saturday, I planned to shop for myself at one store, return stuff to another, shop for a gift at a third, and buy groceries at a 4th.  As I planned, I pulled my gift certificates and coupons for the first store, and located the receipts for the returns.  I packed shipping materials and labels for the gift, so I could box it up and ship it out as soon as I purchased it.  Then I made sure my cooler bag, reusable grocery bags, coupons and grocery list were in the car.  I had quite a pile of stuff to go, but I got everything accomplished in the time allotted!

Bring your tools.  I have an errand basket at the back door for returns, receipts, items to go to other people, etc.  Right now it contains a CD to go back to my brother and a flag to drop off to a fellow scout leader.  My Iphone is also a tool, to google store locations and directions.

Keep details with you:  I keep regular purchase details on my IPhone.  Along with the contact info for my local Office Max, I list the printer ink I use, to reference if I need to pick some up.  Attached to the contact to my local music store is the type of clarinet reed my son uses (I never remember).  In addition, I have my family’s current clothing and shoe sizes, plus gift ideas, in case I find myself with motivation and opportunity to shop.

Remember you are super but not superhuman.  Take a snack.  Take a water bottle.  Take a deep breath, take a break.  Then get back to it.

I wrote this for a friend I chatted with last week about how to make the most of her on-the-road time. I hope it helps you with that, too!!  See you on the road!